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  1. You ommited to say how long you had the car etc. If you just bought it i.e. less than a week old or less than a week since serviced etc then you might have a claim. (Edit)
  2. In May 2007 I successfully claimed back almost £400 in charges from A & L. Included in their settlement letter was the "as you do not accept the terms and conditions" blah blah threat, I informed them to go ahead and close the account and to cancel any and all standing orders or direct debits. The following week I received a letter saying they would be closing the account on 26th May 2007. After this date letters started arriving each month adding £25 for an unpaid item and a further £25 unauthorised overdraft charge. Each month I wrote to them saying they had closed the account and therefore how was I liable for transactions they were trying to put through on an account that they themselves had closed. My letters were never answered. Each month another letter would arrive and the new "balance" would be increased by £50 + "interest" Each month I would refer them back to my previous letters. Amount owed as of November 2007 £377.44, from a nil balance at close of account date 26/05/07. Then the OFT test case came into effect and they stopped sending the letters and I refrained from writing back. After Jan 2010 they've started again, so I'm now on my 3rd letter back to customer services since Jan 2007 again detailing why I don't owe them any money and still I receive no reply...... just the next nasty computer generated letter with the new "balance" Anyone any idea what planet A & L Customer services is on because there's no-one home at Bootle?????????????? In other words:- Has anyone else had a similar experience of no replies to your letters from A & I Customer Services
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