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Everything posted by funkar

  1. They first removed it and next day called me to confirm it that its been removed. I've checked call credit too and there is nothing adverse too.
  2. I WOULD like to donate, You guys are a great help. plz share the link.
  3. UPDATE. after three days of submitting online complaint at vf webform ( http://forum.vodafone.co.uk/t5/Contact-Us/Contact-Us/td-p/1994065 ) and sending in post, the default was removed from my Equifax File. Very quick resolution. Thanks to all of you who contributed advising me. ---- Case Closed ----
  4. forum.vodafone.co.uk , This is where the web team has moved. They will answer there and not anywhere else. I have sent a formal complaint letter in post to vf customer services demanding resolution in 14 days. Also emailed same context to customer services cc-ing nick.jeffery and vittorio.colao. I'll give them 3/4 working days to look into it before chasing them up. an automated reply from customer services email was received 5 minutes after sending saying they will respond in 48 hours. so lets see. Thanks obiter dictum and martin2006 again.
  5. Thanks fkofilee Thanks martin2006. Your suggestions really helpful choosing the right way forward. Where is the vodafone web team WRT135 ?
  6. Dear Cagers, I need some advice. On 30th of April 2015, while I was watching my son’s cricket match on ground, I received an email from Vodafone welcoming me on their network with a new contracted account which I never bought. I sensed something is wrong and called Vodafone customer service straight away. They told me after confirming my address and dob that I have just purchased a contract with an iPhone from them. I told them that someone must have used my details so please cancel it straight away. As I responded to this purchase very swiftly, iPhone delivery was also stopped. I was told that account is closed and matter will be forwarded to fraud department. I also advised Vodafone that please flag my details in your system as not to be sold any contract for a certain period to avoid any more attempts. That person later on bought one or two more contracts from Vodafone, one from EE and one from O2. I kept on informing and cancelling every time I get something in my mailbox or letterbox and thanks to all as they were all very cooperative and honest except ONE which is Vodafone. Now, here is the main story. On 13th of July 2015, I received an invoice from Vodafone dated 8th of July 2015 demanding £177.28 as invoice saying that I made two purchases of mobile phone contracts. I called them straight away but their automated call handling system DID NOT recognized the account or mobile number I had on that invoice and didn’t let me choose any option to go further with customer service. On this I thought that because of their computer is not recognizing the account or mobile number on invoice then the account must have been deleted and this invoice would have generated earlier OR in error. But I was wrong, after a week (on 19th jul 2015 ) I received a default notice in post from Vodafone dated 13th jul 2015 demanding same money otherwise I’ll be registered as bad debt with credit rating agencies. This was serious, next day, on 20th July 2015, after much struggle in finding vodafone’s geographical customer number (03333040191) I called and spoke to a lovely lady called ‘Candy’. She was helpful and after listening to me she promised that matter will be pulled back and passed to fraud team and I will receive a confirmation too in 72 hrs. After 2 weeks, A letter dated 3rd August 2015 was delivered to me on the very same day 03rd August 2015 ( How ) in the morning post from a debt collection agency called ‘Collect Direct’ demanding same money £177.28 urgently on behalf of Vodafone. I wrote a letter to collect direct explaining the story and also provided crime reference number which was obtained from ‘Action Fraud’ on these unauthorized purchases. After few days I received a comforting letter from Vodafone saying that A mobile phone account was opened in my name recently without my authorisation and has now been closed. We are now doing everything to prosecute the criminals. Being victim of fraud is worrying but we can’t disclose any further details due to legal reasons. We have also ensured all record of this fraudulent application has been removed from your credit file.’ This was very relaxing and I thought matter is finally put to rest. I never received any letter or email from Vodafone or Collect Direct after that about anything. It’s been a year to this incident now. As I am in property buying and selling business, I recently applied for a mortgage. To my surprise the broker came back to me saying that lender is only offering high rates as you have a default on your credit file. SHOCKED !! never ever missed a payment, how come there is a default !! I didn’t believe the broker and subscribed to Equifax and saw myself. YES, VODAFONE deceived me and marked a default on my credit file with same amount £177 and same account . I reverted back to lender explained all with all the paperwork I have but they won’t change their decision as they only go by the books. They say that they will recheck my credit file in first week of October 2016 (2 weeks from now) and if this default is still there then there will be only high rate mortgages and low amount of lending will be available for me. This will blow me out big time as my whole year’s investment and hard work will go down the drain and might run me out pocket and eventually out of business. My credit file matter at this time is very serious for me. I want to ask; - Is there any ways i could get my credit file fixed asap ?? - Would vodafone or equifax be able to do it before 2 weeks ? I am already started to make a flow chart for word press. SAR, LBA and MCOL procedures are also prepared to kick off but they need 14 days and then so on which will not sort my problem within 2 weeks. I haven’t spoken or written to Vodafone, Equifax and/or any solicitor yet and will do so after some advice on group. Thanks in advance to all who read and comment.
