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Everything posted by pandaspot

  1. I work in hb and Ctb and have to go to a training session in a couple of weeks re ujm, it run by the jcp. From what I know about it from here. What sort of questions shall I ask, and stuff I can ask to report back here? I can't see the point of us having this training anyway, maybe they are teaching us about it in preparation for when we lose our jobs when uc come in??
  2. You can apply as many times as you want, as pp stated. Get an appointment to fill in form and hand in evidence. We do that as standard with all new claimants, but not every council does unfortunately
  3. Yes we do need to know who carries out the overnight care. If its family members then we needs letter from the gp detailing what arrangements are in place. Unfortunately we can't just use the fact that your mother is on dlach. The phone call would just be to check out who the carer is, whether it was from a charity, recognised body or family. Just tell them what you said here, won't be a problem.
  4. If i were you, I would send the info in yourself.
  5. Plus the council tax support changes will mean further job loses as there is less money in the local economy as people who normally would have spent a few quid in their local shop now don't have that money spare. same with 'bedroom tax' etc What a bright future!!
  6. You have one month to appeal an overpayment Do you know how the overpayment happened? Have you contacted the council regarding it?
  7. http://Www.entitledto.co.uk
  8. Hi! Sorry haven't been on for a couple of days. You would not be set to a fixed amount every week. The way we assess it is, we have your annual accounts, deducted all allowable expenses and calculate it then to a weekly figure . This figure won't change and your hb will remain the same until the next time it's reviewed. Normally once a year. However should tax credits change, or any other change in circs then your benefit will change Hope that helps
  9. If you don't know the address then you don't know it. Council tax have various ways of tracing people Try not to worry
  10. God that would be so nice!! They are having a laugh aren't they!! What do they do to deserve that!
  11. I hope it does help people
  12. Yeah I can imagine it is very annoying to reapply and then it takes a period of time to be reassessed. It does need to be looked at, thing is we are bound by what central government says. unfortunately we have to close the claim and then reopen when circs change ie awarded jsa. If op knows when temp job is due to finish , then maybe when change of circs done, to notify of work, put in new claim straight away for when job is expected to finish. You can claim 13 weeks in advance of when your situation will change and you will be entitled again. However we would have to wait for jsa to be awarded before awarding hb.
  13. Just write back saying that you have no idea, and that you don't speak anymore. That is fine, we accept that as proof. (I am a hb assessor)
  14. Would love to have a 1% pay rise anything would be good, not had one for years
  15. What date did your claim for hb stop? And what date was the claim reopened? It's really hard to answer or give help if you don't have this info? End of the day you are arguing about regulations and they need to be addressed by central government/mp not anyone on here or the local authority that assessed your claim.
  16. I found this ref for you relating to the local authority closing the hb/Ctb claim if no longer entitled Hb79(1); hb60+59(1); Ctb 60+50(1); Ctb 67(1); dar 8(2) Taken from guidance books we are given http://www.dwp.gov.uk/publications/specialist-guides/technical-guidance/rr2-a-guide-to-housing-benefit/claiming-housing-benefit-and-council/ relates to closing of claims
  17. Oh I don't know the particulars of the law, I follow the regulations and guidance I am provided with, perhaps write to the housing benefit manager at your local council and ask for the particular law etc. they should have that information for you? The only time we can close a claim and reopen without a form would be after an extended payment. We cannot reopen a claim without a new claim form after it being closed for longer than 4 weeks. I will have a quick look through all my stuff for a particular law ref for you, otherwise I hope someone irrv will come along who is up on the law refs. Surely you won't need to go to mp with that info anyway, can't he/she get access to that, from hb manager etc
  18. Also maybe your claim was never fully closed down cause it was suspended. Maybe just delay providing the info? As the claim can be suspended for 1 month, you then have another month to supply proof for claim to be reopened. If it nil then claim is closed asap
  19. But if we have assessed your claim and it's nil entitled we aren't going to keep it open to see if you then go back on jsa, that would mean way to much work. We would need to diary date your claim to check in 4 weeks to see if your entitled again. Sorry but assessors have so much work at the moment and this would just add additional stress on an already stretched service. This is policy written by central government, maybe it would be best to discuss with your local mp, and see if he can bring it up in parliament? Perhaps when hb goes and uc has been brought into your area then the system will change?
  20. Housing associations are also going to lose money due to the social sector size criteria (bedroom tax) from April as well. They will face huge loses and councils housing as well. Ha and la's will be able to get direct payment under special circumstances the same as private tenants at the moment
  21. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/policy/welfare-reform/universal-credit/
  22. Well generally if there is over a months break in the claim then we will insist on a new claim being done, but really it's down to the individual councils how they deal with this. Where I work, I would personally just do a quick form with you and assess from there. Some assessors may wish to do the longer form with you? Either way (again where I work, it's not nationwide) you would be interviewed all info taken from you, within a fortnight of first contact, and claim paid asap. Which depending on dwp assessing your jsa promptly could be paid, then your claim would be paid that day, or the following. Or the dwp may send in a rapid reclaim form form that you would have completed and we use that. But all that is where I work. Nationally, other la's work differently in the new claim process. But regardless it's a new claim and a form is needed http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/hbgm-a2-claims.pdf page 24
  23. Yeah it's only the following involved in uc: income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance income-related Employment and Support Allowance Income Support Child Tax Credits Working Tax Credits Housing Benefit. Dla or as it will be known in april, pip, is not a uc benefit as nystagmite stated
  24. There will be instances where people can't manage and there will be plans to stop direct payment. I am working on one of the local authorities in the direct payment scheme. we are paying council tenants and ha tenants hb direct every 4 weeks. There are risk groups and there are chances to stop direct payment when arrears build and if its not suitable to pay direct to tenant. The dwp will hopefully realise they will have to take people individual situations into account, but they don't really like to do that do they
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