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Everything posted by WhatALife

  1. Hi, I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right forum but here goes. On the 10th May I put a cheque into my RBS account. I know the cheque won't clear till later in the week or sometime next week but just had a look at my online banking and it says this: 10 May 2011 11 May 2011 IBP EXTRA DEFERMENT 11 May 2011 IBP EXTRA DEFERMENT It shows when the cheque went in on the 10th, this morning it looks like the balance of the cheque has been transferred out then put back in. I've never seen anything like this happen with cheques before. What does the IBP mean and what does "EXTRA DEFERMENT" mean? I put 2 to 3 cheques in a week, check online banking daily but never seen anything like this before.
  2. Have a small debt with Orange, it is in default and showing as defaulted on Experian. Moorcroft are the ones attempting to collect. The problem here is that Moorcroft are trying to collect nearly £200 more than what I actually owe. I have had a look at the final bill from Orange, the final bill is £55 which is the same amount as registered on the default but Moorcroft have the balance on their letters as £248. There's nothing in any previous letters about charges or interest being added. What would be the best way to challenge this? I have contacted Orange but yet to receive a reply.
  3. Hi I owe some money to British Gas and Scottish Power. I'm trying to sort out all my debts here and working out what's priority or not. These accounts are gas and electricity from a previous address. The gas and electricity at the address I'm at the now is pre-payment and in the landlords name. I got advised these are priority debts, but should I class them as priority if not from this address? I assume that as the gas and electricity supply at this address are in the landlords name then British Gas or Scottish Power can't cut the supply or add the balance to the meter.
  4. I had a similar letter about 2 year ago from Iqor & EOS regarding ebay fees. I've never had an ebay account either. I just ignored them and haven't heard anything since.
  5. I checked Experian, there's a default registered January 2009 but I've never received a default notice. I double checked all letter I have and definitely no default notice.
  6. I've been going through all letters I've received regarding this, I have kept and filed all letters from day one but I have no default notice. Am I right in thinking that I should have received a default notice?
  7. Forgot to mention it's dated 2006.
  8. This is a copy of the agreement, I've blanked out personal info, the agreement number is right at the very top, I somehow managed to miss it with the camera. Hi Rebel11, I had a quick look through the links in your signature, some interesting reading there but I'll have a better look later tonight when I have a little more time. I appreciate all help and advice.
  9. Hi Brigadier, thank you for the quick response. I signed for the contract at home so I'm thinking that there should be a right to cancel on the agreement.
  10. I recently requested a CCA for a Halifax Unsecured Personal Loan. To me the CCA looks enforceable and I'll soon offer to pay £1 token payments to the debt but I have a friend who thinks I should put the account into dispute due to the terms & conditions being almost unreadable and there being no rights to cancel on the CCA (I thought the right to cancel only applied to credit card). Could someone confirm if this is the case or not because it's getting a bit confusing (but that could just be me)
  11. Thanks for the replies, that answers my question just nicely
  12. When I check my own credit report, does this have an effect on anyone else that may check my report? Would they even know I check my report? Reason I ask is that I've been told when a creditor does a credit check on someone it leaves a footprint, and a lot of these footprints can have a negative effect on the report. If I'm checking my report often is this likely to have a negative effect?
  13. Please keep us updated on what happens and I hope it all works out well for you
  14. Make sure they agree to it in writing. I've had someone offer f&f settlements to all my creditors on my behalf, letters sent to them last week so just waiting a reply, if I get a reply that is. The f&f's I offered were really low so I'm having my doubts any will be accepted.
  15. Probably going to sound like a silly question but what exactly is a SAR? I recently CCA'd a loan, the CCA I have is enforceable, I am in the process of offering a £1 a month token payment. A friend has told me that I should SAR them first but what exactly is a SAR and would there be any advantage from it?
  16. I have an account with Lloyds TSB, just a current account with no overdraft. I used the account to have working tax credit paid into and that was about it, I left the account lying with just a few pound in it for a few month (started having my tax credit paid into another bank) so wasn't using the account. Since about October Lloyds TSB have started to take interest from the account and charges too. I haven't paid anything into the account since then. I have wrote to them three times regarding this, once in December (sent by first class post). Once in January (recorded delivery) and once again in february (I personally hand delivered to my local branch). The letters were basically asking why the charges and interest were being taken, but I've yet to receive a reply. I've went through all bank statements and there's nothing to show why this was happening, only things marked on statements were "O/Draft Interest" and "Charge." I tried to apply for online banking to see if I could maybe see something there that wasn't showing up on the bank statements but couldn't for some reason, I received a letter a few days later asking me to take ID to my local branch to complete the application for internet banking. The envelope was addressed to me, but the letter inside the envelope was addressed to someone else! Is there any way of finding out exactly why they are taking charges and interest from the account? As already mentioned I've wrote three times and had no response.
  17. Hi and thanks for the advice, I'll write to o2 and contact the CRA. Would really like it removed, my credit file is pretty poor but this default is genuinely not mine.
