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  1. Hi All, well I never thought I would be back here. It has been 3 years and now Marlin are claiming I owe them debt. However the fact is, in that 3 years, neither barclays, computeach or marlin have attempted to make contact. I have sent them an email stating their legal obligations to provide me with documentation, I have also asked them to provide me with full accounts of all alleged attempts to me contact with me in the last 2 - 3 years. I have made it clear, it was not me that ceased communications, but in fact Barclays themselves. Will keep you all posted on the outcome.
  2. Hi i also am having my issues with a refund, my debt is around the 6k mark. My story is somewhat different tho, i was a soldier for 3 and a half years, served in iraq in 2007/8, after coming back from iraq i sustained injuroes which after a year of medical review it was decided i would be discharged as unknown to me i had hypermobilty which as a solider isnt a good thing to have, under normal cercumstances its not a problem, but after 3+ years of hard work my joints have sustained damage, i contacted computeach about situation, my doctor in the army aslo wrote to them that a career in computers would not be beneficial to me as the risk to further damage to my wrist and other joints is high. Indeed computeach canceled the course, stopped my access to services but left me with the debt. i have contacted the watchdog and am taking it as far as i can, if this is how they treat soliders then god help those in other circumstances, i will also contact the british legion and am gaining support from the conservative government as i am a member of there party too. I am also awaiting a run down of european laws as to the best of my knowledge computeach are in breach of some laws. They have deceved so many and it is time to end this, computeach if you are reading this thread then many are gathering to bring justice to you as you have not upheld your end of the bargain to deal with those you are trusted to help.
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