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Everything posted by Maryn123

  1. I was in a similiar situation, with 3 debt collection searches recorded against me. I disputed the searches with Equifax, they wrote to the companies concerned, didn't receive a reply so removed the searches (after 21 days). I think DCAs are very unlikely to reply to the CRA if the debt is statute barred. Good luck
  2. I also raised queries with Equifax about 3 weeks ago - one regarding a financial association that had ceased to exist years ago and three others regarding debt collection searches that were just wrong. They removed the association almost immediately and removed the searches when the companies concerned hadn't replied within 21 days. So although it is very difficult to get through to them on the phone, Equifax do seem to be pretty efficient when it comes to dealing with queries.
  3. Just a word of warning about MH and others like them. I ignored repeated letters from them for over a year as I knew that I didn't have any outstanding debt in the last 12 years. Then recently I found that they had recorded a Debt Collection search against me, which looks very bad on my otherwise exemplary credit file. So keep an eye on your credit report, if you are going to be applying for credit any time soon.
  4. I noticed a CIFAS entry recorded on a credit report received from, Equifax about 12 months ago (it was flagged at an address I used to live at years ago). I got another report from Equifax last week and the CIFAS entry had just disappeared so maybe these things are routinely removed after 12 months?
  5. Hello all I am in the same situation. I was recently refused credit and when I got my credit report from Equifax it showed an outstanding debt search (in table 1) from Mackenzie Hall. I know that I did default on some debts apprx 12 years ago, due to some particularly difficult personal circumstances, but have never missed a payment on anything since then. I have raised an online query with Equifax and they have sent the query to MH. I am awaiting their reply and will repost when I get it
  6. Hi. These searches show in the table one section of the credit report as 'debt collection' - the CRAs guidance says that all searches in table 1 are seen by lenders etc so it will definitely go against me (in fact I was turned down for credit last week and this seems to be a possible, or even likely reason since there isn't anything else negative on my file). If the CRA or ST don't remove I intend to complain to the ICO, I'm so annoyed that they can do this when the late payment didn;t have anything whatsoever to do with me! I will post any updates if I get anywhere. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the reply. I have written to the CRA and am awaiting their response. The searches are recorded in the table 1 section, which means that they are visible to anyone who searches my file, which would obviously give a very bad (and false) impression of me to a prospective lender. I'm just amazed that a company can register a search (and damage someones credit rating) without having any apparent authority. Thanks again
  8. Just to add that it looks like I have posted this query in the wrong place. I have looked at the guidance but am not sure how to move it to a more appropriate place - such as CRA?? Can anyone advise? thanks
  9. Hello I am new to the forum so hope this is posted in the right place. I would appreciate views on my situation - I recently obtained my credit report and found that there are 2 debt collection searches, carried out by Severn Trent, recorded against my name at my previous address, where I had lived with a partner. The searches were carried out in 2009 after my partner and I had split up and I had left the address. I was in fact paying ST at my new address at the time (and have never made a late payment). I contacted ST to inform them that I was not at the address at the time of the late payments there but they were unmoved. They said that I should have told them at the time. I was surprised that my ex partner had not done so, so I contacted him and it turns out that I had never been on the ST bill there, it was solely in his name (and still is). Anyway I went back to ST to inform them of this and asked them to remove the searches - again they were refused - they acknowledged that I wasn't on the bill but said that as I had lived there then I had benefited from the water services and was therefore liable for the charges! So I was not listed on the ST bill at the old address AND I was paying ST at a different address. But still they do not accept that I wasn't liable for the late payment!!!!!!!!! To me this is beyond belief and I was astonished at their reply. But can someone tell me if ST have the right to record a credit search against me when I wasn't even listed as the bill payer? Many thanks
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