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Posts posted by unclebulgaria67

  1. If the Tories lose and Sunak is still an MP, he would probably resign as leader of the Tories and as an MP. Before Parliament goes into recess for Summer, Government would pass relevant order for a by-election which would take place early September. 

    Read an online prediction that the Tories could be down to less than 100 MP's.  I think it is more likely they will have between 150 to 200, as some voters might be concerned by giving Labour too big a majority and reducing Tories to a number that might take over 10 years to recover from.


    Prime minister knows economy is likely to be in even worse shape by autumn or winter, but summer’s good news won’t impress a battered public

    Agree with this article.  If the Tories could have held a tax cutting budget in Autumn 2024, they would not have gone for a July election. The economics are incredibly difficult for any party in Government. Massive debts have been piled up increasing the amount of interest being paid. I doubt the last National Insurance cut was really funded by funds available and relied on additional borrowing. And as Truss found out, borrowing to make tax cuts has consequences. 

  3. Going in July makes sense, because allowing more time for negative news to keep hammering the Tories would just reduce support for them further.

    It flights to Rwanda had started in June or July 2024, but thousands were still crossing the channel, it would prove the deterrent policy was totally ineffective.  The weather during the summer is likely to mean more migrant crossings.

    And having listened to some economic discussions on radio recently, the Government are building up more debts they have to pay interest on. So there was no room for tax cuts in an Autumn mini budget.

    Governments go for quick elections if they believe the months ahead are likely to be worse for them.

  4. Just use the print option 'print to pdf' which will save a copy of email as pdf document on your device.

    If you lived at address as partner when the liability was not settled, then it would be Council Tax legislation they would use.

    This is designed to stop tenants or owners of a property resident in a property not to pay tax due, when the normal bill payee does not pay the liability due.

    If you want to know the exact legislation wording, suggest you search for it online, as the legislation is available to view online.

    If you did not live at address as partner at the time, there is no law they could use.

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  5. DCA chasing for Tesco.

    Sometimes debt owner keeps the debt, but also gets a DCA involved to apply pressure. They may sell the debt on at some point.

    What was the contract ?  Sim cards only or with phones as part of deal ?

    How far into the contracts before cancelling payments ?

    How long ago since last payment ?

    Is the debt on credit record now as default ? What does it show ?

    More info required, so next step can be suggested.

  6. Small boat crossing numbers in last 7 days much more than the planned number to be sent to Rwanda.

    These migrants obviously believe that being sent to Rwanda is not a consideration when they are aware of other migrants having died making the English channel crossing.

    If Rwanda was going to receive thousands of migrants, then it probably would be a deterrent to some. But the threat of sending 300 migrants to Rwanda is just not going to make any difference.

  7. Think with a no confidence motion to be selected for debate, it has to be supported by a certain number of MP's.  Or it has to be added as an amendment to a finance bill.

    I don't think the smaller opposition parties have opposition day debates. . It is just Labour and SNP that have time allocated for them to lead the opposition debates. 

    If the above is accurate (not 100% sure as parliamentary rules are complicated) , it is not that easy for Lib Dems to have a confidence motion debated.


  8. Once social services become involved, it is very difficult for them not to attend a property. 

    If someone died and later there was an inquest, social services would be under a spotlight about actions they failed to take, that might have prevented the death. This is the reason for the legal department sending the letter.

    Not saying that anyone in your household is in danger,  but social services without visiting may be worried about the condition of the housing and possible risk to occupants.

    I would suggest that you agree for social services to attend, just so that any concerns raised can be cleared up.

  9. Apparently some journalists have heard that Sunak may call an election next weekend or in the week following the bank holiday Monday. With the election to be held at the end of June.


    Here's why the Prime Minister could announce a general election soon


  10. Has changing the seat increased the value of the car and/or made it more attractive for thieves to steal ?

    From what you said, any additional value would be low and any increased attractiveness to thieves appears quite low.  But for an Insurance company looking to charge an extra £50 for a modification, I can see why an Underwriter asked the question may say it is definitely a mod.

  11. The Tories election campaign is basically whatever the Daily Mail and Express write about as concerns of the 'British people'. 

    The latest speech by Sunak about sick note Britain is the latest.

    Perhaps there needs to be a discussion on the mental health crisis that is stopping a large number of people from working.  When people are having to wait for months for a Mental Health assessment and then a very long time for any therapy treatment, then that is not going to help.

    The problem with many politicians speeches is that they identify problems, but when it comes to solutions that are going to cost billions, plus take many years to put into place, they shy away from the practical actions that would be required. Instead they will come up with some slight tinkering actions at a cheaper cost, that won't make much difference. 

    There are probably  hundreds of thousands of disabled people who would like to work, but many employers won't offer them employment as they are not willing to make the reasonable adjustments to make it happen. If the Government pledged to support employers financially with the costs that would be incurred, then I am sure we would see many more disabled people in workplaces.

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