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  1. Thanks to you all for your replies. I don't charge tenants for another credit check and I don't charge the tenant for another agreement. I'm just happy to know that I'll get the income from my commission charged to the landlord for another 6 or 12 months. I do however charge the landlord to do another agreenment (only £50), this saves him from paying me my another finders fee and having the property vacant and not earning income. I haven't started my business to rob people and charge unnecessary charges. I think letting agent fees and charges should be regulated.
  2. Hi all, I'm new here and this is my first thread. Firstly I need to say, WOW, what a great forum and, as a letting agent, it is good to read up on tenants issues and concerns and definately take a few pointers on how not to treat my tenants. But now to get to the point, I usually do a 6 month AST. I now have a tenant wanting to sign a 12 month AST. I have heard through the 'grapevine' that another agent doesn't do a 12 month AST as the tenant has more rights from a 12 month AST. So this agent rather does a 364 day AST. Has anybody else heard about this, if yes, can the differences please be explained to me. Thanks
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