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  1. Hi all and many thanks on providing a great forum. This is my first post but I have spent months on and off reading stuff on here, there is so much interesting information! I successfully claimed for mis-sold PPI (Nationwide Personal loan) over a year ago after utilising the services of the Ombudsman (FOS). A lengthy process and utterly frustrating made worse by the banks complete incompetence and headless chicken-like behavior. One of the last letters the FOS sent to me (and to the bank I suspect) stated some conditions. These were roughly: Where the consumer agrees to cancellation of PPI and to the restructuring of the loan, the lender should: 1 (A) Arrange for the loan to be restructured, any amounts outstanding in respect of PPI are canceled and the number and amounts of future payments are the same as would have been without PPI. (B) Calculate and pay blah blah the PPI payments (refund) © Set out in writing for the consumer the amount outstanding and the number and amount of future payments under A and the details of the calculation under B. I did get a letter with the refund and a calculation of sorts, not questioning that at the moment. I did cancel my standing order (new payment would obviously be less) and awaited a written confirmation of the first part of C. I did get phone calls and letters when they couldn't collect the payment because I had canceled the SO. I did explain numerous times on the phone that I wanted to see the number and amounts of future payments (to set up new standing order\direct debit). My thinking was, a new agreement would be sent. I was told over the phone the figure I should pay monthly. I asked (and still am) for the figures to be sent in writing before I carry on paying, (which I fully intend to do) Twelve months has now gone by since first asking for the above(still no further payments made by me) Six months after last speaking to the bank, another arrears letter has arrived, now with added interest and a 7 day demand. I have again explained to someone the reasons for not paying and again requested the figures in writing and re-affirmed my intention to pay but refuse to pay the added interest. My questions are. Am I being unreasonable? Should I just cave in and pay a figure I am being quoted over the phone? What would you have done or do next? What about my perfect credit rating? Should I again complain to the FOS? Receiving arrears letters and threats does give me sleepless nights, even though I think I am in the right here, please tell me if I'm wrong. Dealing with this is frustrating to say the least. Please chip in with your thoughts and advice. Thanks in advance.
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