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  1. Apologies if this is in the wrong section, I am being sued personally for £8.5k by (Accountants who did tax work fo me and my ltd co) ,the claim was issued with minimal POC on the claim form with details I do not have. Straight off the claim form. " The Claimaints claim is for work done and services rendered by the claimaint between xx.xx.09 to yy.yy.09 particulars of which have been delivered to the Defendant" Does this refer to a more detailed POC or just generally delivered? Then goes on to ask for interest under section 69, which may be strange as if there was a contract it would be contractual interest? Would I need to use a CPR 18 to get details such as notes of verbal agreements , and copies of their files and work done for me personally and work done for my ltd company. I previously asked for invoices,acknowledgement of monies paid and copies of signed agreements never received. I guess a CPR 31.14 only applies if I know what documents are listed,implied or inferred to by their claim. My question is should I use a CPR 18 and CPR 31.14 and then go for an embarrassed defence and strike out? Thanks In Advance. Decal
  2. Apologies if this is in the wrong section, I am being sued personally for £8.5k by (Accountants doing tax work fo me and my ltd co) ,the claim was issued with minimal POC and they claim full POC was sent separately, which I never received. Would I need to use a CPR 18 to get details such as notes of verbal agreements , and copies of their files and work done for me personally and work done for my ltd company.I previously asked for invoices,acknowledgement of monies paid and copies of signed agreements never received. I guess a CPR 31.14 only applies if I know what documents they have? Thanks In Advance. Decal
  3. Thanks I guess as part of this is paid , could the remainder, be without consideration? Thanks for the embarrassed defence. I was also thinking of doing a CPR 18 to get the relevant documents. They finished the work last June although it wasn't finished. No never queried the statements, I thought I was dealing with a reputable company.
  4. Thanks much appreciated. Answers below I believe I only received statements in my name , I did ask for Invoices never got them. I believed I had entered an retainer arrangement (cash up front). The tax liability was part personal , mainly corporate, it was linked . I never signed anything but authority to talk to tax man. Decal
  5. Hi, Not sure if this is the right forum or if any one may be able to help. I used a large firm of accountants to sort out a tax issue with non trading Ltd Co. They reckoned they could deal with the issue for 5k , but I would need to pay up front. They started immediately and requested 2k same day ( I never signed anything ), then after a few weeks they requested another 3k to continue, which I gave them . then about 6 weeks later I received a statement that I owed another 8.5k , I had been moved from upfront billing on a monthly account ,I queried this and they said that this job required more work and tried to deny the original 5k figure.Who gives this sort of credit without checks and paperwork? My Question As I am now being sued as an individual rather than my company, so my question is they appear to given me monthly billing over 2-3 months on credit , that I never asked for, without me signing any agreement (I thought I was safe controlling the costs by only paying up front) . Is this a CCA without doing the proper processes? They haven't supplied any paperwork in the POC. Thanks in advance Decal
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