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  1. I had similar experiance with these bullies, keep at them dont let them get you down, all i done was used templates on here and kept quoting from the oft guidelines especially this bit - Section: 3.11 d applying unreasonable charges. In the OFT's view, creditors should consider reducing orstopping interest and charges where a borrower evidences that he is infinancial difficulty and is unable to meet repayments as they fall due Or when he can only make ‘token’ repayments such that hislevel of debt would continue to increase if interest and charges continue to beapplied. to cut long story they sent letter agreeing to a non interest bearing reduced payment plan of just £13 per month, plus further interest suspended and no further default charges added and my total debt to them is nearly £2,000 hope that gives you some reassurance, keep at them dont give in to them good luck
  2. even the more expensive special delivery dont seem to get a signature either again with shop direct. 2 recent letters to shop direct by special delivery at £5.05 a time and all you get with there track and trace and customer services we can confirm it was delivered but we dont have a signature for it in future anything that needs a signature im ditching royal mail and use a courier service instead as it seems anything sent to shop direct that needs a signature never happens regardless of what service i use weither its recorded or special delivery.
  3. I am currently complaining with shop direct (littlewoods) regarding the penalty charges they keep applying to my account etc and i asked them to give me a breakdown of how they reached a £12 figure and reminded them of the oft guidlines section 2.10d applying unreasonable charges not based on actual and necessary costs there reply was the normal fob off letter they wont remove charges if not happy go to fos etc but they added this extra paragraph for good measure: Details of how the cost of this charge is calculated are company sensitive information and we are not in a position to share this data with any 3rd parties. in my opinion in other words not based at all on any actual work just a penalty charge they added just to fob me off as usual does anyone think i should push them further on this point and if so how to go about it would like to know others opinions on this and if anyone else has ever asked them for breakdown of how they work out charges etc will keep pestering them till get some answers
  4. i found it payed not to give up and kept on to them as far as i was concerned i payed for a service (recorded delivery) on so many occassions and they failed to provide that service. sorry was just not good enough in my eyes so i kept on and on to them I am pleased to say the matter has been resolved and i received a cheque from them eventually. I learnt from that experience that if its important mail ie cca requests etc in future will be sent by special delivery although its dearer its a peace of mind to guarntee delivery
  5. been trying to get bigger but try this i am new to this 1st image running account 2nd image fixed amount
  6. here are the scanned cca the 1st one is the main running account one for 20 and 52 wk the 2nd is the fixed sum for 104 wk account for 1 product that carries interest etc
  7. yes i will get them scanned and up later this evening
  8. hi the the 2006 signed is the running account cca but the 104 agreements i refer to are fixed sum agreements and as stated they sent 2 cca of them all properly but there is 3 missing which i know they cant produce as never been signed and still got them here never sent off etc as they only sent the running account and 2 fixed sum agreements and 3 was missing can i go in dispute on the account or just on the 3 missing as all are registered to me on 1 account number. or can i dispute on a partial non receipt of my request for non receipt of the 3 other fixed sum agreements sorry if repeat myself new to all this thanks in advance
  9. hi all just a quick moan about the royal mails recorded delivery service, in last 6 months i have sent 13 letters by this service that i required proof that they was delivered, and must add it was to the same company and address. only 3 can be accounted for that was signed for and can prove was delivered that is a very high percentage i have written to customer services with copies of all receipts about this am still waiting for them to reply. in my opinion i think the postman had them in sack with rest and couldnt be bothered to obtain signature due to amount of mail that gets delivered to this national company. will keep u informed if i do hear from customer services
  10. hi all just applied for my cca from littlewoods catalog that i have now received within time but unfortuntly it is a true signed copy in 2006. but my question is this on reading through the main account cca that it only mentions about 20 and 52 week accounts with them. i am of opinion they only sent partial cca as i do have also fixed loan agreements on 104weeks with them as well that they only enclosed 2 to me where i know there is a further 3. i know they wont and cant find those other 3 as i still got them here never signed or returned to them, my question is as i only had a partial return on my request can i still go forward in dispute because they sent only some of it . what i am trying to say is can i escalate to declare a dispute on the 3 never received or because its on same account and only received part and not fully can i put whole account into dispute or can i just put dispute on those 3 as its all on 1 account. hope that makes sense to those that are more experinced at this thanks in advance
  11. hi all i am new to this site so bear with me, i wonder if anyone knows or if there is a letter template to request information under any acts etc i been fighting littlewoods etc non stop since september last year on this to no avail. the situation is this i ordered some goods that were supposedly delivered on 1st sept but on day in question noone was at home there was a card left to say sorry i missed you from there couriers and said item was at rear of house,although it was a signed for item, but there was nothing there, i phoned 1st the courier who said i have to deal with littlewoods, all littlewoods keep writting and saying that the driver says my goods was safely delivered and signed for. i have requested 2 things from them that they just ignore my questions which are (1) i request a copy of the so called signature and (2) i would like an explanation if the goods were so called left as they so say why was there a sorry missed you card left. so back to start is there anyway i can force them to supply this information to me under any legalisation or acts etc or is there any templates i can use. as this has been charged to my account over £300 and i dont intend paying for goods i have not received. personally what i think has happened the driver couldnt be bothered to take it back to depot and signed for himself as by coincidence after this was reported they suddenly changed drivers any help or advice be appreciated if there are any laws at all for them to produce what i ask or can i refuse to pay as its a dispute without any penalty charges been added etc hope you all understand as i waffled on a bit as new to this but this been going on since last sept and now making me ill thank you in advance
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