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Everything posted by nwbolton

  1. Thank you. So if say they didnt apply for judgement untill after the six years would I have a case?? I think I did have PPI and I am not 100% sure the balance is correct which is why I have asked for all statements and credit agreements. It seems a lifetime ago since I had it. I havent rang lloyds yet I have only spoken to dysden fairfax and they said they would try and get me copies of my statements and agreements. One think the woman did say is that if they couldnt get copies the judgement would still stand anyway... is that correct? surely they would need to have something with my signiture on to prove the debt was even mine?
  2. Yes they have just told me over the phone and its all correct.. .. I cant understand why I wouldnt have received them I could have dealt with it sooner and possibly avoided a CCJ at least. The court have said it would cost £155 to apply to have it set aside but thats only to apply they could still say the the CCJ stands then I have wasted £155 I can no way afford to pay the full amount of £9737 do you think they would accept a one off payment of a smaller amount and call it quits?? or does it not work like that. Am I going to be stuck with this on my file for another 6 years now?
  3. Thanks for your reply. The court said that they have sent letters to my registered address in febuary and they havent had them returned unsent so that counts as served.. It turnes out that CAPQUEST bought the debt from lloyds TSB for an amount which I dont yet know and the last aknoweldegment was Feb 2009 They have Drysden Fairfax solicitors working on their behalf whom I have just contacted and asked them to send me out a copy of my credit agreement and any statements. The lady said she will put the case on hold until they get copies but the judgement will still stand .I dont really have anyway of defending it other than the fact that six years had passed...
  4. Hi, I took out a loan with Lloyds TSB back in 2007, I was paying all ok untill I fell pregnant not long after had baby etc and went on mat leave... I could afford my loan repayments. Eventually the Debt was sold to another company who bought the bebt for x amount of pounds. The company were hounding me and eventually I just ignored every letter I seen from them. recently I have become alot better with my money in october decided I would look at my credit file I seen the lloyds debt with a default date of 19-02-2009 my understanding was that the debt would be 'written off' after 6 years im not sure of the correct term sorry. That added up to me that as of the 19-02-2015 the default would no longer show on my account.... I looked at my credit report on the 21-02-2015 and there was no sign of the lloyds loan and no sign of the default However I logged on again 2 days ago and on the 6th of march 2015 my report is showing I have been issued a CCJ from nottingham crown court for the amount of the lloyds loan I have never had any paperwork from anywhere saying that they are issuing a ccj and I am in the same address. My questions are:- If the default had ended due to it being over 6 years old can a company just add a ccj after the date? -Can a company that bought the debt issue a CCJ?- Can I find out how much the debt was bought for as they are doing the CCJ for the full amount but i'm guessing they never purchased the debt for that amount. -And finally what should my next steps be...????? ANY HELP AT ALL WOULD BE MUCH APPRICIATED THANK YOU
  5. Sorry this should say Halifax bank account not loan account
  6. Hi, I applied for a Halifax loan account yesterday and my account was referred, does this normally happen or is it likely my application has been declined? Thank you
  7. Well today was d-day for the loan coming out, I had cancelled the debit card and told the bank not to alow any dd's to be set up without my permission which they have done. So nothing has been taken from my account, I am not sure if they have tried but today was payback day so I am sure they would have been trying unless they try in the afternoon not quiet sure with qq being an american firm when they do their debits. Anyway so far so good...... I will just await the emails and calls now, hopefully I can get this paid with their 3 month plans as it is £560 with interest.
  8. Hi, They have bank details intially they were taking from my debit card, but now I have cancelled this I am hoping they can no longer try and take money from it. I have been keeping an eye on my dd lists to see if they had added one to my account but they havent at the moment. I suppose this is something they will try if they cant take the money via debit card. Such a nightmere...... I know its my fault for taking in the first place, but I am honestly not trying to avoid paying just need to pay it in a more suitable mannor, its not like they have never had a penny from me..... I would also like to say I am so glad I found this site or it would have been another month at paying only the £112 interest!
  9. You have given great advice, I have cancelled the debit card, I do have an oline saving acc which I can move money to straight away.... I will be doing this to be on the safe side. I have applied for a new bank acc I am just not sure with the bank hols etc if I will have it up and running and wages going into it in time before they try to take the funds. But I will make sure my current acc is clear of any money when they try to take it via the online saver. Hopefully I want incure any bank charges for them doing this either! if they can due to the card being cancelled..... I am sure they will give it ago! Thanks again!!
  10. Hi dansnoedon, Thanks for the reply... The latest email I have got from qq last night says... "our records show you must make 1 repayment as follows: £562.50 due on the 15th April. if the funds will not be available and new repayment details are not provided to us prior, your loan will go into default status, a return fee and late fee will be assessed as well. this account would then be transfered to our collections department." Can you confirm that cancelling your debit card stopped them from taking any funds?? It just seems with my bank saying it doesnt matter if you cancel or not is worrying me a little. Thanks again!
  11. Hi, I took out a quick quid loan on the 16th Dec £450, just to help with presents for the children really! I know it was very silly but at the time it just seemed like quick money and no questions asked.!! I am paying the price now though literally.... I have had to roll this over for jan, feb and march, each month I have had to pay the £112 interest as I just couldnt afford to pay the full amount of £560 back in one go. Unfortunatly finances havent gotten any better since last month infact worse with getting hit with a bill from the tax credits!! So this month I am only going to be able to afford the £112 again which leaves me not one bit better off as that will have totaled £448 in payments but I will still owe £560....I just cant afford to keep losing the £112 everymonth but would be crippled if I tried to pay the £560, I have tried to email quick quid lots of times, (I prefer to email rather than ring due to getting no sense at all from the person on the other side) to set up some sort of arrangements as I am really struggling but they just keep saying payment will be taken in the usual way or something along those lines. I am just so worried about how to clear this! I have noticed that a few people on here have had problems communicating with QQ and that they just cancelled there debit cards however when I spoke to my bank lloyds tsb and mentioned my problem they just said that even if I were to cancel my debit card QQ qould still be able to take money from me. is this the case? Any help is really appriciated. Thank you
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