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Everything posted by cybershopper

  1. My case is fairly simple and solid but I am experiencing the same problems. I have today written to Munn and Arc and I have provided a copy along with a separate letter questioing their practices to 3 directors and 2 key managers at LA fitness - lets see what happens next:grin: Letter to Directors etc Arthur McColl Director Martin Long Director Ross Chester Director Steve Gosling Finance Manager Tony Orme Sales and Marketing Manager The purpose of this letter is to give you the opportunity to consider the bigger picture in terms of LA Fitness and the impact of its current debt collection policies on its brand and longer term revenues. I can understand that a company such as yourselves does not want to be a soft touch when it comes to enforcing direct debit defaults, but if my experience and any of those found in the WWW are anything to go by, your policies and those of your associates are over the top to say the least. We are coming to the end of a recession and I am under no illusion that businesses such as yours have felt the pinch as much as most, given that Gym membership will be seen by many as a luxury that has to give during difficult times. That said, can you not see the wood for the tress? Many cancellations will be like the proverbial Red Crabs returning to their Christmas Island and rejoining LA Fitness in better financial times ahead. But your policy of persecuting leaving customers can be compared with the acid squirting crazy yellow ants of Christmas Island who are decimating the population. So that’s the immediate impact, but what of the wider effect – well I certainly had no problem in googling negative comments on the Web in terms of LA Leisure, Arc Europe and Trevor Munn. Much of your marketing has been through large employers seeking company membership Do you think these members don’t talk to each other? Do you imagine that your systems are clever enough to identify influential people within such organisations and so not persecute them should they have the audacity to leave their Gym? It seems like your employees and associates are playing a game and they just can’t see what damage they are doing. Administration is so poor, they cant seem to be able to differentiate a cancellation within terms and a debtor. May be you all condone this, but given the number of directorships amongst you I would doubt it. I have enclosed a copy of a letter sent today to Trevor Munn and Arc Europe and also a copy of my previous letter to give you a feel for my circumstances, which are in fact only the secondary purpose for writing this letter, the primary being to help you see what is going on in your business. LETTER TO ARC AND MUNN E mailed to Arc Europe Sent Registered Post to Trevor Munn I don’t know what fees ArcEurope/Trevor Nunn are charging LA fitness. May be their Chief Financial Officer, Steve Gosling can reconcile your fee on his balance sheet, however if Tony Orme, the Sales and Marketing Manager along with the 3 directors take a long hard look at the damage to image and brand this practise is causing, then just may be the days of your contract are numbered. Anyway…………..Thank you for your anticipated letter – my friendly solicitor really knows his stuff! He has cited a number of cases in the public domain where you have employed “bully-boy tactics” to obtain monies from LA fitness customers, but to no avail. I am expecting your next move to be either lodge the case in court (probably Northampton) or you will appoint Scotcall debt collecting agencies in an attempt to scare me into paying a debt that is not valid. Whatever further intimidation you try, I have a response in waiting. I know that should this case be presented before the court, the case will be ruled in my favour and your client will be liable for costs. I am insisting that you or your client provides me with a signed contractual agreement with LA fitness which substantiates your client’s claim against me for £29.75 I know that contractually, your client does not have this, otherwise I am sure such a document would have been presented by now. I would expect to receive this no later than 8/3/2010. Should this document not be provided and you continue with this charade of intimidation then you/Arc/LA fitness can expect legal action for harassment and costs.
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