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  1. I never received a penny back of the 1000 pounds or so paid to these leeches just Depression. All this has made me very ill. Despite contacting and sending the Ombudsman with more than enough evidence of the financial hardship they left me in, after their initial reply and me following their instructions they never so much as contacted me again with any type of follow up or update on any proceedings if any. I am in more debt now than when I started with this lot due to banks throwing the interest on top. When your ignored by the Ombudsman it's not good. I just give up.
  2. Hello Everyone, Sorry for the brief earlier post but this Company makes my blood boil, they robbed me of a large sum of money and practically laughed at me when i requested my account be closed in writing and over the phone i thought that would of been it. But NO this firm continued bleeding the pot dry for almost twelve months and the only way this was discovered was when i got the financial Ombudsman involved and asked for a breakdown of costs. I can only describe the breakdown as inadequate and full of made up charges which unlike in earlier posts here they where detailed mine is not just monthly totals. Like an earlier poster said he started to receive calls and text messages so did i the day the breakdown of costs arrived forcing me to change my number. I don't know how this company even managed to register with the MOJ or any other government associated body as this has been going on for years. This is my own personal opinion but i think anyone will get any money back from this firm. I also believe it is unfair that these people even if they are blacklisted will continue in other companies or under a different name- to destroy peoples lives who are in the worst possible position in life. I now intend to send all my paerwork back to the FOS as it is clear i have suffered financial loss and they have also not honored their part of the contract in any shape or form and just hope this does not happen to someone else.
  3. !!STEER CLEAR OF THIS FIRM!! Please don't believe a word they say.
  4. !!STEER CLEAR OF THIS FIRM!! They promise the world and WONT deliver.
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