  18. I have noticed there is a Default Notice on my Experian Credit Report. I first noticed it last year which was the first time I checked my credit file. The default notice was dated sometime in 2009, I hadn't checked my credit file since then but had a look today just to see what was there, the o2 default notice was there but this time it was dated December 2010. I'm pretty sure this o2 default notice isn't mine and shouldn't be there. I had an account with o2 from 1999 to 2002 but was never late with bills and was settled before cancelling my service with them. Is there anyway I could find out why there is a default notice there and is there anyway of having it removed?
  19. Hi all and thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it and sorry for the delay in replying. I've done an income and expenditure sheet, my income is smaller than my outgoings and I rely on help from family to assist with basic living costs. I did take the time to discuss things with family yesterday and have agreed to help me with a £1 a month token payment to creditors but couldn't offer more as their own situation isn't great. I got another couple of questions though... 1. Can I make the token payment to the creditor (Halifax) rather than the DCA? I already have standing order details for the Halifax. 2. There may be a month or two when I couldn't guarantee to make a payment, should I let them know this and is it likely to cause any problems? I received a letter this morning from the DCA offering a substantial discount on this debt but doesn't say how much of a discount it is, all I know is I couldn't afford it anyway.
  20. I had an unsecured personal loan with Halifax, I managed to keep up payments while business was good but my business has had a few problems and has left me with a lot of financial difficulties. I took the loan in 2006, defaulted in 2007, I paid token payments of £1 up to August 2010, my financial difficulties have gradually got worse since then and I've made no token payment in 8 months. Since the last token payment the debt has been passed from DCA to DCA. I have recently requested a CCA for the debt with the latest DCA (Iqor). I received a CCA this morning, looks genuine and enforceable to me, although terms & conditions are on a separate sheet and are a poor copy... I find them almost unreadable but that could be just me. My main problem now is that I'm no longer in a position to make any sort of payment to them. My situation at the moment is that I can't even make a token payment of £1 a month. If I was to request that no payment be made for a period of 12 months, would there be any chance of them accepting this?
  21. I had a short term job for a few weeks, I told the DCA's and paid them a little more for the time I was in the job. When the job finished and I couldn't keep up the extra payment they were receiving from me I got a lot of hassle for it. Personally if it was me I wouldn't tell them anything and just keep things as they are.
  22. I filled in a form and had my details removed from 192.com along with company details and directors report. A few weeks later and my details are back on again
  23. I received a copy of a CCA in this mornings post, I believe it to be genuine but I'll have a better look at it later on when I got a bit more time.
  24. I would like to confirm that I have the right letter here. ACCOUNT IN DISPUTE Date: xx/xx/xxxx Ref: xxxxxxxx Dear Sir/Madam You have failed to respond to my legal request to supply me a true copy of the original Consumer Credit Agreement for the above account. On xx/xx/xxxx I made a formal request for a true signed agreement for the alleged account under consumer credit Act 1974 s77. This was signed for as delivered on the xx/xx/xxxx. You have failed to comply with my request, and as such the account entered default on the xx/xx/xxxx. The document that you are obliged to send me is a true copy of the executed agreement that contained all of the prescribed terms, all other required terms and statutory notices and was signed by both your company and myself as defined in section 61(1) of CCA 74 and subsequent Statutory Instruments. If the executed agreement contained any reference to any other document, you are also obliged to send me a copy of that document. In addition a full statement of this account should have been sent to me detailing all debits and credits to the account. Furthermore, you are aware that the Consumer Credit Act allows 12 working days for a request for a true copy of a credit agreement to be carried out before you/your client enters into a default situation. This limit has expired. As you are no doubt aware section 78(6) states: If the creditor fails to comply with Subsection (1) (a) He is not entitled , while the default continues, to enforce the agreement. Therefore this account has become currently unenforceable at law. As you have failed to comply with a lawful request for a true, signed copy of the said agreement and other relevant documents mentioned in it, Failed to send a full statement of the account and Failed to provide any of the documentation requested. You will also be aware of the CPUTR 2008 and the OFT's guidelines on debt collection which state under the title Deceptive and/or unfair methods - Examples of unfair practices are as follows - 2.8 (i) - 'Failing to investigate and/or provide details as appropriate, when a debt is queried or disputed, possibly resulting in debtors being wrongly pursued' (k) - 'Not ceasing collection activity whilst investigating a reasonable queried or disputed debt' Consequentially any legal action you pursue will be averred as both UNLAWFUL and VEXATIOUS. Furthermore I shall counterclaim that any such action constitutes unlawful harassment. I reserve the right to report your actions to any such regulatory authorities as I see fit. You have 21 days from receiving this letter to contact me with your intentions to resolve this matter which is now a formal complaint. I look forward to hearing from you. This should be in writing, I have no wish to correspond by telephone. Yours faithfully My name.
  25. Hi Tingy, thanks for the advice, I'll have a letter to them first thing tomorrow. Thank you.
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