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  1. Sorry, I'm struggling with using this site too. Only joined yesterday and managed to post a new thread then. But when I try to today there seems to be nowhere within a subject to post a new thread - only if I go back a page to the general listing of sub-threads (if you know what I mean), which leaves you unable to specify where exactly you want your thread to appear. I find it so annoying on here, too, that when I click to go to another page I have to scroll down below their boring adverts and obsession with bank charges info before I can read what I want to. Probably wont use this site much as it's too frustrating!
  2. As far as I know, they will send you an appointment to go to them. Not sure what happens if someone is housebound - presumably they would have to visit you at home.
  3. Hi there My son still has not received his student loan for 09/10. This has caused untold stress to both of us. I have been supporting him, but it has been out of my savings. I am a single person on a low wage. Can I claim loss of interest from SLC and compensation for the distress caused? They have given him no reason for the delay despite numerous phone calls to chase it up. How would I go about making a claim against them for their incompetence? Any advice appreciated. Stressed Mum!
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