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Everything posted by GetOffMyCase

  1. Hi All, In Sept me and my partner split up and I applied for housing and council tax benefit, this then gets a bit confusing, buy they agreed I was entitled going forwards in jan for benefits, but they were not going to back date, I then appealed and they agreed I was entitled to the back date but not what I had from Jan up to agreeing the back date. the council tax benefit didnt actually get sent across till the 11th of March, and even then it was only 124 pounds. I didn't hear further until on Saturday when a Rundles bailiff turns up at the door. I asked what the debt was for as this years (16-17) I paid in full to get rid of it all. He couldn't tell me what the debt is for, he said it is probably council tax - those were his exact words, i said I would be back I need to make a call, and I shut the door and locked it. He could hear me on the phone, and next thing he shoves a bit a letter through and off he goes. Turns out I have discovered today there was still a debt of 375 for Jan - April, and the extra money the bailiff wants is their charge, taking it to 682.00. I expressly asked him was it with charges and he said no. I think he had one of those cameras as well so there should be evidence of this conversation. I have asked the council to take the debt back and I will pay the 375, and they have refused, My local MP is already on the case regarding my housing benefit issues, and I have jsut re-contacted them regarding this problem as well. They also asked if I had cars on the driveway, I did have mine and my brothers as he was visiting, and they are both financed. The problems I have had have been going on since September, and are still not resolved. Is there anything I can do, I figure If i call up the auto mated line and pay 376 then ive paid it and dont owe anything. .. will this work?
  2. Name of the Claimant ? lowell portfolio LTD Date of issue – top right hand corner of the claim form – this in order to establish the time line you need to adhere to. - 11th Feb 2015. Date of issue XX + 19 days ( 5 day for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = XX + 14 days to submit defence = XX (33 days in total) - 16th March 15th March...date of summons is day 1. ^^^^^ NOTE : WHEN CALCULATING THE TIMELINE - PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE DATE OF THE CLAIM IS DAY 1 [example: Issue date 01.03.2014 + 19 days (5 days for service + 14 days to acknowledge) = 19.03.2014 + 14 days to submit defence = 02.04.2014] = 33 days in total What is the claim for – the reason they have issued the claim? Please type out their particulars of claim (verbatim) less any identifiable data and round the amounts up/down. This claim is for 232.06 the amount due under an agreement between the original creditor and the defendant to provide finance and / or goods. The Debt was assigned to. purchased bt lowell portfolio ltd on 29/12/2009 and notice served to pursuant to the law of property act 1925. particulars re - shop direct. What is the value of the claim? 232.06 was amount owed but the amount the are claiming is 250.64 plus costs. Is the claim for a current account (overdrafticon) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? no - catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? after Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. - its been issued by a solicitors , Bryan Carter. but the claimant is lowell. Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? I have had many many letters from lowell over the years, and bryan carters is a new one on me, I think I had one in january this year. But for a debt that had dropped off my file as a default at the end of Jan. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? - I dont think so, i cannot find anything on my credit file. Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Not sure. Why did you cease payments? i lost my job at the time, and I remember I was trying to pay it off online for quite some time with what I could send over and then they stopped me doing that online. What was the date of your last payment? april 2009 - i have an email receipt Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? I most likely have an email from the time with the creditor regarding it will have to do some searching, no debt management plan.
  3. I have a debt on my credit file that is default, and due to come off credit file in december this year, for a catalogue company. The default is instructed and lowell. Today, i have received the court paper work for a CCJ for this debt, from Bryan Carter Solicitors, can they do this?? What can i do with it?? Have load of defaults coming off this year, and have 2 more defaults from lowell, are they all just going to evolve into CCJ's? when i thought i was getting somewhere?
  4. im probably best off leaving them then as I think lowell have 2 much older ones that arent on my credit file as well. One that is current, is only £69 so im tempted to pay that one, never even knew it was on there, until ive looked at my credit file.
  5. I have 4 defaults that are sitting on my credit file with lowell. 2 are very old, one is due to come off in jan, another march or april. the 2 that are remaining are a bit newer, if i pay these off will it make my credit file better. Am i able to pay off 2 Defaults and leave the other 2 to rot off the file?
