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  1. Tomtubby or Bartok, What further advice can you give? I am stuck between two oppposing stories from the council and the bailiff.... One or both of them are lying.....
  2. So here is an update to the issue, I am appealing two of the pcn because the photographic evidence is questionable (the images have been taken simultaneously) Please see below the of the email I sent to RBWM and their response:     Dear Sir or Madam, Thank you for sending through the photographs I requested. Looking at the fines for 4th April 2008 (RW40018326) and 21st April 2008 (RW40019409); I see that the images are virtually identical save that they are taken from a different angle. The light is the same, the shadows are the same (even those cast on small stones on the roadway which are in exactly the same position 17 days later which is Highly unlikely given the regular use of the cul-de-sac), the position of the PCN is the same, even the truck parked alongside which belonged to my stepfather is in exactly the same position, down to the location of the valves of the front tyre which can be clearly seen. Weather reports for the day show that sunset on the 4th April was at 19:43 ( 2 hours and 24 minutes before sunset ); while the sunset on 21st April was at 20:12 ( 38 minutes before sunset ). I cannot believe that the quality of the light and cast of shadows would be identical given this evidence; furthermore the days themselves show a 3 degree Celsius difference in temperature on partly cloudy days. As such I would like to appeal against these two fines ( 4th April 2008 (RW40018326) and 21st April 2008 (RW40019409) given the exceptional nature of the evidence that I never had when the fine was incurred. I would also like to know how to proceed in regards to the bailiff who I am in contact with. Thank you for your time,     And their response:   Dear Mr ****, We are unable to consider any of the below information as your cases have been passed to our appointed bailiffs. Once the case is with the bailiffs it is out of Councils hands unless there is an Out Of Time witness statement accepted by Traffic Enforcement Centre. Kind regards,     And my response:     Dear Ms. ****** With respect I believe that it is well within your authority to revoke the case from the bailiff agency involved. Please be aware that I have been 'round the mill' with this bailiff agency who lied to me about the debt being cleared in the first place and continue to inform me that your department has re -- applied for the fines. it would therefore stand to reason that it is as I stated within your authority to revoke. As it stands I am in the process of seeking criminal action through Thames Valley Police against the bailiff agency through the 2006 fraud act under Schedule 1 of the Enforcement of Road Traffic Debts (Certificated Bailiffs) Regulations 1993 (Amended 2003).They have lied about the times in which they have visited my property and layed on massive costs under this pretence which are without evidence; all after telling me the debt was cleared. Be aware that the bailiff agency informs me that you are final authority as far as calling off there officers is concerned. I have spoken to the Maidenhead Advertiser and other local papers who are interested in the nature of the story as well as BBC correspondents covering the actions of parking departments and bailiff agencies. Further I will be in touch with my MP over fines in which the evidence is questionable. Regards,   My question: How do I call off the dogs as between the council and the bailiffs, I am hearing different stories???
  3. Hi, yes, been following tomtubbys advice (invaluable!) All the correct addresses are in place... The confusion comes from the following: Gone through all correspondence over the last 6 months and found 3 hand delivered letters from a previous bailiff PRIOR to current bailiff attending my property and telling me that the debt would be written off on payment of £450. The charges come from three visits in which each time a letter was hand delivered. At the time I was paying off another pcn with a bailiff who told me that the letters related to the fines that were under a payment agreement, hence my confusion now. The issue is that according to Rundle's published fees, the cost of delivering a letter is £11.20 a time not £365. I am presuming that I can tell him to whistle for any more than £33.60 ?
  4. So, I spoke with the bailiff and laid out what I believe are the correct charges. He told me that I have been visited on three seperate occasions in the past (I have no record of any visit), charged at £353.14 per, so a total of £1059 on top of the councils original £285 (95 / pcn). I have also been in touch with my solicitor. The bailiff informed me that the advice that you good people have proffered can be 'written on a postage stamp'!!!!! He got very angry and said that I should just 'carry on and he will do his job' before hanging up the call.
  5. So, I have spoken to the council who inform me that the fines were purchased from Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead by Rundle & Co. for £95 each, a total of £285. They say I owe the bailiff NOT the council. Am I correct in assuming therefore that I owe Rundle & Co. £95 + 28% per ticket (3) which comes out at £364.80? Before I go ahead, I need to confirm that I am right with my calculations. Cheers
  6. Hi, I have been in touch with the council who inform me that the total outstanding per ticket is £95, so £285 in total. How can I be required to pay £1500 + in Bailiff fees, and how do I make an arrangement to reduce his exorbitant costs?
