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  1. Update... I requested a redetermination and also filled in the AoE form with all my income and expenditure on it - this was this advice of the CAB as they too believed I should be able to request a redetermination but they didn't want me to run the risk of not returning the AoE form within the required time allotted for it. I put on the AoE that I would like a suspended order as it could very likely affect my position at work. Then it all went quiet... I've now heard back from the court, they seem to have completely disregarded my redetermination request and also my request for a suspended AoE order and just hit me with an order for the same amount that I had agreed to pay per month right from the very beginning - even before it went to court. Whats very frustrating for me is today I get a letter in the post from my company as they want to discuss my position at work with a formal hearing regarding the AoE order. I don't see why the court wouldnt a) let me have a redetermination within the time frame and/or at least let me pay back what I said I would directly to the creditor. It was the last thing I wanted was my employer to know Xxar
  2. Help!! Now I don't know what to do I've not had a chance to reply back and request a redetermination as I've been working non stop since and I was going to do send it out on Monday as according to direct.gov I have 14 days from getting the order to do this. However, in todays post I have recieved a form for an attachment of earnings order from the court - with an incomings/outgoings part to it. Apparently this was issued because I hadn't paid the judgment as ordered...even though the payment due date was BEFORE I had received the actual judgement This ironically was posted first class on 3rd March and took til today to get here Can I still apply for a redetermination as its within my 14 days? Theres also a £100 charge for this AoE form, I am not happy as I don't think they've given me enough time. The thing is I would rather pay without an AoE HELP ..seriously stressed now :( Xxaria
  3. Hi All, I owed a creditor a considerable sum of money and they have recently taken me to court and won. I accept that I owe them the money. Before the court hearing I sent both the court and the creditor a letter stating that due to my working requirements I would be unable to make the hearing. I also offered to pay a monthly sum to the creditor - which was also sent to both the court and the creditor. The creditor responded back saying that in order to consider my offer they wanted to see a list of my incomings and outgoings - and they didn't mind that they would get it after the hearing - which I have no problem with. I'm still waiting for the creditor to send me a form in which to do this! however, this morning I get a judgment letter (sent second class) from the court which is dated the 22nd Feb (hearing was on 1st Feb) stating that the full amount is to be paid by the 15th Feb! This time has obviously long gone but the fact the court sent it second class and its been nearly two weeks since the payment day has elapsed makes me feel that they aren't really that interested in the full payment and are waiting for myself and my creditor to agree a payment amount. (could be entirely wrong!) Obviously, I can't pay the full amount in one go (its way over 12k) but I was happy to agree a payment plan and it appeared that my creditor was as well. What do I do next? talk to the creditor - or contact the court stating that I can't pay the full amount? HELP! XXar
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