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Everything posted by help45

  1. Hi Dx Yes, I got the card and associated ppi in the shop. In your reply you said that working for the NHS would be a good point for missale but Santandar dont seem to have the point of view at the moment going by their response .I was hoping that having pre-existing medical problems and the exclusions not being pointed out before the card was sold would help my case but they have ignored that bit. Just have to wait to see what their next response is going to be.
  2. I had exactly the same response. I received a letter stating they were opening my old DP storecard claim, they then rang me and asked me further questions and then once again rejected my claim. However, they did say that I could ring them to discuss it if I wanted. I claimed due to the following:- although it was non-advised I should have been made aware of the exclusions and pre- existing medical conditions that it would not cover.- their response - they sent me details after the sale and I could have cancelled it within the 30 days - I stated that I had pre-existing medical conditions which it would not cove r- their response - even though I wasnt covered for these medical conditions I could have used the other parts of the insurance. - I stated that I wasnt told it was optional and no discussion ever took place except it would cover me if I was ever off sick, just asked to sign here and here for the 10% discount only when in financial difficulties in 2010 I was told that I could cancel when I rang up to see if they could help .- their response they believe I was informed and made aware of the ppi and could have cancelled at any time. - I work for the NHS and believe that I was covered enough by work to make payments whilst off sick - their response was that they could not take this into account So I think I might write to them again just to reitterate that it was missold by the following :- I should have been made aware of any exclusions/pre existing medical conditions before signing for the ppi - I have pre-existing medical conditions which were not covered (Depresspin/stress )- Did not need to take out expensive insurance cover when I was appropriately covered at work - Did not cancel earlier as when I received my statements thought it was part of the card, and that I would have cancelled earlier when in financial difficulties.
  3. I received an offer from Barclays . it stated that it was estimated as they could not get my payments from before 2005, they said that I had paid 1100 ppi payments on my credit card but with interest they were going to pay me 7000. However, I never received this letter, which was dated 2011 until I contacted them in 2012 and they resent the offer. I then sent off the acceptance letter and was told that they owed me 17 months payments from 2003 and a further 12 months payment from 2012 and would recalcualte. Just got there offer now and it says payments made 2015 but interest is only 1400 so they now owe me 3400 plus 800 8% interest. Confusion is I dont know how they can make such a mistake. Interest I am paying at the moment is 34.9% (paying the card off slowly) so taking the payment off the card for 2012 leaves me at the beginning of the year 1870.00 payments of ppi, 34.9% on that amount is nearly as much as the insurance I am being offered and if you take the insurance over the rest of the 8 years it comes to what they originally offered me. Am I being a bit thick here (maths was never my strong point) and should I ask them to look at it again or just accept the amount they are offering. Help
  4. HiI was in the same position as you 3 months ago so I can sympathise with you. I had 6 pay day loans and stopped paying them and came to an arrangement with all of them, with no problem except Pounds till Pay Day. They just kept demanding the full payment. I explained I was entering into a DMP etc but still wouldnt listen. I emailed them constantly asking for their bank details in order that I could start paying something but the response was contact their collections department but when I did they wouldnt come to an arrangement. This debt has now gone to a Debt Collector, Clarity, i rang them yesterday and they actually agreed to a 6 month repayment plan with no problems. I actually kept all the emails I sent to PTP in case anything happend like taking me to court to show that I did offer to pay but dealing with Clarity was fine. The thing to remember is dont stress (easy for me now to say but if I knew things could be sorted out this easy!!! or was I lucky?) they will make an arrangement and ive had no bullying over the phone with any of the other companies I had to deal with.Hope everything goes well for you.
  5. HiI have made an arrangemement with them but did not give them my card details. I got them to give me their bank account details and have arranged to pay them that way, so that they cannot take money out when they feel like.I actually found these easy to come to an arrangement unlike some of the other payday loans I have recently had to contact in order to make an arrangement.