  7. We have a meat shop, we use to buy Meat from a big supplier. Their quality of meat gradually became so bad that we had to refuse four deliveries as the restaurants we supply it to won't accept it. Later on in a month's time the big supplier went into administration. We then realised why they weren't much bothered about their quality anymore. Anyways, asministrators came in and they dug out that those four deliveries which were refused by us are actually invoiced and outstanding. We received a notice to pay from them on which we responded telling them that these deliveries were refused with supplier's consent and they knew it has been refused. Total amount was aprox £7800. Moreover, we also mentioned that there is around £900 also outstanding on previous returned items due to bad quality in last months which we still seek to claim. Liquidators replied that invoices are outstanding as they have proof of delivery but they can offer a settlement in aprox £5000 if we pay in next 2 days otherwise they will seek legal action. We didn't accept it. After a week of that, and after adding their fees to the total, they sent a ' statutory demand under s.123 (I)(a) and s.222 (I)(a) of the solvency act 1986 ' to wind up our company if we didn't pay in full in 21 days otherwise they will proceed through court. We never had any written credit or any other agreement with them. On their notices they are mentioning invoice agreement and all correspondence is addressed to business name. I would like to know where do I stand at this situation and what could happen. I don't mind going to court to defend myself and also don't want to spend any money on hiring a solicitor due to their costs as it's not my fault. I do not have any experience of such things and need serious help here. I hope some one can. I have only 10 days left to finish the 21 days period as it all happened when i was away on easter holidays. Many thanks for reading.
  8. Hi There, I recently called Opus to terminate the business electricity account and they accepted with reading as we were moving out and our 2 year contract was finished 6 months ago. after one month to this they sent another bill for whole month with the reading of full month after I cancelled with them. I called them to find out whats going on and why they send me bill for whole month rather than 15 days (when I gave them notice) they said we can not take your word for it. after your notice we called your business number and we were told you are still there secondly your landlord name did not appear in land registry. so your contract is still in place and not cancelled. I was shocked to hear that and told them that how its possible that some one says we are there when we are not !! I offered them to send someone onsite to meet me. and secondly I don't know who is the freeholder of the property as I was having a sublet from some someone. few days after this I received a letter demanding last month's rent as I cancelled the direct debit after giving notice and now they have put on an extra 7.5% on supply rate plus an administration charge which is unknown. Very soon I will start receiving red letters with amounts piling up. I cannot understand why they are so super glue. Leaving them should be as simple as joining them. They say, they investigate all customers before terminating the contracts. Do they have authority to investigate ??? I need some advice as what shall I do ?? I'm ready to go through solicitors to end it and report them to regulating authorities as its making me panic now. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi, Thanks for referring to andydd. I couldn't PM as person is not in my friends list, sent a friend request though may be then i could. Sorry, not an expert cagger yet.
  10. Freehold Purchase Problem Collective Enfranchisement, nominations delayed. Hello Everyone, I’m in a situation where I need some honest advice. In nutshell, we are late in sending nominations and now freeholder refusing to sell freehold. I, with four other leaseholders are buying freehold of our whole block which is having six flats inside. One of the leaseholder is not interested and he is the only one out. The freeholder company went into administration and appointed administrators sent all of us letters as qualifying tenants under 187 Act Sect 5A to accept the offer to buy and nominate within two + two months. 5 out of 6 of us agreed and sent our names back to them confirming our will to buy within first two months. Later on we started contacting each other as no one was living there in that block, all the lessees had their flats rented out so it took us a while to get together, signing up a solicitor and forming up a company under which we could buy the freehold. When we finally formed up the company and sent the details to freeholder they refused to accept it saying after initial 2 months of offer acceptance (which we did) you had another two months of nominations to exercise your rights which you couldn’t do and we therefore not selling it to you anymore. We have another buyer now and we are going ahead with them. We checked the article 10 of their offer notice as they mentioned and they were right, it was written there which neither we nor our so called solicitor bothered to check and we were approximately 10 days late. Our solicitor spoke to them and formally requested them to start the proceeding of purchase but freeholder’s administrators are not moving an inch from their stance. Looks like they already had a buyer on the back seat and they were waiting for any glitch to arise from us. Now, our solicitor has sent a letter to freeholders stating our intentions to pursue the court if the sale goes ahead with third party. There has been no answer yet as it is only two days old activity. I spoke to another solicitor meanwhile explaining whole situation and he says that we shouldn’t go to court as it might get turned down by court and you end up paying your and other side’s court and legal fees. He suggested that he can get it done through 1993 Act in which we contact the freeholder by ourselves and exercise the right to buy after getting the valuation of freehold done independently. In this route, if freeholder doesn’t agree we can go through tribunal to exercise our right to buy and all that legal stuff. I’m quite confused at the moment what to do. Other 4 freeholders are also behind me. Whenever I update them, they just say to me that we will do whatever you say just don’t let it go. They don’t know much about these things. I don’t want to take any step which ends me up in being cursed by them for always. I’m not very confident about both solicitors either as first one looks not v experienced/competent in these matters and second one could just be looking after his business. That’s why I’m here to seek some honest advice. Shall we go to court to stop the third party sale or shall we choose the 1993 ACT? Which one sounds more promising and what are the chances? YOUR ADVICE IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED. THANKS.
