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  1. Thanks, I contacted the court yesterday after reading your first post. I just need to write a letter for them to close the case. Nobody told me this before!
  2. I didn't cancel the case. I didn't know I had to do that. How do I do this before it's too late?
  3. UPDATE: Nationwide have now decided to defend the court action. Looks like I will have to go to court over £270!! Has anybody else had the money paid to them and then a couple of weeks later received a letter from the court saying they are defending the case?
  4. Yeah, I won't be recommending them to anybody. I can't believe they're doing this to me just out of spite.
  5. Hello, yep that's what they done to me. I got my refund last week and about a week later I got the letter that you see above. A standard letter it seems, so they're probably prepared for a lot of this type of thing.
  6. I've had an account with Nationwide for about a year and a half after transferring all my direct debits and standing orders for a "better interest deal". Big mistake!! In that time they took £240 from me in charges for silly things like going overdrawn by a few pound with a direct debit even though I paid cash in the SAME day to cover that bill. They always said that it has to be in your account the night before to count!! Strange - HSBC have never done that to me. I got sick and tired of this, so I took advice from this website and wrote to them asking for my money back. They fobbed me off with a standard letter saying that it was in their terms and conditions. I then started legal action and took them to court. (They probably weren't expecting me to do that.) Now the good news - I got all my money back last week, including the £30 fee... and now the bad news! I got a letter today saying: "It is now clear that you are unwilling to conduct your account in accordance with our Flex Account terms and conditions". What a load of rubbish?!? They are closing my account out of spite because I took them to court and won. The full letter can be read here: http://www.freewebs.com/sizzlingsam01/Nationwide%20Letter.jpg What I found funny is that are threatening ME with legal action now if I use the account after 22/09/06 So be warned, make sure you have another current account to fall back on before you start action. Otherwise you could be in trouble. Thank God I am still with HSBC after 13 loyal years.
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