  6. Bit of a long tale but hear goes. For a while we kept getting electrical shocks of the light switch when we turned it on. As we are council tenants we reported it to the council who sent out an electrician. He came checked the switch said he couldnt find anything and that it could be static. Even asked my oh if he had been shocked (leaving me feeling a fool). This still occurred until one Saturday my daughter was given a large shock to the extent that her arms were aching for days. Due to the fact that the council electrician couldnt find anything and it was a Saturday we called out an electrician. He checked all the sockets to find that even with the electric switched off there was a current still running through the switches. After thoroughly checking all the lights, taking the light fitments down, he still couldnt find it until he went upstairs and took the floor boards up. He started to laugh and asked if we had a camera, it transpired that when the council put in our central heating the workman had actually gone through the wires, they hadnt earthed them, wrapped them up in tape and didnt put them in a jucntion box, just joined them together. The casing inside had actually turned black because the wires were smolduring. In fact the electrician stated we were very luck not to have a house fire. Took this to the council and the bill for the electrician, who stated they would have to chase up the comany. This has now been 4 months and still nothing. Contacted them 2 weeks ago and all I got was that they would chase it up. I now feelt hat I should be doing something more pro-active but what? I owe 1 1/2 weeks rent and they are chaing me up every week with letters and this would cover the rent arrears. I feel like saying until I get my refund I wont be paying and scaring them by taking the council to the small claims court. Surely they shoud compensate me and then chase up British Gas. Advice would be grateful. I did actually threaten them with asking for comepnsation for the lenght of time it has taken them to sort it out, plus I didnt even ask for reimbursment for my carept being ruined when it had to be taken up. Thank you
  7. I didnt realise I could go that far back and in fact it was a sheer fluke that I asked for the ones that were paid out to be considered. It was only by reading something in a NHS publication that stated that if i worked for the NHS I didnt have to have ppi, so I wrote to Lloyds and within 2 weeks they had agreed to pay me over 6,000 back.However, I thought if the bank still has a record of these 2 loans I would try for the ppi refunding. So here goes.
  8. HiLast year I had my ppi refunded on 2 loans with Lloyds. However, after contacting customer services I have been informed that I have had 2 further loans with ppi on them. So I have put a claim in for the ppi for these 2 loans, for the same reasons. These loans were from 2003, the loasn paid out were from 2008. Do you think t hey will look at them.
  9. HiJust an update on my claim that is with the FOS. Just received an email from them stating that I could be waiting up to a further 12 months before an Ombudsman will look at my claim.The adjudicator upheld my claim at the end of December 10 but Lloyds didnt respond so ive been waiting since January for the Ombudsman.Michelle
  10. Hi If I knew Lloyds would pay out in the end, I wouldnt mind wating the 12 weeks. However, Im just concerned that Lloyds have not responded to fos upholding my claim that they will not pay out and it has to get looked at again and this time, possibly, rejected. Especially, after originally claiming in March 10. But thanks you guys for your replies.
  11. Hi Dj I received a letter at the beginning of December.
  12. At the beginning of last year I put a claim in for ppi on a loan and credit card I had with Lloyds. I received the money back from the loan with no problem but with the credit card rejected the claim. (Even though I took it out the same time I took out the loan and just got told to sign for ppi). So off to the FOS I went. Now receivd a letter stating that they are upholding my claim and have written to Lloyds to tell them to pay but Lloyds have not replied. My question is as the credit card was taken out in 2001 do you think its worth taking it now to the ombudsman or with the judicial review coming up to forget about it. Any suggestion would be helpful thans
  13. I emailed the ceo of Lloyds Mr Daniels about 2 weeks ago stating that I feel that he should check out exactly what is happenning in the loan and credit card dept. To my suprise (or not) no response. so i will be going to the FOS and hope they agree.
  14. Hi thanks for your reply. These were the final response so I suppose I should now turn to the fos. Do they uphold a lot of claims. The reasons I claimed for both my loans and credit cards were that I was advised that it would be beneficial for me the first time I ever took out a loan with Lloyds so everytime I applied for something I still took their advice. However, I worked and still do for the NHS so was covered with good sick pay/redundancy and life insurance so I didnt need their insurance. The salesperson knew where I worked but never discussed what I had in place. (i am not now or never been in a position where I could afford to pay for something that i DIDNT NEED) I also had preexisting medical condition - depression/stress since 1988, so wouldnt be able to claim on this. Was never informed that I could get this product elsewhere, probably cheaper, if I needed it. and as said above the loan department have paid me back but the credit card department have flatley said no. Do you think its worthwhile contacting FOS. Just cant understand why one department said yes and the other no. Help 45
  15. HI Can anybody tell me Lloyds/TSB reasoning for accepting or rejection ppi claims. I have recently put in 2 claims for ppi on my loans and 2 claims for ppi on my credit cards with Lloyds. Within 2 weeks they agreed to pay me back ppi on my loans but have just (after 9 weeks) rejected the sale of ppi on my credit cards. The reason I gave on my credit cards for misselling were the same as the reasons for the loans which they have upheld. Surely, if they have agreed it was missold for the loans the same reasons should have been upheld on my cards (which I signed for the same time I took my loan out with them). Any suggestions what I do next. Thanks very much Help45.
