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  1. Hi every just wanted to let you all know that after Rae's letter the council phoned today and have taken the debit back from Rossendales !!! WOOOOHOOO !!!! yay needless to say we are very happy THANK YOU Rae aka superwoman.
  2. Hey well thanks so much for everything, I'm sorry to hear about your having COPD, thats a hard thing to live with . But not the end of the world either right, there is always a positive side to look at everything. I'm being nosy but do you have any idea why it started ? I know there is not always an answer to that. I guess thats why you are unable to sleep well at night, do you tend to have to constantly be in a sitting up right position ? I know a specialist respiratory nurse and she feels that within the NHS that this is an area that needs a lot more funding and tends to be a lot more low profile than things like cancer and heart conditions yet it affects similarly high number of people. I will follow your thread on here if I can figure out how too lol and I wish you all the very best, stay in touch x Lizzie
  3. Thanks we will send this in to the council. we have been in contact with the council today and they have agreed to let us pay back £20.00 a month and informed Rossendales of this. However the council said they would not take back the debit but at least the bailiff has been informed that he is not to come to our house anymore. I will use the above letter to keep fighting to get the council to take back the debit but at the moment £40-00 a month for the next few years is affordable for us although the bummer is having to deal with Rossendales. Thank you soooo much I wish I could offer you help with whatever issue your having at the moment but doubt I could be of any help )o: (let us know if we can though, anything NHS we know about lol) Thank you soo much for all your help with this god knows what would have happend to us if it was not for you. The letters have been fantastic you should charge lol. Lots of Love ( ps Rae your sweet don't say sorry for not doing the letters sooner, we are just grateful to have had your help THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH if we can ever return the favour just give us a shout ) O and will let u know when the council get back to us on the above letter. Lizzie x
  4. Hay thanks soooo much for this we will defo use it, we just had to get a letter written for when the bailiff comes back as we do not want to talk to him we will just hand him the letter we'v done and close the door. But this one is a big help thank you for taking the time to do it for us x. Will keep everyone updated on what happens this Monday or Tuesday depending on which day the bailiff gets back to us. Hope now we have the upper hand that we can get a payment plan worked out and never have to see that nasty man ever. Thank you guys for all the advice and help so far I don't know what we would have done without u you. Thanks agine Rae your letter is way better than ours I also have a report from the educational phscologist saying about my dispraxia so maybe I can enclose that with my letter ? Lots of Love from Jill, Lizzie and Carly
  5. We were not at the time the bills are for but now we should not have to pay any as my mum is now in full time education
  6. PS to answer some more questions : We got notices for Breackland council at our address here, but were never told that a liablity order was going to be enforced (we don't think). The one for Eastbourne we never knew about as we had moved house so they may have gone to our old address. The amounts they want are approx as follows: 661.88 on the one for breckland council ( this was for 2008/2009 period) The one below is very old must be from about the 2005/2006 period 600.00 on the one for Eastbourne council. Although for this one the council had told the bailiff to accept £20.00 a month from us this was meant to be set up on from the 19/01/10. Although in this case we were told by the council to wait to hear back from Rossendales for a case number ( which never happened). Today we phoned the bailiff and tricked him into telling us case number which means we could also pay £40 today towards that to catch up the so called "missed" 2 months that we were waiting to hear back from Rossendales for a case number to pay into, we got a ref number for this payment as it was done over and automated Rossendales phone service. O PS the bailiff did not come back today after my mum stood up to him over the phone and he has said he is going to talk to his boss and get back to us to see what he can do, we have a long letter ready to give him when he comes back and we will not let him in telling him as mentioned above, we also included all the stuff about the levy being invalid and the fact that there are 2 disabled people living house and that my mum was coherst to sign something she did not understand in front of witnesses. I also need a template of a statutory declaration ? So I can say the stuff in the house is mine. We also in the letter demanded a break down of all the costs they have added to our debt as we have already paid them £80.00 like I said. A copy of this will be sent to Breckland council, Rossendales and the first bailiff who visited
  7. Just to keep everyone updated we phoned one of the councillors on the Breckland Council's web page there are a lot on there but we called the number allocated to Councillor Lady Fisher ( Executive member for Environmental Well Being and Customer Contact) as we were not sure which one to choose. Who ever was on the other end of the line asked about details of our story, she advised us that we were not to let the bailiff back into our home and to call the police if he came back. She said he was not allowed to enter our property. She said that the walking possessions agreement my mother signed is invalid as my mother was coherst and did not know her rights and that there are witness to this. She said she would be in contact with our council on Monday. In the mean time me and my mum were able to make a payment online to the council, although we are not sure if they will add the payment to the money we owe or to our current upcoming bill as the account number is the same for both. In any case we have written a letter to the bailiff and Rossendales stating why we feel the walking possession order is invalid and also that our council has accepted payment from us for the account and we enclosed a copy of our recipet to the council not sure if this will work but its worth a try to make the council take the debit back we hope ?
  8. THANKS SOOOO MUCH GUYS this is soo helpful I need to print it thanks soo much I will let u all know what happens I am going to get hold of the counciler man tomorrow for sure xxxx
  9. O no only was only a one off DSA payment as I am dyspaxia my mum has it too so we have got laptops and softwear bought for us to help us with uni.
  10. no there would not be enough for us to sit on there wud be nothing, can they take my laptop that was bought for me by the disabled students allowance ? I am worried they will take it ?
  11. Client debit- £661.88 First Vist fee 24.50 levy fee 46.00 walking posseion 12.00 my mum paid him 80 on that day 19 jan 2010
  12. Yes, although I have just found the walking possession agreement and a official receipt that my mom paid that day of £80.00 and an payment agreement was meant to follow, my mum gave them a break down of our living costs they were meant to get back to us with a payment plan which they never did but say they have sent letters. Now they say its gone beyond a payment plan. This all happned in 19 jan 2010
  13. Yes, although I have just found the walking possession agreement and a official receipt that my mom paid that day of £80.00 and an payment agreement was meant to follow, my mum gave them a break down of our living costs they were meant to get back to us with a payment plan which they never did but say they have sent letters. Now they say its gone beyond a payment plan
  14. also on this the amount due is only showing as £744.oo it was done on the 19th of jan and now they have come back wanting £1200
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