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  1. Sapphire, you could also be time barred on this depending where you live. An expert could tell you more as I'm just an ordinary joe public and don't know enough to give you good, correct advice. Good luck. NAE
  2. There will be someone along soon to help you with this. My moniker is as it says " notanexpert". However, I got a demand from FI dozens of calls then a threaten to take me to court for under £1700 owed to another firm, No letter of assignment received. So I sent a CCA request to FI. They could be anyone asking me to cough up. While I was at it I also sent a threatening letter to them, telling them I considered 3+ calls per day plus sms to my landline as harrassment, all future calls would be recorded and I'd report them to Ofcom for breaking all the rules. Template letters are available on this site. I sent the letters to the po box given, saw they were signed for and the calls stopped the next day. If your account is in despute with original creditor, then FI are chancing their mitt. Don't pay them a penny, and don't answer the phone to them, just send the letter quick smartish. Tell them immediateley by letter it's in dispute and see what happens. As I said, someone with far more knowledge than me will be along soon to keep you right. NAE.
  3. My 2 letters bore the same squiggle, sorry.. signature. Obviously signed in bulk for all. I sent both letters to PO Box. One a CCA letter and the other a "Stop harrassing me by telephone and mail letter otherwise" letter. Phonecalls ceased the day after receipt of my letter. No response to CCA from FI yet.
  4. Yep, Just checked and both letters were received and signed for yesterday at F.I. The silence is GOLDEN!!!!! Thanks for all your help so far in dealing with these cowboys. Will post when I have the CCA or otherwise. Thanks All, NAE.
  5. Update, My friends at F.I called again on 23rd and 24th April. However I send a CCA request letter and a threat to report you for harrassing phonecalls letter to the same address on 23rd April by recorded delivery. 26th April 2 calls and 1 text to landline. Today, so far .......nothing! I need to check if they've signed for the recorded delivery letters, which I think they have. I'll post again if they have.
  6. And yet another call 8.50pm hung up as soon as the ansaphone picked up. Called from 01204770421.
  7. Forgot a add in the new number they are phoning from. 08450349780
  8. Another phonecall today at 9.38 am left an automated message on my anasphone. Telling me I must urgently contact them on this number quoting ref etc. Then postie dropped another letter in. This time it's a pre court threat letter, adding cost etc to the £1700. I actually owe just u nder £1700 and they want to increase it to £1850 with court and solicitor costs. Threatening to send the boys round too! Time to send them a prove it letter. Likewise to Egg. Also a complaint of harrassment to OFT, OFGEM, TPS, Trading Standards. Any others I've forgotten? I've not had a notice of transfer letter from Egg or them. Naughty naughty. Keep you posted.
  9. Yes Jasmine, report them. The more who know about their bully-boy tactics the better. They're not ethical. They called me again today from yet another number; 01204770421 This time only rang a few times and hung up. Harrassment, for sure.
  10. The calls are as follows. 2 on 7/4/10 2 on 8/4/10 1 sms to landline on 9/4/10 2 on 10/4/10 1 sms to landline on 10/4/10 2 on 14/4/10 1 on 15/4/10 1 on 19/4/10 2 on 20/4/10 1 sms to landline on 20/4/10 Letter arrived on 13/04/10 Harrassment I think.
  11. Had a look at the log and the latest call was at 8.45pm. I nipped out today and they phoned while I was out, they left a message on my ansaphone in a metalic voice demanding I contact F.I urgently on this number with this reference. Hold it........ Guess who's just rung again??? F.I. But this time using bt's sms service. The anasphone picked it up, same message. They can go and fly........
  12. I think I may have logged a call after 9pm. I will look at it and see. I know there are restrictions as to when they can call, and I know they tend to flout this. Now I know the times I will be more diligent.
  13. Forgot to say........ all the calls have been at reasonable times, between 8.30am and 8.30pm. Though I'd be unhappy at being called for marketing purposes at that time in the evening or morning when I'm trying to set up for the day.
  14. Hello again all, A quick update on the saga.........F.I have called around 5 times over the last week or so and not once left a message on my shiny new ansaphone I bought specially for them to speak onto. The other houshold member has not been present when they've rung so we've not been able to impliment our plan to entertain ourselves and others with our response to F.I. I will, of course let you all know if/when it happens and let you know where you can access the recording. BTW. If you get any ash on your car from the volcano, be quick to removeit, as due to the compound of the ash, and it's fine granules/powder if it is left and is mixed with water, - say it rains overnight- it can set as hrad as concrete and be difficult to remove from your car etc without damage.
  15. Thanks for that. I didn't know. However, you would think they would have the decency to tell me! We've had a good relationship once we worked out a deal, all been tickeytboo. Can't believe they would dunp off such a small amount when it will all be paid off in just over a year at the rate I'm paying. C'est La Vie!
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