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  1. just a quick update....not heard anything yet! I'm guessing that Excel tried to get our details from DVLA and as the car was newly bought and unregistered it showed up as 'no owner' or they sent their demand to the previous owner??? Will they bother investing more money in trying to get my details again or will they give it up as a lost cause??? Either way I'm moving house soon, so they won't be able to follow me without going to DVLA once again.....no sleep lost over this one!
  2. Coincidentally we are due to move house in September/October!! So I guess we just have to sit it out until then!! As we have only just bought the car and it's not registered to us yet, would it be worthwhile "forgetting" to post the reg doc off just yet in a bid to spoil their attempts a little?
  3. thanks...I'll keep you posted with progress reports.... I'm quite angry about this now and how they extort money out of people by preying on their wish to avoid hassle. Plus I'll be telling everyone I know about where I was parked, what happens and this dodgy company.
  4. thanks again, I'm a bit new to all this as I am normally a law abiding citizen who doesn't overstay in car parks by a few minutes!!! it's quite scarey how close i was to 'just paying it' before i had 'feeling' and googled it....I'm glad I did as it is obviously not legitimate. I wonder how many people just pay up without questioning if they have they right to do this? It is obviously a lucrative business. The ticket looks very convincing if you were a bit naive, as I obviously am!!
  5. thanks guys.....i just wanted a bit of reassurance really. These things are quite intimidating, but I suppose that is the aim!! I've found quite a bit of info now on various sites all saying to ignore..... My wife and I now have to steel ourselves for the deluge 'summons' and threats from debt collectors.....great I take it this will in no way affect my credit rating even if it is in the hands of debt collection agencies? ETA: I also live on a military base within 'the wire' so I doubt a debt collector can take my sofa
  6. Hi guys, I found your site after goggling 'Excel parking fine' as I had a ticket placed onto my wifes car today for being about 10 minutes over the alotted 2 hours free parking offence code 80) I've read loads of your advice about ignoring it, but a lot of the advice is from a couple of years ago and I wanted to get things straight as the law stands now. Long story short, I was slightly late back and got a PCN to pay £40 within 7 days or face increased costs/court action. I could do without the hassle to be honest and would pay the £40 for a quuiet life, but after seeing this website don't really feel like coughing up to a bunch of [problematic]. The ticket says they have photo evidence of the car and have put the tax disc number and expiry date onto the PCN. We've just bought the car and it isn't even registered to my wife yet, however I was driving and my wife can prove she was at work, nowhere near the car. i understand she will recieve the 'summons' or whatever, but can deny all knowledge of the ticket or who was driving. Is this still the route to take or have they closed the loopholes? thanks for any advice in advance.....Nick
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