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  1. Seems like this has become their standard now. The box was ticked for the extra month and they have also indicated that no-one is available for October. Seems like they are using this as a delaying tactic. Makes my blood boil!!
  2. Thanks for the advice, 1 letter on its way:D
  3. Might be worth dropping them a line I suppose. The have asked that I send a copy of the AQ to them so I could send a covering letter at the same time. At least they know that I mean business. I hope that your conditions are dropped so that you can get your sons money back.
  4. Recieved AQ from Solicitors this morning. They are really starting to take the p**s now. Under request for a stay they have indiccated yes and then gone on to say that no-one is available for a court hearing throughout October. A supposedly large organisation and they have absolutely no-one. Don't think so. Bit late as well for the ice Cream Season. I'm sure you all know who the solicitors are in this case.Is this the way they get to have a stay without the court having to allow it?
  5. Hi Princess, I hand delivered the request to the branch and had an employee sign for it. No excuses then and cheaper too. Best of luck:)
  6. Hi, Your on the right track, don't be surprised though to receive a standard bog off letter in response to the LBA. I submitted a MCOL and they left it exactly 28days before filing a defence. Don't be intimidated and be inspired by the many posts showing that this is how lloyds do business. Good luck and keep us posted
  7. Did you send payment by cheque, if so has it been cashed. If it has they would have a pretty hard time denying that they have received it.
  8. AQ came through today, not heard anything from the bank or its solicitors yet. I really hope that this is settled soon. If not I suppose its off to court:mad:
  9. Right on cue, 28 days today, defence by lloyds has been submitted. Got to wait now for letter from the court giving particulars. I had really hoped that they would not file a defence but I suppose that was wishful thinking.
  10. Hi Closey, Way to go, take your camera along when goods get seized so that we can all see it happen. Well done and good luck
  11. Might be worth a call to let them know that you will a) be submitting a claim of your own b) defending any such action and state your defence. Let them know that you are prepared to give them a chance. This would show any judge that you are upfront in trying to enter into sincere dialogue to solve the dispute and could only look bad on them. It is also worth having it put on record that the account is in dispute and as such under the banking code have a duty not to declare this information to the credit reference agencies. I would be very relectant to pay up and then claim back. Possession being 9/10ths of the law and all that!! Best of luck in whatever you choose to do
  12. Getting close now. Lloyds have until Tuesday 11th to submit a defence. As of yet no contact other than to acknowledge service. Roll on Tuesday although I think they will probably file a defence by then. Lets hope not:eek:
  13. Why not register for internet banking and you can pull off statements going back approx 4 years, It saved me requesting (S.A.R) as I knew my daughters charges only went back 3 years Best of luck:)
  14. Like you I'm a bit impatient too, however I was prepared to wait the 14 days following the LBA, when we received the 2nd standard bog off letter stating this was their final decision and if we didn't like it then take it to the ombudsman I fired off a moneyclaim later that day. It was Lloyds who slammed the door to negotiation not me. Or I have been a little hasty??
  15. Best of luck with your claim, I am just doing the same for my daughter. Left to her own devices she would not feel suffciently empowered to do this on her own. All power to the site for helping and encouraging others who through no fault of their own get taken advantage of. Power to the people !!! :)
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