  6. I have now sent the email as per lookinforinfo post above and in response to the question, the bailiff turned up the next day. apologies there.
  7. They have now agreed i Can pay in installments. of £25 per week, although I have missed the start date. which ive just realised was 22nd november. However they are still asking for £991.81 rather then the smaller amount (pre-visit). im not really happy with this. They have also sent me two letters explained they have investigated my complaint and what they have said still stands, even though i have evidence of their letter being 3 days before their visit. and a day after i emailed them. Shall i just start paying, or what now. i dont really know where to go with this now.
  8. I called my council early last week, as someone suggested they may take a attachment of earnings for my CT debt. i spoke to someone on the phone who said... . yes tha'ts fine, took all my work details etc etc. to do that... happy days. all sorted. Only for a couple of days later to get a letter from Rossendales on the 31st (letter dated 27th). Notice of Enforcement Agent Visit - Final Opportunity. debt = £681.81 Enforcement costs incurred: 75 total = 756.81 I was confused about it, so I rang S.c.D.C. who said that the attachment of earnings was added for this years debt, but not the previous years. I told the lady that the man said all my debt was sorted, she just shrugged off everything i said with you need to talk to the enforcement agent, I said to her I wasnt willing to do that, as i have had problems with them before acting inappropriately. And asked that she call the debt back to add it on to the AOE, but she just flat out declined anything. I tried to ring Rossendales but my mobile wouldnt allow me to call them on their number, so in the end i emailed, which means its all recorded. i sent the following email.... I have received a letter this morning regarding an outstanding council tax debt. There seems to be some confusion. I had set up an attachment of earnings with Suffolk Coastal District Council, for the debt, but it seems this has now gone to yourselves so this is not infact possible. I have tried to call, but my phone will not allow me to call the premium number that is listed on your letters, i would prefer to keep contact as written any how. I would also like to make an offer to pay this debt of £25 a week. i live on my own, have 2 small children, and work on a low income. This is the absolute maximum i can afford, after bills and other debts etc. Please can you advise the best method I can pay this in installments, without calling, as it wont let me. I didnt get a reply straight away. i assumed they were busy. Roll on 2 days to saturday i am out but someone else is at home a bailiff turns up. He gets explained to him i made an offer before the visit by email of £25 a week, he said that is a decent amount but now the debt is £900 and something pounds. But he would check in the office to find the email. I have re-emailed them this morning to get a reply. I am still waiting on a response to the email below. please can you confirm receipt so I can send the 1st payment to start paying the current balance of £756.81. The email below was sent on the 31st October 2014. To get finally get a reply today of: Thank you for your email. Your offer of repayment is not acceptable as your case has been issued to an Enforcement Agent, Mr. Brame, whom you should contact on Dont know what to do now to be honest. I have twice tried to make offers to pay this now and been turned down.
  9. My friend was living with her brother, and unknowingly he handed in his notice to leave, she was informed 3 days before that she had to leave.... nice brother hey. Shes pregnant at the moment as well. So she made an application for homelessness through her local authority. They have ducked and dived on this situation, they have sent her off to other councils to apply. Anyways long story short, they have put her now in temporary accommodation. However they rang her christmas eve to tell her she is intentionally homeless as she had a tenancy on a property a year and a half ago, a 6 month tenancy, which she left after 1 month, as the person she was sharing the property with turned nasty, and people were trying to break into the property all hours of the day, as the person she unwittingly shared the house with was into some bad activites that she had no knowledge of. The properties she has lived at since then the owners have declined to put her on the council tax lists there.... fraudulently of course. So deny that she has been staying there.... this includes her brother. Are the council acting within their rights here, as theoretically she has been temporarily housed by them already. She also suffers with anxiety and depression and the whole situation has affected this so she is now applying for ESA, as the doctor has signed her off.
  10. Will check that today. She's never looked at her credit file so I said I would show her how and set her up on 30 day free trial. Will also do the SAR thank you.
