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  1. We signed an 'addendum pusuant to assured shorthold tenancy agreement' It basically is a replacement for one of the clauses saying that instead of giving the LL or agent 1 months notice we would give 2 months and the same for the LL.
  2. Hi, I'm new this forum so apologies if my query has already been covered. My partner and I are currently in a rented property through a letting agency. We have finished a 6 month contract where we had a 1 month notice period and moved onto a rolling contract at our request but it has a 2 month notice period which we signed an agreement for. We wanted to continue teh 1 month notice but our lanlord wanted a 2 month which is apparently standard practice for letting agencies. We are now in the process of buying a property which is moving along swiftly and this 2 month notice period is now casuing real issues. All parties in the move are wanting to progress quickly but obviously we want to minimise the amount of overlap there is for our rent and mortgage payments so that we pay out more money than we need to. We have tried to renegotiate a 1 month notice period but we have been told the landlord won't change it. Currently the overlap could mean we have to pay over £1000 for 2 properties as we don't want to give notice until exchange of contracts as this is when the house is secured as ours. I would like to know if the 2 months standard practice for rolling contracts with letting agencies (we have only had private LL previously and so this all new to us) and is the LL/letting agency entitled to dictate a 2 month notice period? Any advice or suggestions very welcome!
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