  11. Just to let the readers know, DomGen is still on same stance and not ready to admit their fault rather every time coming up with new reasons of not to admit their repairer's mistake. I am heading to legal intervention now. Lets see. I had more than 10 policies with DomGen which i cancelled last week and decided to put this money in savings for events like this. i m sure i will rather save a lot of money this way.
  12. Thanks Michael, realy appreciate your help. I've just sent you an email, plz check.
  13. Thanks, Policy is in its first year. DomGen normally offers cash settlement as their policy but in my case the boiler is being written off due to their employed repairer's negligence and not because of normal wear and tear.
  14. Hello Everyone, I would like to explain a situation I am in and will be very much thankful if someone can help me by advising the options I have. It’s about a boiler repair which was carried out by two of Domestic & General’s authorised repairers, I will call them repairer-1 and repairer-2 to keep their identity hidden and DomGen to Domestic & General. Before starting, in nutshell, since 28th Sep 2012 till now 18th of Jan 2013 (17 Weeks) I had nearly 6 visits but boiler couldn’t be repaired and rather damaged by repairer-2. DomGen and repairer-1&2 are teamed up together not to admit their fault and at the end using sludge in the system card. Here are the details; On 28th Sep 2012 and 1st of Nov 2012 Repairer -1 visited, tried to repair but failed and reported that low system pressure is the cause of the boiler not working. That’s not true, I am having excessive water pressure which has caused pipes to burst couple of time and damaged the shop ceiling and stock downstairs. Their solicitor’s letters claiming compensation for the damage are proof of that. I then Called DomGen again to send any other repairer as the repairer-1 has failed. They sent Repairer-2 as they have only 2 authorised repairers covering my area. Repairer -2 visited on 13th Nov 2012 but no luck and went away saying they need to order few parts. They never called back so I had to call them and book them in again for 28th Nov 2012. The Repairer-2 came and did what started a new problem. The Repairer-2 couldn’t figure out how to open the front fascia and casing. Infect it was one of the old Ideal Europa boiler whose front fascia and casing needs some patients to open which repairer-2 never had. Repairer-2 used excessive force and finally ripped the front fascia (Control Panel) off which was having control knobs on it and connected back to PCB. The Casing was still intact. Repairer -2 left the scene with bits hanging down the boiler knowingly that there are kids at the home. Repairer-2 said before leaving that he needs to order new front Fascia as this one is damaged. On 4th of December 2012 I called up Repairer-2 to find out whats happening and they said it will take 9-10 days to get the part in. I couldn’t do anything except calling DomGen and told them there are kids at home and boiler is not working for long time. In those days temperature was below freezing. On 6th of December Repairer-2 called me and said they can’t find the front fascia as it’s obsolete and we have to write the boiler off. Later on that day, DomGen Called and confirmed that they have to write it off and will let me know the settlement figure soon. Next day DomGen called and offered £341.99 as settlement figure. I refused to accept it saying that boiler is being written off due to Repairer-2’s mistake and I should have a boiler replacement by Repairer-2. Instead of £341.99. £341.99 will not do anything for me. New boiler will cost me at least £1500 and why should I pay for repairer-2’s negligence. DomGen said they will speak to Repairer-2 and will come back to me. After few days, I called myself to DomGen as they didn’t call and inquired. They said they have instructed the Repairer-2 to speak to you and resolve the issue. I told them they havn’t called. DomGen said we will call them again today and they will call you to discuss it or resolve it but at our end we can only offer you £341.99. Repairer-2 never called me to resolve the dispute so I had to take the initiative and called them on 18th Dec 2012 after giving them enough time. They admitted the damage to front fascia but refused to compensate or replace the boiler and referred me to DomGen for £341.99. On 20th December 2012, I sent recorded delivery letters to Repairer-1, Repairer-1’s Director and DomGen demanding full boiler replacement and costs of temporary accommodation for my tenants ( I’ll explain later about temp accommodation) within seven days of this letter which should be 27th Dec 2012. No-one contacted me after 7 days. After 21 days of these letters, I drafted a letter and Sent to Trading Standards of DomGen Council, Repairer-2’s Council, Subjected Property’s Council and FSA. These letters were drafted on 10th Jan 2013 and sent out on 13th Jan 2012 with Boiler’s pictures showing the damage caused by repairer-2. I haven’t received any reply back from any of these yet. On 14th of Jan 