  11. Following on from the success of my previous bailiff problem. I was discussing this forum with my best friend. She very silly of her, got on of those photoshoot sessions, and bought the photos. This was back in Sept 2009, the credit for this is through black horse/lloyds tsb. Now the full amount of the photos was around £900. And over the last 2 years she has paid more then the £900 and there is still a balance outstanding of £800. Now shes not too clever and quite young so I said i'd see if there was a way we could get all the charges/interest stopped. She has no idea what and when she has paid exactly. For a while she was out of a job, and had told them this, and then she got a small inheritance and paid off a £400 chuink. Oh and everyday they ring her threatening action for her "quad bike" money even though the credit was for photos. Thanks very much. D x
  12. I agree he really does!! I think it's disgusting what he's done, and they way he treats people. He's not the only one either. The ones that clamped the car were no better. Threatening me and my grandad. My grandad is 75 years old! My grandad was even threatened with the bill increasing cause he was asking questions about it. :/ There's some justice in me getting a refund. But it doesnt make up for what they've done.
  13. I wonder how many others are going to be getting refunds today. Does anyone know if it'll go back on the card or will be by cheque? I'll be concerned if goes back on my card considering its from June.
  14. So pleased. Thank you everyone so much for your help. Wouldn't have gotten anywhere with this otherwise. :)
  15. Ok here's some good news people. Have finally received a reply this morning. I am in a very good mood. Further to my email last week I have again been in contact with Rossendales regarding this matter.* They have advised me that they have still not been able to obtain confirmation from the DVLA.* I am very disappointed that the matter has still not been resolved and in view of the*extended period off time you have been waiting they have agreed in this instance to refund the fees incurred by you on 2 June 2011.* A refund of £213.00 will be made to you shortly. * I trust this brings the matter to a satisfactory conclusion and again apologise for the delay in dealing with this matter for you. * Regards Jx Axxxxxx Revenues*Manager
  16. Ah this is a very good point. Although the debt and car are not for the same person. Also, it doesn't provide an answer for levy and van on the same day, and also the waiting fees. I think I might put together a reply to send over in the morning. This has been 4 weeks now... Plenty of time to get the information and report.
  17. New reply today. Having chased up last week and person from council was on leave. I'm going to allow the 2 extra days. Then that is it. * I am sorry for the delay in dealing with this matter for you but as you are aware I have been away from the office and I am reliant on information being obtained from the DVLA.* I had previously been in contact with Rossendales*on 14 October prior to my absence*to see if they had heard from the DVLA but unfortunately there had been no response at that time.** I have again today been in contact with Rossendales as the matter remains unresolved and I am conscious that you have waited longer than first indicated. * Rossendales have been pressing the DVLA for a response and I am advised that this should be available on Thursday.* I will again contact Rossendales on Thursday.* Please accept my apologies for the delay in resolving this matter and thank you for your continued patience. *
  18. I'm thinking about replying with a copy of the ombudsmans report regarding these levies. Along with the above reminders. Seems like this is a big problem with Rossendales as they now have their own section. Im prepared to take them to court over this, of it comes to this. I guess Rossendales are going to now do a dvla check. I'll give them 7 days and that's it.
  19. I shall be emailing this to my local people's, when my next email goes out shortly along with a link to the ombudsmans report!! Thanks for the link.
  20. Have received this in reply to the email sent on Friday. This is from the person I replied with direct, Thank you for your email.* I would agree with you that the matter needs to be*resolved as soon as possible, however, the main point of your complaint involves*ownership of the car on which Rossendales levied.* Unfortunately until I receive confirmation of ownership I cannot bring the matter to a conclusion.* I would suggest that The Magistrates would also need this information. * I will be in contact with you immediately I have*this confirmation. * Yours sincerely Jx*Axxxxxx Revenues Manager
  21. Tbh, I'm a bit annoyed the local mp, has not really responded at all other then asking for my address. The one in my earlier post was not one from the correct constiuency. I had emailed both and typical the one that responds is the one that's wrong.
  22. I absolutely will! Im sure there are many posts in that cover people under their constituency.
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