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Everything posted by dragzb

  1. Now I'm completely confused and have absolutely no idea what I've agreed to with the ombudsman now. The FOS adjudicator has looked into my request for clarification due to Minicredit wanting to settle at a lower figure and has said I am emailing in response to your email below. The business requested further clarification of the ombudsman’s final decision which I have now responded. The business has explained that it has not received a payment towards the fee amount of £635 so was not able to refund this to you. I have explained that this amount should be removed from your outstanding balance. Therefore, unless the business has any further questions I have requested the business to complete the settlement as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any further concerns. So am I supposed to get a refund of £635 plus the interest or not??? Can't decide who's worse the FOS or Minicredit now!
  2. Exactly what I thought anyway it's gone straight back to the FOS
  3. Ok so I seriously think that Ms Martinson is now playing stupid games here. She's emailed me but her figures don't seem to tie up with what the ombudsman says. The FOS states the following: My Final Decision My decision is that I uphold this complaint and I order Microcredit Limited (trading as MiniCredit.co.uk) to refund to XXX the interest applied to XXX account from 23 April 2012 to 27 June 2012 and also the sum of £635 Ms Martinson has emailed today and said I am writing to you regarding the Final decision made by the FOS. Microcredit Ltd should refund £507.64 according to the Ombudsman's view. Calculation shows that you had to pay the balance £582.60 that consisted of the following: 1. Principal £220 2. Interest 84* £2.2=£182.60 (1% of the principal per day for period 31/01/2012 - 23/04/2012) 3. Overdue charges £25 4. Overdue charges £55 5. Overdue charge £100 You paid £1090.24 to Opos so you should have a refund of £507.64 (£1090.24 minus £582.60) I've emailed back to say that I disagree with her assessment and have referred it back to the ombudsman as their final assessment differs (see above) She's now emailed me to say £635 were the failed debit attempt fees added to the balance after the due date (127 times £5) The total balance was £1362.80 but you paid £1090.24 and therefore as you did not pay for all the debit attempt fees of £635 I am not able to refund something you have not paid for. The FOS assessed all the charges and interest that were added to the balance £1362.80 and considered that £635 along with the interest added after 23/04/2012 were not supposed to be payable by you. Surely if the FOS say pay £635 plus the interest that's what they are supposed to pay???
  4. Success!!!! I've just had notification from the ombudsman that they've reached their final decision. They've upheld my complaint and agreed with the adjudicator that Minicredit did not treat me fairly or responded to my financial difficulties positively or sympathetically and therefore it is fair and reasonable for Minicredit to refund the interest applied to my account and £635 of charges. So I will be accepting this decision. Wonder if Kristel Martinson still has a job!
  5. Sorry my mistake they do have a minded to revoke. Which on the one hand is fantastic and I hope that this bunch of jokers go out of business but on the other is a nightmare for me as the ombudsman has my complaint and are progressing so if their licence does get revoked and my complaint is upheld does that mean it's very unlikely that I'm going to get the refund that is quite clearly due?
  6. It's been going for nearly 12 months now so I'm quite happy to sit back and wait for the ombudsman to make a decision. I don't think that Minicredit have a "minded to revoke" I thought it was Microlend Ltd which is a different company.
  7. My latest from the adjudicator is that she's upheld my complaint. She upheld this first in November 2013 which Mini Credit disagreed with, then reassessed and again upheld which she's actually added more monetary charges against minimuppets. Again they have disagreed so after the 11th April it's going to be assessed again by an ombudsman. I'm hoping that I'll eventually get this all sorted and finally be able to get some cash back from them. Well fingers crossed anyway.
  8. If there's a minded to revoke I'm now concerned if the ombudsman decides in my favour they will just shut up shop and refuse to refund which could be 12 months of fighting for absolutely nothing
  9. Latest from the FOS is that although the assessor has upheld my complaint minicredit disagrees with this decision so its now been escalated to the ombudsman for further assessment. God only knows when I'll see a resolution to this.
  10. Next question is what about those that already have complaints into the FOS, seems that the FOS are currently ignoring requests for updates
  11. Ok then so I've told the adjudicator to stick the offer (well in a nice way at least).
  12. Its the FOS who have now mediated and this is the first offer received from MiniCredit which surprisingly was MiniCredits original offer as a "gesture of goodwill". What the FOS are saying is I have until 30th December to either accept this offer or decline it, if I decline I have to give my reasons for declining. To be honest I'm getting to the point of saying stuff it accept the £183 and be done with it.
