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Everything posted by russellhq

  1. Does Royal Mail have a policy of not delivering parcels under certain circumstances. Without fail, I always receive a red card through the door when I am expecting a delivery. There is never any attempt to deliver the parcel and I am just sent a card. I have been in the house many times and the post man has not attempted to deliver a parcel, he mearly posts a red card along with the rest of my mail. Don't RM have a duty to post parcels?
  2. I'd request the original interest rate you were offered, and refund of the product fee. Seems reasonable to me. Maybe you could work out if your interets cost would have been less than your rent and ask for that difference back aswell. Asking for the full rent would be a bit rich as you would have had to pay your interets payments if you had moved in on time. I did not mention the capital part as this is not a true cost to you.
  3. Go down the pub and watch it. 2 birds, one stone
  4. Nope, its a Honda S2000 and looks like it will from all accounts. Maybe be worth writing to Honda UK explaining my disappointment and that it is a common error blah blah blah. See what they say. No need to tell them I bought it second hand (unless asked) but they will probably work that out. Nothing ventured nothing gained. New roof is anywhere from £800-£1200. So not cheap
  5. So there is never a case where you can go after the manufacturer when they produce a good that through design will fail prematurely (warranties aside)? It's always the retailer?
  6. Yeah, I bought it second hand. Surely that cannot waive a manufacturers obligation to produce an item that is inherently faulty...
  7. I bought a car privately a few months ago that has a fabric roof (soft top). I've since noticed that there is a patch of fabric that is wearing on the inside that will eventually tear and render the roof useless. The wear is caused by part of the roof frame rubbing on the fabric as the roof folds. Being a member of a forum for the car, I've come to realise that this is a common problem with the car and alot of owners have the same issues i.e. roof wear in the exact same spot caused by the frame rubbing as it folds. The car is coming up to 4 years old and I would expect a roof to last longer than that. Also as it's out of warranty, things are tricker to get fixed FOC. How would I go about getting my roof fixed, do I write to the manufacturer and what legislation can I use to strengthen my case? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated
  8. I finally got a mandate through for the correct amount (approx 350) so i will take that along to the bank and get this cleared up. Should keep a better handle on my finances...
  9. I thought councils couldn't fine you for parking and if they tried, then it was invalid or am I getting confused with something similar?
  10. On their own site in the FAQ, it states: There was no balance, no payment was due. Will write to them to get this sorted. Will probably have to chase them next month when I will most likely get charged interest on the Fee, sigh
  11. It was a credit card. What happened was this: 12 Apr - Payment received £1000 12 Apr - Balance £0 19 Apr - DD request £5 19 Apr - DD returned uppaid 19 Apr - Payment Returned Fee £12 So I paid of the remaining balance well before the DD was due then canceled the DD with my bank. DD day comes up and balance is 0 but they still try to take payment, stupid!
  12. Ah, the DD was for £5! It's something like "2% of balance or £5 whatever is greater" £5 is obviuosly greater than 0 so lets try and take £5. Idiocy! Thanks rory, I'm up to speed with the legislation, I'm just ranting
  13. Have a DD set-up with Virgin Money which had been running no problem for past few months. Then last month I pay off my balance and cancel the DD with my bank. Then I get my statement in this month expecting to see a zero balance but notice they tried to take the DD (over a week after they received my payment to clear the balance) but it gets returned (of course, I cancelled it cos the balance was nill!) so I get slapped with a £12 returned paymet charge. I mean, are they for real?? My balance is zero, they try to take payment for a zero balance, it fails and I get charged! I promptly phone to complain but the chap on the other end kindly tells I should have cancelled the DD with them not the bank (I would have if I thought they would try to take a DD on a zero balance!), that they can't touch returned payment fees, it was in my contract so they can do it and the OFT said they could charge £12... Blah blah blah. That is just crazy to me.
  14. I've been trying to get this cleared up but am still having problems. The sheriff officers have accepted that the arresment should not have been for £1220 but for something closer to £350. They've issued me a mandate to sign so the bank can release the money to them. The problem is that the mandate is for £1050 and not the correct amount (around £350). I've spoken on the phone to point out this issue and they said they would reissue the mandate with the correct amount. I received the new mandate on Saturday but it's got the same amount as the last one, £1050. Tried to phone again but the person dealing with me was not available. So now I have around £700 arrested that should not be. Guess I just have to sit and wait for them to send out a corrected mandate.
