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Everything posted by redkt102

  1. firstly thank you for getting back in touch so quickly and iv taken note of your reply the letter iv received off ashwoodsis a 14 day demand letter stateing iv got to pay 725 euro and that it has got to be paid in full by the 4th of march am i going to have time to do what you said or is the bill going to just get bigger these are worring times and clc just seem to do what thay want dick turpin comes to mind im not a good letter writer so any hints or help would be much appreciated again many thanks kt
  2. hiya all has anyone had a notice of non payment of maintence fees so now thay are putting it in the hands of the bailiffs i did explain that i was giving up my timeshare in november last year has im now disabled and cant work and my wife is now my carer so has also had to give work up the snotty woman from clc said shell inform the bailiffs to get the money can these people do this or is there anything we can do about it ty kt
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