  7. Right, I have been in touch with the council, who inform me that there are only two outstanding fines. The third was paid when the bailiff visited the first time, so 1500 quid for two fines is a tad excessive. The photographs for the outstanding fines were taken 17 days apart in April 2008; one on the 4th at 17:20 the other on the 21st at 19:35. The images are virtually IDENTICAL. Notwithstanding prevailing light conditions in April between 1700 and 19:00, 17 days apart, the weather forecasts for the time show a difference between high and low pressure- so sunny on the 4th, rainy/overcast on the 21st!
  8. Awesome!!... Thanks for your reply! I have all the details for the pcn's, will call the Centre and reply!
  9. Hi There, 3 years ago, I received three parking fines with the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead which I contested as the photos taken by the warden are almost identical ( the only difference being the angle of the picture ) and seemed to have been taken one after the other. In any case, I lost my appeal and incurred the full fines. In the time between, I moved house and the first I heard of these fines was avpout four months ago when my car was clamped by a Rundle & Co. bailiff. He informed me on the day that the fines were due but said that if I paid him £485 there and then for one of the fines, he would not collect the others and the debt would be written off. naturally, at the cost of food on the table I paid the £485. This morning, I awoke to go to work only to discover that my car was clamped (it is my only means of transport to and from work and under HP). I called the bailiff who is the same as the last time. He remembered me and also remembered telling me that the fine would be written off but said that the council had re applied for the outstanding balance which has gone from £666+- to £1580 +-. I asked how this could be given that he assured me it was done and dusted but he offered no reason. I have not received so much as a letter or warning. I would gladly pay the fine, but some warning via post is surely a requirement?????? I said I cannot pay him there and then and had to get to work; he agreed to release my vehicle because of the 'kindly' way in which I dealt with hime the last time, which was good of him; on the proviso that I pay him £485 today and the balance over the next 4 months. I cant afford £280 a month! He said that if I dont pay the car will be impounded ( I dont own it, it is under HP and my only means of getting to and from work ), and if I hide it, a stolen report filed with the police..... Is this legal? Can he just clamp me without warning after telling me the debt was good??? please help, I have til 5pm today!!
  10. Hi there, I posted the following text three or four weeks ago regardinga Rundle and Co bailiff who was attending my property: "Last month I had a letter from a bailiff from (Rundle & Co.) acting on behalf of the council for the collection of unpaid council tax for £582.47 2008/9. I lost my job in that year and had no money. He demanded £100/month which is frankly far more than I can afford (I am self employed and have almost no work at the moment). Obviously not being able to pay, I was informed by the bailiff that unless payment was made in full by today, he would be attending my home to levy my goods. We live in furnished, rented accomodation and as such all my goods are in storage. My car is on HP and is my primary works vehicle. The only other items of value are my tools, which are my living. I informed the bailiff of this and he said that he would take my car anyway. As such, I went to ground and investigated my rights. I found a letter to submit to bailiffs and the council, on this forum, posted by Zooman recently (many thanks by the way). Letter printed and ducks aligned, I awaited the bailiff. He arrived this morning at 08:30 with a colleague. My car is living in my mother's enclosed driveway for the time-being so the clamp stayed in the boot. When one of them knocked (someone I have not yet dealed with), I set my phone to record and asked for credentials etc. He called his colleague who identified himself and said he was here to collect the debt. I informed him that I was not letting him in under any circumstances and was submitting by way of the letterbox my handy Zooman letter. Please note that this letter contains suitable, honest nd affordable repayment terms. I have opened a savings account into which I have been placing the money as a proof of intent. The bailiff refused the letter completely, even after I informed him of it's contents (he can be clearly heard on the recording refusing it, whether it helps or not I have no idea) and said he was leaving to begin committal proceedings against me...... Where to from here? please help!!!" It has now been four weeks with no response from the bailiff or the council....Where do I go from here??
  11. Thanks very much, I really needed to hear that we are at least on the right track! My primary concern is my car- I absolutey must have it for work, which is why it's round me mums! I will defenitely look into paying in at the town hall- I have been savng the £25/month to pay directly if needed. Thanks again!
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