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  1. I will look in to and see what they say. I feel so much better knowing they now realise it wasn't me, Thanks for all your help I really appreciate it.
  2. Just to let everyone know the prove it letter and lengthy and costly phone call to 3g has resulted in them cancelling both accounts and agree for fraudulent use of my name. Thanks for all the help and I hope others like myself can get it sorted. One final question, is it roxburghes responsibilty to repair my credit rating as they have damaged it and im now below average??
  3. hopefully they wont bother me again with this prove it letter will let you know the outcome soon as I recieve a letter Thnx for help guys
  4. payments have been made but not by me. also in 2007 someone rang 3g to talk about one of the accounts.
  5. I know that Rox are dealing with this debt on behalf of HFO. But I find it odd that both companies are in the same street. Is there any reason why Roxburghe do not want to give any information about the clamed debt against my name?? They told my solictor that it is irrelevant information. how on earth is it irrelevant. I have told them time and time again I need the information to prove it's not me. So obvisouly the information is relevant. I also have suspicions against a family member who I was living with at the time all this happened. Some how within the space of 1 week two phones were taken out and delivered to that address in my name which I never seen!! I'm not entirely positive it's the family member, but if 3g and Roxburghe say they was delivered to the address I was living at 6 years ago how come I never accepted or signed for any packages for the whole time I was living there?
  6. Yh soon see, I sent the letter recorded delivery. will give them a week to come back with a response. Spent so long on the phone to 3g HFO and consumer direct, south wales police seems as its fraud an all and imformation commissioner and they all came back with the same, the prove it letter. so hopefully fingers crossed I will get a dignified response off them. Oh and when I was sorting the addresses for HFO and Roxburghe they are both in the same street. like literally houses away from each other. ODD spings to mind with that one.
  7. Not yet no. They have threatened with bailiffs in first and second letter, but are putting it on hold as requested by my solciitor. I can't do anything until I have proven it's not me, but failing because they aren't co-operating with me or my solicitor and sent a prove it letter today to HFO and Gary Osner the head of Roxburghe as requested by csa.
  8. Ok so Im guessing no ones getting bk to me on this?? Just to let people know, I have rang around a few places that deal with trading standards and data and identity theft and all I have been told is to write a letter asking for the information that they have about me to prove that it's not me. it seems that both HFO/ROXBURGHE and 3G do not want to give me information on the phones they are saying I have had and recieved and used. Which isn't the case as I have never been with 3G fully. I had a contract with 3G but it never worked and got sent back to the company I took the contract with. never heard from them again. Until 6 years later. How is it possible that someone has got my details to benefit themselfs then run up debt in my name without using my bank details? Surely for a contract you would need banking details of the same name? My next question is how can I get statements for a bank account I no longer have from 6 yrs ago? to check my details transfer etc for anything suspicious on my account??? I have been to the bank and asked for statements before christmas but it seems that not all my details are stored and they are finding it difficult to process it. Is there anyone else I can try to get to my statements?
  9. Hi guys/gals I to have recieved letters off this company. Also I read someone else had the letters one week before christmas as I did. The first letter stated I owe money for the sum of £346 for hutchinsons, a telephone number and reference number I should ring. When I rang them I was soo confused and upset that when they asked for my DOB i shouldv'e said no your not having it, as this account ISN'T mine.but gave them anyway and THEY said it didn't match what they had and couldn't talk to me as im not the account holder. When i rang the 2nd time and said my DOB it matched????? Looks like they are using your own words agaisnt them to ensure they got the write details. The 2nd letter I recieved had a different ref number and sum. £305 by the time I recieved the 3rd letter I had had an appointment with my solicitor. Told her everything but I do not think she is being very helpful. Roxburghe has then gone on to tell my solicitor that it's 2 phones I am in debt for. The first phone being £346 in debt which is I think possibly the 3g phone I sent back, back in 2004 when I couldnt activate the phone and never used it, yet there was a payment made to this account, which I never made. 2nd phone I have no idea where that has sprung from. I have denied the debt being mine as im 150% sure it's not mine for either phone. I have rang 3g and they couldn't give any details for the account like call logs or bank details as roxburghe has them all and I should ask them for the information. But roxburghe said payment was made by d/d then later said by cash. I am finding holes in everything they are telling me. Like the fact that one phone was active for a year without any other payments... No phone company would let that happen. I have proof that it wasn't my from the social, like the time I was living at said address when this was going on. Which doesnt match up to what they have in terms of dates. Basically I am wondering is there anything I can do as my solicitor seems to be giving them ammo instead of taking it away. Also should I sue this company for harrassment???
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