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  1. Hi, Im no expert in this field but im guessing all the replies will be similar. If the money your other half is paying is not reducing the debt at all firstly and most importantly you need to find out where the money is going,is it going to the right account,secondly im presuming u kept reciepts for such deposits as this will come in beneficial on your side if the money is mysteriously vanishing. Hope this is some kinda help to you.
  2. ! Any advice much appreciated as I only have 6 days until 1st court date, But I have to inform them of my plea no later than2 days before this! About 6 weeks ago, I was caught speeding @ 105mph in a 70 mph zone,dual carriage way,at this point i was over taking another vehicle and did not see 2 police bikes at the road side. I then joined traffic in a single lane 60 mph zone and my speed taken into account vehicles coming the opposite way had dropped considerably. Then shortly before entering a 50 mph zone I noticed 2 lights in my rear view mirror then suddenly blue lights, the next suitable place to pull over was a lay by in the 50mph zone. So basically they seen me travelling at excess speeds in the 70mph zone but were not in view of me again til in the 60mph zone about to enter the 50mph. It was a clear dry night and roads conditions as stated by the police officer were good. So at the roadside i pleaded Guilty as i know i was exceeding the speed limit, But now i have recieved my court citation and im a little confused. The summary of evidence doesnt seem to match the COMPLAINT of the PROCURATOR FISCAL against me when stating the actual offence. It reads as follows. SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE: Restriction on road:70mph Actual speed:105mph Type of check:laser meter Accused was not offered a conditional offer or fixed penalty. Locus description:The locus is a public road. The road is of dual carriageway format with a national speed limit of 70pmh and generally travels North and South(Generally?Always). There is no street lights present.At the time the weather was fine & dry,road surface dry and although other road users present,conditions were light. SECTION 1 STATUTORY warning/caution given. The COMPLAINT of the PROCURATOR FISCAL read as follows: On (certain date) on An A class Road being a dual carriage way road in terms of article 2© of the aftermentioned order, you (name)did drive a motor vehicle, namely motor car register number(********)at a speed exceeding 70 mph, namely at a speed of 105mph. CONTRARY to the 70 mph, 60mph, and 50pmh(Temporary speed limit) Order 1977 Article 2© continued in force by the 70 mph, 60mph and 50mph(temporary speed limit)(continuation)Order 1978 and the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 sections 88 and 89. Now to me this comes across that they followed me driving at 105mph, through a 70mph a 60 pmh and a 50 mph, which they definitly did not. Also they mention after the speed zones Temporary spped limit,This is the actual speedlimit for the zones i travelled through and there were no road works etc to enforce a certain speed limit. I have been advised so far to plead guilty, but how do i plead guilty to only part of the charge, which was that i did travel 105 mph in the 70 zone and to state that the police if this is whats meant did not follow me through the other zones. I have to put this in writing asap but i do not want to go on too much. Obviously i have been a bit stupid travelling at this speed, i was overtaking at the time buti know this is no excuse. I also want to state that if i was to lose my license it would cause alot of inconvenience and a great strain. I live in a rural location and i have a wife who does not drive, i also have 2 children aged 3 and under so if there was an emergency we could be stuck. I sometimes use my car to commute to work which is 35 miles away frm home. A great concern would be for my wife as her father is ill with Coronary heart disease so we travel this 35 miles often to care for him. I would also be greatful and appreciative if this matter was delat with by means of points and a fine, currently i have 3 points from a speeding offence 3 or 4 yrs ago travelling 15 mph over the limit. Is there any type of template letter i can follow? or can anyone give me guidance on what to write. Also is there a certain fixed penalty for doing this speed on any road with a national speed limit? Any help and advice much appreciated. Thanks
  3. I have 3 acc's with hbos, one which holds a healthy overdraft, which when i was earning bigbucks i didnt mind but now after the recession i am not earning big bucks i am constantly in my over draft, also in the over draft of the other 2. id say every month on avg i am now going to be charged about 75 quid instead of before i only paid about 35 in total interest if i was ever in od. but if we went back to the old way with the interest, if we have an unpaid item or a returned cheque etc they will also go back to charging us the 35.00 or would they? one account i was up to my overdraft limit so i was paying a pound a day i had a direct debit due which i didnt have sufficient funds to cover so the bank went ahead and paid this which caused my account to go over arranged overdraft limt uncurring me a 5 pound a day charge i was fuming who decides whether to let money thats not even there leave my acc, after i phoned the bank to ask them, they said the bank make the decision based on if there is a chance i could get into trouble for not paying it and it was a broadband dd. so should i be chalenging the bank on this change? i cant make up my mind its for the better or the worse?
  4. Can anyone help, Im new to this site so pls be patient with me. A few months back we were short of money so my husband applied for a payday loan,this was to pay current bills....we paid this back but then again more bills came so we borrowed again...to keep it short before we knew it we were borrowing one to pay back another. The salary my husband recieves is only enough to get us by as a family. We were stupidly paying the unsecured debts first, credit cards etc and not rent council tax etc. then we realised we could lose the roof over our heads so we had to take out another loan... We have sat down and agreed from now on any income we recieve will pay the importants debts, i call them debts but at present im up to date with everything Except now these payday loans. I will be honest and shame myself but we have a few out. The pay back dates are coming up soon and we simply cant afford to pay them before we pay the rent council tax etc so what do i do? some this payday are requiring only the interest fee, then next payday the loan amount pls the interest fee again and some are requesting the whole amount. i have 2 babies to consider i cannot risk us losing our home or having the electric cut etc. When we applied for these we had every intention on paying each one back and now realised we cant. I gave each lender my debit card details then also acc no and sort code. now im worried what wil happen now i cant afford to pay these back, what is the very worst that could happen. I have read a few msgs on the forum where members are talking about the consumer credit act etc, do i have as a borrower any rights against these kinda companies etc? Any advice wil be much appreciated, i have asked on other site's only to be told what i already know that these are short term loans, learn to live on the minimum etc i know all this and believe me when i say i will learn from this. Thanks
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