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  1. O that is fantastic thankyou so much
  2. Thankyou I will go the police tomorrow then and see if this can help. No it has'nt been used at a ATM I still had my cards when it was all done online they have said it was to gambling online sites its shows up as DATACASH on my account.
  3. I rang my local police they gave me a number but they said they dont get involved in bank fraud anymore. I have sent a letter of compliant to RBS asking them to relook at the case got a letter back on wed of last week saying they would re look at the case and be in conatct within ten days.
  4. thankyou thats what I said to them
  5. Thankyou I think I may have posted in the wrong place
  6. First this is long so sorry but I really need some help. In may of last year after returning from hoilday I found that £1000 have been taken from my account online, I contacted my bank RBS and they were great and refunded the money within a few weeks. In Jan of this year I got a phone call from the fraud team saying there was activity on my account which they were worried about turned out was fraud they said not to worry and cancelled the card thats when the nightmare began it took them 3 weeks to send me the forms to sign I ring up for a update and while on the phone they told me my card has starnge activity on it yet again (new card only had it for two weeks) cancelled again got a new card, I wont ever use it online again too scared. Now they have sent me a letter saying they think the fraud has been committed by someone I know and wont refund. What do I do I am a single mum and uni all of my student loan £3000 which is for rent food childcare have been taken I am pennyless?
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