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  1. I can't believe Wonga have so much negative comments - more of a lesson to fully research a company before picking them... I guess we live and learn.
  2. Glad this was posted, think I might need them soon enough, hehe!
  3. Way to stick to your guns! I hope I can do as you soon... not at the constant phonecalls stage yet
  4. I'm having problems with Wonga too! Seems like they're really unprofessional. Do you have the email address of the manager?
  5. Did they accept in the end? Or is there more wrangling like the OP going on? Lol!
  6. Have they shown you the proof of them putting it in to your bank account twice?
  7. Please read mine too, would I be better off just paying and getting it over with or letting it drag on? I feel disgusted with them taking an excess of money and not deducting it from the amount I owe.
  8. How did you get on? Having my own problems with Wonga too
  9. I took out a loan with Wonga on the 19th February for £200 to repay at the end of February. I believe it to be paid and leave it at that. I get an email today and they claim that I missed the payment and they have taken £100 from my account and claim I still owe them the original £200 plus extra interest! Is there anyway I can dispute this?
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