2013, DomGen called me (after 24 days of my recorded letter) saying that they have spoken to Repairer-2 about your demand and repairer-2 is saying that boiler is not being written off because of front control panel damage but actually being written off due to corroded casing of the boiler. I told DomGen that you are coming up with another excuse and trying to cover Repairer-2. I completely disagree with their statement and want a third party to come and inspect the boiler’s casing as it’s not corroded. I also told DomGen that I have sent letters to Trading Standards & FSA and I am taking it further up. On this she asked if I had any response from any of them and I replied it’s just been sent out yesterday. She put me on hold for 3-4 minutes and came back saying that we can send a third company to see the casing and that company is Repairer-1. I said I don’t trust Repairer-1 would be neutral enough as both of these are on your panel and they might cover each other so I will doubt the transparency of Repairer-1’s report. Even phone numbers of both Repairer-1 and Repairer-2 ends on 8888 which clearly shows a link although both operate from different locations. DomGen said that I am not co-operating if I refuse Repairer-1 to come and inspect. I had no other choice than accepting it. I was clear that there is no way some one can say that casing is corroded. Next day repairer-1 came and started turning on the boiler, I told him that you are here to look at the casing as we are in a dispute of casing being corroded. He didn’t give much attention to my point and started opening the bits of boiler. He opened the pump of the boiler, some water spilled on the bottom of the boiler from pump. He started to stream that spilled water into a bottle saying that it looks like there is sludge in the water. I told him you are dropping this water on the bottom of the boiler where lot of dirt, debry and sludge sitting for long time. Now you are mixing it all with system water and pouring it into bottle. No wonder it will look like dirty and sludged water. He carried on. Once finished, I asked him do you think the casing is corroded ? after couple of left and rights he admitted that casing is not corroded. He left but forgot his sludged water to take with him for lab test. I also told him that I have changed whole of the pipe work in the property recently just to deal with high mains pressure and there should be no sludge in any ways. If you find some dirty water in the pump it could only because of the pump not used for many months. Next day on 17th Jan 2013, DomGen calls me and says that you have sludge in your system and we don’t cover sludge damage so we cannot compensate you any more than our first offer of £341.99. I reminded her you sent someone to find out about if the casing is corroded or not and which is not and now you are taking a U-Turn and playing the sludge card. How about previous writing off due to front control panel damage ? She refused to talk about anything else but the sludge. After all, she ended the conversation saying that she can only offer £341.99 which was offered on the very first day. This is end of Boiler’s story. Now, as I mentioned at one point about my Tenant’s temporary accommodation. On 22nd of October 2012, 5 weeks after the boiler breakdown, the social services of my local council on tenants request served me an enforcement notice on defective boiler and ordered to get it working in 10 days. While all the peoblems were going on with DomGen, I was dealing with my Council’s environmental authorities too regarding the cold and no hot water in the house. I tried to kept them updated and calm for a while but when it started to get out of hands I had to relocate my tenants to a temporary accommodation. If I don’t do it council would have done it. I moved them on 5th of December 2012 after Repairer-2 broke the front panel and dispute started between me and DomGen. Since 5th of December 2012, the tenants are in a temporary accommodation which is costing me £640 per week (£91.42 per day). When I sent letters to DomGen, Repairer-2, FSA and trading Standard, I mentioned about this cost to be paid as I had to relocate my tenants just because of Repairer-2’s negligence and bad workmanship. Quite detailed !!! isn’t it ??? Don’t want to miss anything and really thanks to those who came to this point reading all the way down. What shall I do now ?? Shall I speak to a solicitor ?? this will involve extra costs on board. Or shall I wait for trading Standards and FSA to come back. Shall I file small claim in county court ? At onne point DomGen said that this case doesn’t come under FSA as DomGen is only providing service and passing the job to Repairer-2 so trading standard should look into it for Repairer-2 or small claim on Repairer-2 but not FSA ? Is this correct what DomGen Said ? Thanks again for reading through and any replying with your valuable suggestions. I am taking a stand on truth and will not bow down till the justice is served against these big Sharks.
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