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  1. Argos phoned this morning, and I have now explained (or tried to, as i`m not 100% about how it all went, it happened so fast). The product is to be collected tomorrow and sent off for checks to be carried out on it. I must say that this has been dealt with very well by Argos, and the two members of staff I spoke to on the phone were very good. Thank you for the offer of help Blitz. I do appreciate it. Also got an email back from Consumerline (as i`m in NI), and they said I should contact Enviromental Health Department about this, as they deal with these matters over here.
  2. Argos have replied to my email that i`d mentioned sending in my last post, and as I gave a little detail (mentioning the thumb injury), they are sending my email onto a complaint specialist team. They have said contact will be within 48 hours. I must say that, this is the first time Argos have replied to me via email so quickly. I`ve also made Trading Standards aware of what has happened.
  3. Thanks Brigadier 1JCS. I`m at the moment waiting for a response from Argos, as i`ve only just asked for the head of complaints email to send the images to. I`m just pretty clueless as to what else I need to do, so very much appreciate your reply. I would never have thought about contacting Trading Standards to let them know about this, so i`ll get onto them now.
  4. Hi guys, I bought this product from Argos and received it today. It`s a rechargable lady shaver. Opened the box and decided to do a test run since there was some charge already in the battery. Had a look over beforehand and all seemed fine. Product test went well, up until I went to turn it off, then part of the product fell apart causing me to injury my thumb with quite a deep cut. The part that fell out also looks damaged, and not well put together at all. I`ve took photo`s of the injury and the damaged product, but i`m really not sure what I should be doing next. Any advice would be appreciated.
  5. Thanks very much. I couldn`t find anything about it and didn`t want to get myself into trouble over it. I would have phoned and asked but they usually find some reason to be awkward if you do.
  6. Hi, I`ve just joined the site and wonder if anyone can help me with this.... I am on income support and carers allowance, I recently moved and claim LHA. My landlord gets his share of the rent and I get £8.00 of this for me (as rent is less than LHA rate). My question is, does this affect my income support in anyway? I didn`t receive anything informing me that it does, so i`m assuming all is well, but don`t want to get into trouble later on reguarding this matter. I`d be grateful if anyone could tell me how this all works.
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