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Everything posted by paul-j

  1. Hi mate , not ssen all you post's but if you are having trouble with these monkeys, you can get it written off , and owe them nothing , i just had 8grand written of in just three months. more so if your CCA is pre april 2006.
  2. Hi Steve, we have approached him again and said that it is not our responisabilty , to replace the missing bits. will do has he has done and right , to him via the letting agent ,making the relevent polite requests. perhaps should take the costs of the parts from the next rent period
  3. Hi all. we have moved to a property for just three weeks, when we moved in there was an electric cooker ,when we opended the cooker to see how clean it was , we noted that the the grill tray ,and pan and the shelves for the oven where missing. we checked with the previous letting agent who have confirmed that the pan and shelves where removed because they where broken beyond usage. the landlords current agent has informed us that , he is not prepaired to supply replacement parts for the cooker. and has stated that the shelves where there, and that while he never lived here never had one , i find very hard to belive. we has in writing stated the above , we have read througth our agreement and it appears that all the sections (fixtures fittings white goods) should be in full order prior to us taking over the tennacy. if the landlord refuses to supply new cooker or parts , can i request to terminate the tennacy as we are only one month in to the six month assured. althougth this is such a small thing , we have three small children and cant cook proper food that would normally be able to
  4. Hi pt2537, thanks your reply will try to , post a bit better detail. in September 2009 my wife received a card through the post, stating she had won a prize, call this number etc.. upon calling the number, it turned out to be a gym membership, the lady who signed her up,stated that she had to sign forms stating that it was for membership, and nothing more. no mention of CCA's the whole process was rushed as the lady had another appointment in just 10 minutes , my wife signed the forms but the woman filled them out for the ease of speed. it turns out ,she has apparently signed a CCA , we have not seen any CCA document(S) , with the relevant small print , prescribed term's, etc.. the document they have supplied is the membership form, and they claim this is the CCA. i fail to see this a how they can state that it is a CCA. she was not informed that, she was entering a CCA, and we asked them to supply the evidence that she in deed did know she was entering an agreement. they also state that rights to cancel would be sent but never have been. they supplied a real bad,form with her initials on it,most of the words are heavily obscured and unreadable. this form is a receipt showing that she has received the pre-disclosure form. however they claim that the pre disclosure form in it self they don't keep. this i find very strange. we have all this in writing. we believe that the person at the gym was not fully clued up in the process and wondered if they should hold a license to issue a cca as asked in my opening post. we have had solicitors insolvent with this but ,because the paper work supplied shows the signatures in the relevant places they state can't progress it any further. i hope this makes sense and that i have covered the basics.
  5. Hi thanks for your help, will have a good look througth it now.
  6. Hi every one, new to posting, so forgive me if I posted in the wrong place. This relates to something my wife entered into last year. Would like to know if, a person issuing a consumer credit agreement would have to be licensed to do so, as an individual. Or does a person issuing on behalf of a company, automatically have the right to do so. if a person has issued an agreement without full knowledge of the CCA act 1974 , would it be a binding document. Or is this a breach in its self. Any help and suggestions would be greatly helpful
  7. SQ1, are you aware that Microsoft can trace the i.p address of stolen 360's if you have a xbox live account, and the unit serials are registerd for warranty . the units mac address is linked to the i.p. and can be tracked to the place the machine is at. i did this when my house was robbed feb 2009. also got a lot of other stolen stuff back , call microsoft xbox support you never know your luck. hope this helps good luck
  8. yes this is what they have done to me, taken the deposit and used against the insurances. My car was a proper shed , nothing but trouble with it dumped back at there eltham branch London, November 2005, it turned out to be an accident repaired car.after the ,varoius checks where done.
  9. hi Pez70 / debt4get im in a similar position . if you get no luck with the above really helpful post big up, to debt4get, for the wicked mass letter. there is a company out there there deal with and specialize in sorting out the yes car , morons and there DCA'S i have only recently found them. i tried to post the details , but the forum wont let me , the solicitors are Stephenson's based around wigan , and the north east and midlands they do Have a website but due to commercial rules on this forum i cant post the direct weblink. do a yell.com search you can very easily locate them. i informed DLC of the above acting company they have backed right off , they not to mess with them. if you are like me and was told that the ppi / gap / where compulsory in order to secure the car , then the whole debt is unenforceable., this is the route that the solicitors pursued. and have won all there cases so far. but only time will tell , as each case is different. good luck
  10. Hi there , i found a way to really make DLC back off ,dlc absolutely hate this firm , (Edit),they only deal with debts over £5.000 have a look at this web link, If you still way in debt to dlc this company i would recommend , i used them myself , and have had a fantastic result (mine was yes car credit morons) , check your ppi as well if the debt is sold on the ppi is still valid , or get refund.
  11. Hi all i purchased my car, via these monkeys back in 2004 , and here we are in 2010 still being chased for money , by a company called DLC. i had an accident at work and the nature, was signed off work better part of 2 years . i thought that i would get the PPI. the company never paid up and when they did , i got a total of £239.04 for the whole period of time of sick. one November morning, in 2005 i heard my letter box rattle , and thought no more of it, A collection driver had popped a note through the door stating that the car had been reposed. i got charged for change of locks including ignition , V - and an NEW m.o.t adding another , £900. to the debt i contacted them immediately regarding the ppi and insurance claims and demand the money back, and to date no luck. any one got any ideas . i have tried these ppi companys , but not had a great deal of luck , with any one willing to take it on any help would be great
  12. Totally new here today ,so thought was a general posting area ,apologies to the original owner of the thread , will start a new thread.
  13. Hi all , well im one of the unlucking people that fell victim to yes car credit , after haveing serious accident at work , and paying this rip off ppi insurance, i still denied , the benifits of the said policy, its now 2010 and a company called DLC , who purchased the debt ,are still chasing for nearly six grand, has any one been succsesful in obtaining a return on the policy in the form of ppi refunds . i have looked at the various links within posts above but the site as listed does not appear to be active any more. does any one know the insurance company that , yes car credit used for the ppi's as i cant claim without the information , any help would be great thanks all
  14. good in luck in trying , do post how you get on. best regards
  15. how i got the extra on top ,was simple i was working and as , my car was off the road ,and needed it to travel a good 50miles each way, so i billed them the cost of the travel , plus the days lost of work , they did not like it , but they payed up. hope that helps
  16. hi mate never sent letters to the council,i went personally. i took my bill from the garage, along with pics of the potholes in question along with a letter from the garage stating that the damage, was caused by sudden shock to the suspension, struts, springs bushes tracking tyre's and wheel damage, etc... in your case the pot holes where all ready filled in ,after returning to take pictures witch means that, the council was already aware of the the hole(s). in there defence they will say that you should have reported the holes prior to damage, and that you should have informed them the day of damage. (i know from past attempts). state that you was unaware that it was the councils liabilty. so was not reported then due to lack of knowadgle . that should do it. if they dont , tell them you will take legal action as they duty bound to keep the roads in good order. i used that one , and got the result i needed
  17. Hi there , i had same problem , nearly £500 in repair bills over the course of a year. in my case i took pictures of the potholes that had damaged my car , and after the relivant ring around of various agencys, it turns out that its the local area council is responseable for damage , to cars due to pot holes , i got my bill paid and £250 pound on top for my trouble ,, and the pot holes are now fixed. hope this helps you Paul-j
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