  13. Ok so I've had a response from the FOS as so.. what your complaint is about My understanding of your complaint is that you are unhappy with the amount of interest and charges Microcredit has applied to your account. You have explained that these charges were applied whilst you were facing financial difficulties. You also feel the amount of charges applied to be excessive and incorrect. Microcredit’s offer Following our involvement, Microcredit has told us that it is prepared to refund you 50% of the direct debit attempt fees, which totals £177. Microcredit is also willing to refund additional interest it has explained that you have paid which amounts to £6.24. You now need to consider this offer. When doing so, you may wish to bear in mind that the information provided does not indicate that you made Microcredit aware of your financial situation. Further to this, the terms of the agreement do indicate that Microcredit will attempt to collect payment three times per day. what to do next and the timescales for responding If you accept the offer, please sign the enclosed settlement form and return it to me. On the other hand, if you do not feel able to accept the offer, please let me know why, so that I can consider any further points. In our leaflet, your complaint and the ombudsman, we explain about your right to ask the ombudsman to review your complaint – as the final stage in our process. But I hope that now an offer has been made by the business, you will not feel the need to take your complaint further. I'm still not happy about this offer of £183.24 but is there any point in declining the offer?
  14. Had a response from the FOS Dear XXXX I am emailing to provide you with an update on your complaint. I have received all the requested information from Microcredit and completed my review of your complaint. I have issued my assessment to Microcredit and am waiting for its response. I will update you on my next steps once I have received a response. Yours sincerely I might get a decision soon then!
  15. How this drags on. I've now had a letter from the FOS stating they are investigating and that Minicredit have 12 weeks to respond! How long does this have to go on for???
  16. Seriously this Kristel Martinson woman is totally and utterly cuckoo!!! Email today is Dear XXXX XXXX Thank you for the reply I sent you the email below on the 30th of July but have not received a reply from you Then she's attached her email from the 30th July which I'm not copying out again but it's further up this thread. No I didn't respond to this email as I think that £183.54 as a gesture of goodwill is a ridiculously low offer, especially after the hassle I've had to go through to get to this point and the fact that it's been 16 weeks since I originally started the complaint and I still don't have a final response from her. At the end of the day £1090 on a £200 loan is extortion, they know it, I know it and I'm not going to accept such a low offer. I've emailed her back with the following which has been copied to the FOS Ms Martinson Your email was forwarded to the FOS and I agree that I did not respond to you as I do not accept the gesture of goodwill payment as offered. Furthermore your email of 12th September states you have attempted to contact me via phone which I take to be between 30th July and 12th September. This is not correct and in addition you have been advised on several occassions that I will only correspond in written format. It has now been over 16 weeks since I first raised this complaint with your company and we are still to come to a conclusion to the matter. This 16 week period is very much over the 8 week period as stated in your complaints procedure. This matter has not only taken up a lot of my time but has caused me several months of distress and therefore I feel that your offer of goodwill does not reflect this nor does it reflect the fact I feel I have been overcharged. Now she's just emailed me with this Thank you for your reply! We will be waiting for the contact from the Financial Ombudsman Service to provide them all evidence regarding your account
  17. The laughable thing about this whole situation is that it's been (so far) 16 weeks and 6 days since I first raised the complaint with MiniCredit. Their own complaints procedure states 8 weeks from start to finish!!!!!!
  18. Actually its typed verbatim and I was surprised that the English was that good. Perhaps she's learning.
  19. Latest from this bunch of clowns Dear XXXX Microcredit Ltd has received the complaint you issued with the Financial Ombudsman Service. We appreciate your wish to resolve the matter with your MiniCredit account and acknowledge the reason you have asked help from a third party. We want you to be completely happy with our products and service. That is why we are committed to listening to feedback and resolving your complaints where we can. To help us investigate and resolve the issues and concerns that you have and before we issue the Final Response to you and the Financial Ombudsman Service please provide to us additional information. We consider every complaint separately and come to a solution depending on your specific requests. There are various possibilities to settle the complaint and we would like to come to the one that is mutally agreeable. I have tried to contact you on the phone numbers registered with us and have not been successful. That is the reason why I am currently asking you to contact me by phone on the number 0871 890 3015 from Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm. Together we can then agree on how to move forward. Kind regards Kristel Martinson MiniCredit.co.uk Head of Customer Support and Claims Department Firstly what additional information does this woman want she's had all information and she's getting nothing else and tried to phone me well she hasn't and anyway even if she had I won't deal with this over the phone and she knows it. I've emailed back and told her that as previously stated I'll only deal with this via email.
