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Everything posted by bish

  1. Looks good to me, I would be tempted to be stronger on the court bundle non complience, as Michael said not realy in a position to be making offers at this stage in the game. It is up to you but I would try for the full claim + £200 for bundle preperation/costs. If they have not complied with the court then the case will be lost by them for non complience and you win your full claim plus costs if the judge deems fit. As most judges are prety anoid with the banks you stand agood chance of getting costs. The judge at my allocation hearing asked if I had incured costs, even though abbey had settled. Worth a try and why should you accept less than your claim. At the end of the day if you are happy with £850 then go for it. Regards bish.
  2. Yes just amend the schedule to include the new charges, and tell them in the LBA that you have revised and ammended the schedule to reflect recent further information received from them. Regards bish.
  3. Hi Anney, I am so pleased for you and your son, you can now look forward to the wedding, as I can with my daughters, and relax. You must be over the moon, I know I was. Happy birthday for Sunday, a bottle of bubbly is well deserved for a job well done, I would think a few glasses may be supped tonight;) :D . Regards bish.
  4. Hi Mad Nick, It will sink in with them sooner or later that you are not a sheep. Some time soon !. Regards bish.
  5. Hi Aoife, Their is a lot of comment and discussion on claimig back CI or 8% s69 interest. My opinion is that as long as you keep the claim together ie charges, interest, s69 or CI interest, and court costs you can succeed. This is not an argument in law that you could enter a court and justify. This is a simple fact that the bank would rather settle your claim than enter court on the CHARGES. So the risk is that they enter court to defend just the interest, read Glenns post. The choice is yours. Regards bish.
  6. Ditto, once the claim has gone in, that is the settlement figure. 8% or shove off abbey, they had the opportunity to settle with the 2 letter that you sent prior to the claim being entered. Stuff them, 8% or CI or enter court and defend it. Regards bish.
  7. bish

    Monnie v Abbey

    Hi Nakered, Hell I work a 7 day week, so why should they get 2 days off. 14 days is 14 days, the earth don't stop and the sun don't stop for the weekend, so why should your claim. Ragards bish.
  8. Hi Anney, Been their got the t shirt, remember someone giving me support and encouragement. so going to give you the same, nearly there now Anney. You have done all the work required and it is just a case of waiting for them to decide to pay you. There is no other option for abbey but to settle. I had the knock back in November with the wife and all, decided not to settle for their 75% offer and got the full whack. It did take a further 2 months but got the lot and more. Just keep slogging on and you will get it. After all it is your sons money that they have took unlawfully. I hope that your son appreciates his mom, If he does not then send him my way and I will give him a slap, in fact put him on line so that I can give him a lecture too. Best wishes. Regards bish.
  9. Hi Phil, Not seen the bit about expert witness and forensic accountant in directions before, but puts pressure on abbey to name an expert who you agree will provide the relevent expertise. Get the court bundle in and wait for abbeys non-complience. You could also put pressure on abbey by contacting them regarding who they propose to put forward as the expert witness, ask for details, as they need to be independent. You could also suggest Prof Philip Molyneux of university of Wales, Bangor, or prof John Struthers of the university of Paisley. Both eminent business acedemics who recently investigated bank charges for the money program along with ex senior exec of NatWest Ian Jarritt.HTH. Regards bish.
  10. Hi Head of FOS on watchdog tonight and suggested that through them people were getting money back. Doubt any 8% though or proper compensation for the banks, IMHO, known disregard for the regulations. They is still charging people for breaches. Regards bish.
  11. Hi Anney, Yes front page of Daily mail today, as well as radio 2 G Vine show, National news, and Watchdog. Getting some great coverage and on the back of Barclays masive profits, 30% increase on last year. Head of Barclays on radio 2 when questioned about customer charges avoided by saying what benifits barclay bring to the world. Seems our charges are going towards pension funds, hospitals, and roads. He forgot to mention subsidising the well off's free banking and their bad debt. Regards bish.
  12. Well done Jany, second one tonight, coming thick and fast, Enjoy:D Regards bish.
  13. Well done and congrats, they are coming thick and fast, made up for you:D :D Regards bish.
  14. Hi Anney, You have put the work in now its time to sit back and reap the rewards, its just a waiting game, a bit like poker, who gives in first. We have the upper hand though as at the end of the day they will not enter court. Seeing a lot of claims for CI and claims reaching bailiff stage so think abbey should pull their finger out and settle the easy ones. I think they have a lot more problems on the horizon than they think. Regards bish.
  15. You are such a kill joy Beaker:D. I agree with Beaker, give abbey a ring they have probably forgoten about your case. Give them one last chance before sending in the bailiffs, more and more claims appear to be reaching this stage. Abbey must be at breaking point, I bet they thought they had a cushy little number at head office. Christine was a clever lady getting out like she did, hope she did not go to another bank. Good luck sufos. Regards bish.
  16. Hi Phil If after 22nd not had anything from abbey into court, you need to fill in form N205A. Have a look at the N1 claim form sent back to you when you issued it. There should be one attached re Notice of Issue (specified amount), fill in the section Request for judgement section A & C. You need to ring the court to see if they have complied with the order, If they have not just check with the court that you now need to send in the above form, just to double check. HTH. Regards bish:D
  17. Hi Anney From what I remember you have not had any offers from abbey yet have you ?, don't be to disapointed if they only offer 50% or 75%. They are cheeky B's so hold out for the full 100%. Got your disclosure list in so wait for their non complience if you don't get a decent offer from them. Best wishes. Regards bish.
  18. bish