  16. will do, will do it tomorrow if that okay. dont wish my other half to know so will do it it when im on my own thanks very much
  17. Unfortunately, I do not have a scanner but I do have a copy of my agreement which I took out in 1999. Just think its a bit harsh for 12.00 and ruining my credit record for that amount.
  18. Hi Im wondering if somebody could tell me what I should do. I have just received a default notice from Santandar for the amount of 12.00 (the amount I owe is 1,2000.). I have had a store card with them for 10 years and up until January of this year had never missed a payment, however, due to circumstances I could not make a payment and asked them for help, they wanted so much information that I decided that I would try and make the paymets - I admit the paymets were a couple of days late but they were alwyas paid. Then in April finances got back to normal and I could pay, so I contacted them paid it up todate and set up a standing order, which I thought would begin in May. Checked the bank and it was set up so everything seemed alright. Now Ive been told the payment of £42.00 would not be paid out of my bank until June. If I had realised this was so I would have paid the 12.00 which is not even a third of a full months installment, surely sending me the default notice is a bit harsh, especially, as I thought everything was going to be paid. What can anybody suggest I can do cos I dont really want a default notice next to my name. Any advice please because I dont know what to do next. Thanks
  19. Just received a letter from barclaycard they are going to pay me back 2500.00 to my card. This was after fillingin their questionnair. Pity I cant say the same about my Lloyds credit card. (They cant even find the application form)
  20. Sorry to hijjack the thread but does anybody have an address to write to. The office in Leeds has closed and I wish to claim back the ppi I had on several loans in the past with them Cheers.
  21. Hi Just a bit of advice please on what to do next. Applied to Lloyds for 2 loans ppi refund, they have upheld one loan but rejected the 2nd loan. However, the reasons I cited for the mis sale were the same for both so i cant understand why this has happend. The only difference was that I was off sick when I took the first loan out - but that sickness (depression) would have had a knock on effect with pre existing medical condition with second loan. So what should I do. the second is with dorothy perkins store card. Sent me a copy agreement showing ppi ticked. I did not fill out the form, just signed it in the store. Salesperson more concerned telling me I get 10% of my first purchase and how to pay the card but nothing about the pppi and if I really needed it. I work for NHS so covered for sickness/redundancy and had pre existing medical conditions. So any suggestion what i do about this now Thanks for any help
  22. Never thought about it, I just assumed that they would have to do it correctly by law (naive of me). Will dou ble check them now. Just cant understand why they agree with one and not the other. Michelle
  23. Hi Citizen B Just re read the paperwork (talk about confusing) think when it comes to basics they are offering me the ppi plus 8% interest and taking me back to how my loan would have been calculated without the ppi. Michelle
  24. Advice needed Just been contacted by LLoyds who are not up holding my ppi on my second loan, which finished last year. They agreed that my first loan was missold and offered me 2300. What I dont understand is how they can uphold my first loan and not the second when I cited the same reasons - the only difference is that in my first loan I was off sick when I applied (stress) but I also stated that when I applied for the second loan I was under the care of the hospital for another medical reason. So even if I wasnt on sick leave I still had existing medical problems as well as being insured through work (work for NHS). What shall I do, cos I cant understand why theyve agreed one and rejected the other. Michelle
  25. dont believe it. After being undecided whether or not to send of for my ppi I finally gave it ago. HFC paid up straight away. Lloyds have up held one loan but heard nothing about the second loan which had the same reasons as the first for a mis sale. Just rang them and they have admitted to not reading my letter properly and just dealt with the first one. So hopefully, they might look into my favour (fingers crossed) and pay me for the second loan
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