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  1. Thank you so much, I emailed the bank almost a week ago now and still awaiting their reply. Their last letter only took them 3 days to send me.
  2. I knew I wouldn't get it all refunded, but I knew if I backdated it to 2009 I had a better chance of getting as much back as possible. ATM I am stuggling, I'm also a full time student with money coming out for applying for UCAS, and all these bills etc xx
  3. Thanks so much for that, I have already applied online with coop feeling rather positive already.
  4. Do I just quote BCOBS, or do I need something from within it? I have been with Barclays 14 years now and I do think I will take your advice and change accounts. I do have an overdraft of £100 with Barclays that I would need to clear first.
  5. I have just written this up, does anyone know if this will be okay to send? I'm not very good with letter writting: To Whom It May Concern, I am writing with regards to the letter which I received from you around the 3rd January 2014. Whereby you have told me you will not refund me for the bank charges dated from 2009-2013, you said and I quote 'I understand you are unhappy with the bank charges incurred and debited from your account between 2009-2013, when taking into consideration the provisions of the Social Security admin Act 1992. As a resolution, you would like a refund of the above charges.' 'I can clarify that where the Act refers to a 'charge' it is intended to mean ''to assign an asset'' rather than to ''incur a fee''. Therefore, the true meaning of the Act is that benefit payments can not be used as security or assigned to a third party. This means Barclays can charge fees in respect of the products and services we offer your banker.' However after to much research, I do believe your findings to be indeed incorrect. After doing some much needed research I did however find this: 'Social Security Administration Act 1992 Miscellaneous Certain benefit to be inalienable ** 187- Subject to the provisions of this Act, every assignment of, or charge on- (a)benefit as defined in section 122 of the Contributions and Benefits Act; (b)any income-related benefit; or ©child benefit, and every agreement to assign or charge such benefit shall be void; and, on the bancrupcy of the beneficiary, such benefit shall not pass to any trustee or other person acting on behalf of his creditors. ** inaliable = not to be forfeited.' Therefore I am asking you again, to please refund me my benefits from the period 2009 when I began receiving such benefits to the current charge recently dated 2014. I feel that telling me over the telephone that you treat all your customers the same is that of a lie as I stated I had a friend go through something very much the same and there was no deal over it, she was refunded. I note this to be against BCOBS and Unfair Treatment. As you as a bank are treating me different to the next customer. I do hope that we can clear this issue up with a good outcome before I take this to the financial ombudsman. Many Thanks (Miss) Kayleigh
  6. I am struggling with the amount of charges put on to my account, specially as I am a single mum to 4 children, I have rent to pay, gas and electric, council tax, tv bills, food shopping, clothes shopping etc.. .. these fast few months alone, I am having to pull out wonga loans to just try and get by.
  7. No I haven't, I sent them an email requesting my charges back from 2009-2013 under the social security act. The email I sent them said: I am requesting charges from 2009-2013 be refunded to my account I receive child benefits and child tax credits and other government benefits only into this account which the law states is minimum a person needs to live on these social security benefits are granted to stop hardship and designed to meet day to day needs and are exempt administration act 1992 subsection 187 from arrestment in terms of section 187 social security administration act 1992 section 45 of the tax credits act 2002 chapter 21 part 1 is an identical provision to the said section 187 of the 1992 act this stipulates that the bank can not apply any charges to money received as be and such charges unlawful and therefore disallowed therefore can all money owing be returned to my account Thank you for your cooperation in this matter
  8. Help! To cut a long story short, I am so useless when it comes to getting back bank charges and it is not as easy as I thought it would be! I currently get Income Support, Child Tax Credit and Child Benefit into my bank account, this is ALL that's goes into my account. I heard that because of it being a benefit the banks can not legally take it from my account, I have seen a few stories where no judgement was made and Barclays refunded, so I gave it ago. On the phone the lady actually lied to me and told me they treat all their customers the same, if they are working or not a charge will still apply.. .. I told her I knew she was lying as I have seen a few people beating the banks. I received a letter in the post last week and it states: 'I understand you are unhapy with the bank charges incurred and debited from your account between 2009-2013, when taking into consideration the provisions of the Social Security Admin Act 1992. As a resolution, you would like a refund of the above charges.' 'I can clarify that where the Act refers to a 'charge' it is intended to mean ''to assign an asset'' rather than to ''incur a fee''. Therefore, the true meaning of the Act is that benefit payments can not be used as security or assigned to a third party. This means Barclays can charge fees in respect of the products and services we offer your banker. ' This bit is the bit that has thrown me 'As a result, I am unable to uphold your complaint and will not be refunding the bank charges you have complained about' Since writing to them and them giving me this as there final findings I have incurred 2 more bank charges. What do I do?
  9. Hiya i did not see there was an overpaidment a letter was sent to me on thr 16th December telling me an overpayment had been made to housing ass and that i owe nothing and not to worry. But 2 months later i get a statement attached to the possessions claims with it there, otherwise i'd be none the wiser.
  10. Hi, wondering if someone could shed some light here, i was given a repossession order on my home which i get FULL housing benefit for, the amount they are requiring from myself is £740.48 however i called my local housing benefit team and have even been down to there office on Friday and it shows that there is no rent arrears what so ever, when looking into the charges it is shown that the housing benefit team had overpaid housing ass by £517.41, now here is the tricky part, i do not pay this to housing ass, it comes directly from housing benefit straight to housing ass, therefore i do not see what is being sent or recieved, i have looked on my rent statement that was inclosed with the repossessions order and now housing ass are billing me £517.41 for the HB overpayment. What i want to know is if they can do this to me when clearly it does not have anything to do with me, when housing ass agreed to take the rent directly from HB they were told they would be libale for any over payments, I do not see why i have to give it to Housing Ass when it was there error, they should of told HB. Please someone help me, i'm going out of my mind with worry at the thought of being in court. Can housing ass actually ask me for the HB overpayment, even though it has nothing to do with me?
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