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  1. Noted, however that ticket was only on my dashboard as I hadn't thought to take it off, I hadn't put it there for that parking session, it was from a previous one. Granted, there is no way that the CEO could have known this, but I always believed they were supposed to err on the side of caution. I'm guessing what I've heard about 'grace periods' and 'reasonable observation' is at the discretion of the CEO. Still not happy, as I genuinely did try to p&d to the best of my ability, but as I said, I'm hoping for a technicality/procedural impropriety now....
  2. Thanks Bernie, I appreciate the clarification. I was unaware that this was the case and although I think its terrible that you aren't allowed to get change, if those are the rules, those are the rules. I guess I should just hope there is an error on the PCN...
  3. Ok so firstly, my original plan was to drive back to my office, however on the way to my car I was asked to pop back to the restaurant to pick one of my colleagues up. Therefore, I had not prepared change for this event. Common sense had nothing to do with it. Secondly, if we're discussing common sense, would it not be reasonable for a CEO to wait for a period longer than 40 seconds before issuing a ticket? How on earth does she know that I'm not at a machine at that time purchasing a ticket? The fact that I went for change is, in this case, irrelevant. What is important is the observation period of 1 minute. Lastly, I didn't realise CEO's were employed? I thought they were spawned? Learn something new every day! I have included a copy of the ticket for those of you who are looking to assist. And I will explain in greater detail below the events leading up to the PCN. I had gone to Nando's for lunch with my colleagues (half chicken, extra hot ) and had paid to stay for 30 mins in a pay and display bay (at 12.36). I finished my meal and went to my car, just after 13.00, at which time I received a call from my colleague, asking if I actualy give them a lift back to work (as the people they had originally opted to get a lift back with had decided to go to the pub for a beer). I agreed and got in my car, and drove a short distance to ensure I was closer to the restaurant. At this point I realised I had no change, called my colleague to ask how long he would be until he finished his meal. He said he would be about 10 mins, but he had some change so I should nip in quickly and get it, which I did. So to answer your questions Zamzara; I was originally in a P&D bay. I had subsequently parked in a P&D bay. The ticket I had in my car had expired. Thanks everyone for your help and wise words, even you Green and Mean. Glenn ticket.pdf
  4. I totally agree with the fact that they have no integrity however, as this is a PCN and not a private company ticket, I feel ignoring it would only cause more issues! My main question is how do I go about appealing to the council? Thank you!!
  5. OK, so this one should be clear cut. I had been parking in a bay, and had paid for the pleasure. I subsequently returned to my car and moved it up the road to get closer to the restaurant in which my friends were eating. I parked up and, having no change for the machine, ran inside the restaurant to get some from my friends. I returned to my car, no longer that one minute later, to find the CEO posting a ticket on my screen!! The observation period runs from, wait for it, 13.12 - 13.13. She refused to answer me while I questioned her and walked off at pace. Is this legit?! Is she trying to fill her quota before the end of the month? Do I have a leg to stand on here? I think this is bang out of order, no?! Cheers all.
  6. Guys,specifically the db-you are legends!!! I owe you beer,hugs and kittens x
  7. Apologies, I read through the link as suggested (twice in fact) however the terminology has clouded the meaning!! Can you put it in laymans terms please?! Many thanks, Glenn
  8. On what basis would you recommend I appeal the PCN's? True, they didn't know how long the car would be there, but what do they care - they're getting at least £50 a day for it! I just think its frustrating that they issued tickets and towed it... Thanks for the advice
  9. :mad: Afternoon all, I hope everyone is well... Just to give some background, I left my house with my car parked nearby on Saturday 6th of February for my holiday in France for 1 week. The plan was to call RingGo parking services as I had not had the chance to pick up parking permits for the car. When I arrived in France, I realized I have left my phone charger back in the UK and was unable to charge my phone in order to call RingGo and inform them of my cars location. Fortunately, I managed to get hold of a friend from a payphone, and requested that she called RingGo on my behalf, having given her the details, I set about my planned holiday. Upon my return, I found that my car had been taken from where it was parked. Upset and concerned, I called the police to report it stolen (as it turned out, by the council). I was advised to contact TRACE to ascertain whether or not my car had been removed by a towing company. Alas, we found that it had been taken to the White City impound by the council. I later spoke to my friend and found that, although I gave them the majority of the details, they were unable to find the location code, and as such, couldn’t inform RingGo of the location. Obviously, without a phone, I was not contactable, and so could not resolve the situation. When I arrived at the White City impound, I paid the impound fee, and found an additional 3 parking tickets on my car (a total of 4 as I was required to pay for one at the time). I was very frustrated that not only was my car towed and stored at my cost, but it had also received 3 additional tickets:!: My complaint is that, primarily, there is not clear notification that towing may occur in the zone in which I left my car. Had I been charged for every day my car was in the space, I would only have to pay £250. However, to maximize the amount of money I had to pay, the council deemed it necessary to issue me a ticket for every day, and subsequently tow my car, leaving me with a bill of AT LEAST £440. Can I ask what the rules are around the towing of cars? Is it the case that they can be towed at any time, or are there restrictions based on how long the car has been in a specific location? It just seems unfair that *just* towing, or *just* issuing tickets costs c.£200 less than how my vehicle was treated. I am able to prove when I travelled on holiday, and that at no time was I able to rectify the situation I was in, nor was I aware of it. I have complied fully with the council to this stage, but I feel further charging me another £150/£300 over 3 x tickets is highly unfair as the situation was genuinely not of my own doing. Even the additional night ‘storage’ charge of £40 was levied when I wasn’t in the country, there was no possible way for me to find out the situation until Sunday 14th am. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated team...
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