  20. Further update on my ongoing saga. As you know my complaint is lodged with the FOS and today I received a further email from Kristel Martinson as follows Dear XX We have received the letter from FOS regarding your complaint. My assistant tried to contact you in order to discuss a reviewed settlement offer. You paid £1090.24 that covered the following 1. Loan principal £220. 2. Loan interest 1% per day from 31/01/2012 to 27/06/2012 totalling £327.803. 3. Overdue charge £25 added 29/02/20124 4. Overdue charge £55 added 02/03/20125 5. Debt recovery charge £100 added 29/03/20126. 6. Debit attempt fees totalling £354 added up to 23/04/2013 As a gesture of good will, we are willing to refund 50% of the tailed debit attempt fees along with the £6.24. The total amount we are able to refund is £183.54 Kind regards Unfortunately for them that's just not good enough. My question is do I wait for the FOS to rule or do I go back to these muppets with a counter negotiation?
  21. I'm still waiting for Kristel Martinson to write to me to tell me that the FOS have been in touch, shame she's so completely.... well I won't say it. However all documentation going backward and forward between myself and this woman will be forwarded to the FOS on Monday. I'm expecting a partial refund, I know how much I want, and I'm going to stick to it. Fletch70 is quite right in that this woman cannot string a coherent sentence together and she can't get her maths right either!!!!
  22. And so my saga continues.... Opos decided that they have closed the case and referred me back to Minicredit to lodge a formal complaint using their complaints procedure which I have been doing. Minicredit after a month of emails going back and forward decided to offer me a refund of £6.24, I originally thought I'd read that incorrectly and they'd put the decimal place in the wrong place but nope six quid was all they thought that I was due. The way that they worked this out was:- Opos reduced the total outstanding balance by £266.56 and accepted the received payments totalling £1090.24 as the full and final settlement of the account. Kristel Martinson considers that as I paid £151.44 more than was the balance on 23/04/12 and default date of 27/06/12 (£145.20), the only amount refundable would be £6.24. She also provided two breakdowns The balance was £938.80 on 23/04/12 when you made contact with Minicredit which consisted of Loan principal £220 Interest 1% per day from 31/01/12 to 23/04/12 totalling £184.80 Overdue charge £25 added 29/02/12 Overdue charge £55 added 02/03/12 Debt recorvery charge £100 added 29/03/12 Debit fees totalling £354 (every failed attempt costs up to £5) The interest added between the 23/04/12 and the default date of 27/06/12 was £143 You paid £1090.24 that covered the following Loan principal £220 Interest 1% per day from 31/01/12 to 27/06/12 totalling £327.8 Overdue charge £25 added 29/02/12 Overdue charge £55 added 02/03/12 Debt recorvery charge £100 added 29/03/12 Debit fees totalling £354 added up to 23/04/13 Still can't work all of this out especially as the debit fees seemed to have been changed from £635.00 to £354 all of a sudden, but got mightly pee'd off about it so I lodged an offical complaint with the FOS on 4th July. Today Minicredit have attempted to telephone me to discuss my complaint which I have lodged and I quite rightly informed Ms Martinson that I would not discuss any matters over the phone with her but she should put everything in writing. Are we taking bets that she's going to stick to the £6.24 refund or is she going to offer a good will gesture? Oh and I did lodge a complaint with the OFT but they said they didn't look into individual cases
  23. It's the interest, the fact they never asked for any income and expenditure when I entered into a repayment plan and the fact that the repayment plan was to be reviewed in Oct 2012 which they never did. I feel that I overpaid 182 but I'm inclined to say to them ok then refund 300 and then go on then try and get it back from me!
  24. The thing is they've already wiped the debt my problem is that I feel I've been unfairly treated as the original repayment plan should have been revised in October and I feel I've overpaid them
  25. Half of me thinks right refund me the 300 and then try and get it back from me
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