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Everything posted by pioneer22

  1. Not strictly but my grievance is against 2 people in HR who both happen to line manage me, so working relationships are going to be strained. In fact I will feel ridiculous going back and really uncomfortable.
  2. Thank you for the advice, how can I approach a settlement agreement? Thanks
  3. I didn't know this is that definatly correct in terms of the submitting grievance? No not a member yet I have signed up with one though but not a member until 4 weeks has passed.
  4. Not paying for it yet.... so wanted another opinion of which of course I'm grateful
  5. The 3 months could be an issue but solictor said its an ongoing case of failure to make adjustments as they havent done their part.
  6. Thank you, in terms of starting a settlement agreement discussion with them are there any tips or pointers? Can't say it could be Royal Mail though.
  7. Equality Human rights commission /British association of Dyslexia but I also have an assessment from a few years ago, the employer is a billion pound business so I dont think their adjustments would be unreasonable. Going back to my original question though, would unlawful discrimination amount to gross misconduct? And how is an employer likely to take that?
  8. I quote what the solicitor has sent me: They have failed to appreciate their duty to take the lead in making reasonable adjustments, what those adjustments might involve, and that they needed to be tailored to the specific difficulties which the clamant faced – based on an individual assessment, not a generalised assumption of what dyslexia is and is not. They just simply havent bothered to do anything about it.
  9. Hi, I am thinking about making a grievance about my line manager for a failure to make reasonable adjustments under the equality act. I don't want to get into details about it but does anyone have any advice for composing a settlement agreement or advice about entering those discussions? Is it worth on my grievance mentioning that unlawful discrimination is gross misconduct what will their reaction be to this would a business investigate or start a disciplinary process for a key manager? As they have admitted to failing to make reasonable adjustments I'm not sure if I have this in writing though.
  10. So if we split up worst comes to worst we would have to give them a months notice and find someone else
  11. Hi my girlfriend and i just looked at a flat to rent for 12 months in the contract under Ending this agreement: it says that the tenant cannot normally end the agreement before the end of the term, after the first 4 months however the landlord may agree to the tenant ending the agreement early providing: a,the tenant finds a replacement b,the tenant gives 1 months notice c,pay expenses incurred by L in granting a new tenancy does this mean we have to comply to a,b and c or just one of them? Then at end of the contract it says main terms of t agreement 1.The tenancy is a fixed term tenancy this means you cannot end the tenancy early. Very confused what this means
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