    fluke v Abbey

    Hi Fluke I would see what the charges amount to first and then decide, although in my own experience and the many other claims that have gone through so far, I would be tempted to go for the bigger one first, and the smaller second. Until you know the amounts hard to say. Get back to me when you have an idea on the amounts. Regards bish.
  19. bish

    Glenn Vs Abbey

    Hi Glenn I do not think people are getting the point, If the bank will not enter court then there is no argument over interest. If Abbey do not wish to enter the court to defend the penalty charges then they have to pay the interest, Whatever the rate may be. If you apply 8% or contractual interest at 28.7% is not the point, the point is the penalty charges. They can not enter court to defend the penalty charges so they can not dispute the interest applied to those charges. THEY HAVE TO SETTLE THE WHOLE CLAIM. They can not pick and choose what they will or will not settle unless they enter the court of law. If they settle out of court then no judge has any influence over the outcome. The only time it becomes an issue is when, as in Glenns case they seprate the charges from the interest. I am about to scream, can anyone better educated than me argue otherwise. I think you can add interest at any rate, and unless the defendant can defend the initial claim of PENALTY CHARGES in court then they will have to pay. Regards bish.
  20. Hi Femstar I agree with Jonnie, you need to read, read, and read again. The stickys at the top of the Abbey forum are very infomative, along with the library templates. At the end of the day read a thread that seems to be the same as your claim, this will give you pointers to how to proceed. This is not an easy process unless you are dedicated to getting your charges back. The bank has already made it hard for you, do you think they are going to make it easy for you to reclaim those charges back ?. Regards bish.
  21. bish

    help please!!

    Hi MAAB, As an after thought can you not get your benifits paid in another way, so they are not paid into a bank account. You can also write a letter to your bank dictating who has first priority to your money. At the end of the day in your situation I would stop having money paid into the bank. HTH. Regards bish. PS see someone has given you the right of appropriation section so have a look.
  22. bish

    help please!!

    Hi MAAB, Bar***ds, I can only advise that you ring them and explain the situation. If you do not get any positive response, then as a last resort threaten them with court action. Try to get someone in authority, rather than a pleb on the phone. They can waive these charges if inclined to do so, be diplomatic but strong. If you have to, remind them of the regulations regarding these charges, and the fact that thousands of people are recovering these charges from their banks. Quote my case if you wish, 6KL01604 £8070.41 settled on 14/02/07. HTH and best wishes. Regards bish.
  23. Hi Phil, Post the full hearing particulars we are waiting !. Regards bish.
  24. Hi Anney Glad things are a lot clearer for you and hope that your son is going to take you away on a nice holiday when you get his money back for him. What would we all do without our mums. Best wishes. Regards bish.
  25. bish

    Monnie v Abbey

    Hi Had a look and agree, still they won't mind paying back their unlawful charges then, as they have made such large profits. Regards bish.
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