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  1. Thanks Aviva and Simon. Money is not the issue as I can live without the ESA. but obviously I would rather have a 'sanctioned' amount than none at all. But will withdraw the claim if need be. I am just worried if I stop the ESA or it is sanctioned, my LHA will stop as will my Council Tax Benefit. Those are my big two bills every month, which I would not be able to pay. I feel I am being forced into work, despite how difficult it is for me due to my disability. Having only the one leg and one good arm together with a broken spine and neck that has left me wheelchair bound, In this recession no employer will seriously look to give me a job, particularly after I had to give up the last one due to it getting too difficult and I was off sick too often (i've been pensioned off twice now!). Now add on the depression and PTSD - say to any employer 'mental illness' and they run a mile. The ESA tribunal more or less indicated I have to be almost dead to get in the support group!! I honestly would love to work, but practically I know its impossible. I just feel like giving up with it. Thanks anyway for listening.
  2. Hello, Thank you. I do have 30 years NI paid (I started work at 16 years old and had to give up work last year at 48 years old) therefore have already paid 32 years NI (without a break as it were as I have always gone from one job to another in effect). The appeal was won in my favour (allegedly) from no ESA to ESA Work Related Activity Group. I was told I could not appeal further to be put in the Support Group unless there was a mistake in Law (the only mistake being they ignored my three consultants letters and GP letter and chose to follow the ATOS nurses report but that is not a mistake in law according to the welfare rights chap at the CAB with whom I had a one off 10 minute appointment). So, if i do keep my claim going, but get 'Sanctioned' what are the sanctions involved - do they just drop you down to the 'Assessment rate'?. I just really want to make sure my LHA and C/Tax benefits are not affected. If it means things get awkward then I think I would rather just close down my claim (again prioviding my rent and council tax are covered). I am just not well enough to play silly games with them. I don't really have any savings (just about £1,000) in the bank. Thank you.
  3. Hello, I am a new member, with a query about ESA. I am physically disabled also have a few mental problems now (PTSD and now severe depression - brought on by being limited by my physical disabilities). Until a few months ago I managed to work full time, but my physical disabilities how deteriorated over time and I can no longer work. My SSP and Occupational sick pay then ran out. I put in a claim for Employing Support Allowance (ESA) and was paid circa £64.00 per week. I then had the fun of a medical (the medical report seemed to be about someone else as it had no bearing on my disabilities). I put in an appeal tribunal and was eventually put in the Work Related Group. It is Contribution Based ESA if that makes any difference. Now, with being in this group I have to attend a private provider so many times and look for work or take part in work related activities. However I am just to ill to do this. I have missed some of the appointments already as my disabilities just will not permit me to go to them (The spirit is willing but the body is just too weak - i hope you know what i mean). Anyway, I have told I will get 'sanctioned' if I do not go to any of the meetings or the silly 'work related activity' sessions (where all the private provider is interested in is getting me into a job I have no hope of physically doing). My questions are twofold really. If I get 'sanctioned' what happens?. Will it also affect my Local Housing Allowance and Council Tax Benefit (currently the LHA/CTB pays all my rent/Council tax). Or, can i just stop my claim as I cannot go through with all this hassle?. If I just close down my claim (I hope I am at liberty to do so), again will this affect the Local Housing Allowance/Council Tax Benefit?. Are there any other implications of closing down my claim (other than losing the money?) I am not sure whether to just jack in claiming ESA or remain and be sanctioned. I am really worried about making sure my rent and council tax gets paid (I rent privately). Thank you for any advice or help.
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