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  1. Hi All, Thank you for this - at least I know there's somethings that can be done. I'll speak to my immediate manager tomorrow about my concerns (even though they are hers too) but yep, maybe best to get it down on paper. NB : He wouldn't dare harrass me outside of work - would be interested to see him try but inside work is a different story - funny thats just made me think - maybe I'm not so scared of him after all - I see in work and outside work as two very different scenarios. Thanks again.
  2. Thank you! It's quite a small company - so we couldn't relocate him somewhere else doing the same job although the person now doing his job would probably step down for him - they're rather 'close' shall we say (so no point speaking to her). Only 20% of the statements taken supported him and one of those was (via gossip) written by the other half of the 20%. I guess it's one of those things - you're damned if you do and damned it you don't so if I do have to give evidence either he'll get reinstated and he'll sack me anyway and if he doesn't then 'sod it'. You've made me feel a bit better tho, thank you!
  3. Hi All I gave a statement against my boss (alongwith others in the company) and after investigation, appeal etc boss was dismissed. Boss is now taking company to tribunal - really worried about this - will I have to appear at the tribunal and how possible is reinstatement - he should have been a politician - can talk his way out of most things so although I definately agree it was right to dismiss him I am seriously stressed because I know if he is reinstated (which he wants), he will find some way of getting rid of those who stood up to him - that's the way it's been for years. Does anyone have any advice (apart from taking the cowards way out and going off sick)..................
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