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Everything posted by singlemumstruggling

  1. YAAAY!! Welscum are going down! there is justice...
  2. jopea, hi! I am new here, i have not introduced myself as i cant find an intro board, but Im in the same situation with council rent arrears. I am a single mum ,in council flat(they make you feel like the dregs of society).I have had council debt recovery woman literally shouting at me about how bad i am owing public debt! she has demanded £15 pound a week ,or court, and wont accept my request to have it deducted from benefit, saying its too late for that!..i cant keep up with the £15 a week, its to much for me.It leaves us broke without enough food. I am taking this further as i feel i have a right to have it deducted at a fair rate, being a vulnerable person with a medical problem made worse by all this stress. Oh i do sympathise with you , and wish you all the best. This forum seems very good and helpful and i thank you all for being here.
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