  15. I thought paypal offered some kind of protection on transactions? Wouldn't this cover the seller if they send the item and then a payment is reversed? I know that if you buy something and don't get it then paypal gives you your money back.
  16. Please note that I live in Scotland, this may have some affect on your advice. Checked my account yesterday and noticed that an amount had been removed with ARRESTMENT noted in the details. Phoned up the bank and they said it was probably something to do with council tax but couldn't give me any details (for this I would have to go into a branch with ID). So I phone the council to find out what's going on and they put me onto their sheriff officers. After speaking to them they said they have made the arrestment. It was for outstanding council tax stating I owed the following: £380 from 05/06 £788 from 06/07 I had previously spoken with the council to arrange to pay this back and have a DD in place that is currently paying out every month. So I phoned up the council to find out whats going on and they say that the DD and been set up with only the 06/07 tax included and that the £307.31 (note the difference) from 05/06 couldn't be added as it was with the sheriff officer. I was not informed of this when I set up the DD and was under the impression that DD covered it all. Also said that the sheriff officers should not have made the arrestment on the £780 amount and would fax them detailing this. Anyway, to the point. I received no correspondance from the Sheriff Officers stating that they would or may in future make an arrestment on my account. This is probably because they had my old address on file and would have sent all letters there. Shouldn't they have confirmed that they had the correct address they were sending mail to? Finally, the arrestment on my account is for £1220 and I have to wait for a mandate to be posted out from the sheriff officer and take it into the bank to have the arrestment lifted. Thing is, it shouldn't be anywhere near this amount. Is there something I can do to get this changed quickly to only the £380 that is owed?? Rather than going through the whole mandate ordeal. Finally, it appears that the sheriff officers have added £50 of fees onto of the councils 10% statutory charge on the amount owed, that being £307.31. I've no idea what they have lumped onto the other amount. Can I reasonable dispute these extra fees? Sorry for the long post but I think it needed it.
  17. Someone with a bit of knowledge should sign up to these guys then really rattle their cage when they start demanding money. Waste their time so they can't [problem] as many people.
  18. I don't get it. You got one voicemail on your phone and are crying 'HARASSMENT'. I dont think any reasonable person would call this harassment. It could have simply been a mis-dial as you have not mentioned any further calls from them. If you have been receiving a number of calls from them then I am sorry and you should continue with your pursuit, but just one call I feel is not harassment.
  19. Just read MF5 story, seems that ERC claims are a no go at the moment but tbh I really don't see how without a cost breakdown
  20. Can't the "Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts" help out with this. I'm pretty sure that the exit fee was not negotiated and was drafted in advance. Under Shedule 2 of the above act, terms which may be regarded as unfair: His obligation would be to pay the mortgage each month.
  21. Yeah, send in the heavies and orgainse a reporter from the local paper to be there too. Sould be entertaining if anything
  22. Isn't there a law on this or something. I'm sure I've read about these type of situations e.g. someone gets their pay twice and it can come under the theft act for the person receiving the money as they know it does not belong to them. They are going to permantly deprive the other party of the money, somthing along those lines. Thats not what I'm getting at though. What I am getting at is the Bank is helping the person to commit theft and I am sure there is also a law against this too. I'm sure there is someone more clued up on this than I am that would be able to shed some light on this. It'd be worth puting somthing together along those lines to tell the bank they are complicit in this act of theft. I'm sure that would put the wind up them and get things moving. Finally, all this has to be done by the buyer, as it's the buyer who made the bank transfer. All you can do is give the buyer information and help them get things sorted quicker.
  23. It's the systems in place that the banks have that cause these charges to occur. e.g. DD gets returned unpaid (this is the biggest charge [problem] of all) the bank system then kicks in and causes the charge to occur on my account. Simple . Let me ask you this. I go into my bank to pay a bill, I hand it to the teller with my card and state I want to pay it from my account. The teller runs it through and tells me I don't have enough cash in my account to pay. Should I get charged £35 as I would if a DD for the same bill was bounced? If no, then why get charged for the DD?? Biggest [problem] ever!
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