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  1. I've just been reading the thread, and the talk about the the Advent contract not being signed by the salesman. Well i've looked on my Hitachi Fixed loan agreement form, and right at the bottem below where I have signed it, there is a space for the supplier, on behalf of Hitachi to sign and date the agreement. Mine has not been signed. Has anyone got a Barclay's unsigned agreement form?
  2. I've just been reading the Barclay's thread, and there is some talk about the the Advent contract not being signed by the salesman. Well i've looked ont he Hitachi Fixed loan agreement form, and right at the bottem below where I have signed it, ther is a space for the supplier on behalf of Hitachi to sign and date the agreement. Mine has not been signed. Has anyone else got an unsigned agreement form?
  3. Hi George, I have a copy of the purple programme structure you were looking for. would you like me to e-mail it to you.
  4. No! Nothing in the post still. Perhaps their waiting to see what Barclay's plans are.
  5. I was told that my letter would be going out on the 4th March, I'll let you know when i get home later this evening.
  6. I spoke to them last week to follow up my letter to freeze the account, and a young guy on the phone told me i could cancel my direct debit. I challenged him and said that i would get penalised if i did. Obviously he did not know alot, to actually tell me to cancel the d/d. I asked to be transferred to the accounts department to get more information, and the lady said that I would be penalised if I cancel. All I say is careful who you speak to when your asking for information, because if the youmg guy is advising you to cancel d/d he may not know what the implications are. He is just going through the motions.
  7. I've spoken to someone in the accounts department at Hitachi Capital today, and asked if they had recieved my letters, sent by recorded delivery. She said she had, so i asked her if they were going to freeze my account, as Barclays have started doing this. She replied that they are not, on the grounds that it was Barclays that had pulled the plug on Advent, and not them. I explained to her that I must continue my studies and take exams in the meantime, so I needed the cash. She said that I would be recieving a letter from them on the 4th March, concerning the matter, but please access the PFK website for more details. She stated that it was taking a while because there had been no point of contact with the administators of the collapse. They are also in the process of finding a replacement training provider.
  8. I've sent another couple of letters off to Hitachi, one to request my account to be frozen, and another stating the 30 day default clause, in Advent's consulting contract. I am glad that someone has noticed this clause, because I feel that I am running out of time. My enrolment form states that I have signed up for two years, finishing on the 24 March 2010, yet I have another year to pay. Does anyone know where I stand under thse circumstances, because like alot of students I really have'nt had my money's worth.
  9. When I applied for the free place on the course, I knew before I went there that NITLC were not going to guarantee me a job. It was not part of their offer, and they emphasised this to us and always to their regular students, that they do not guarantee a job. After all, they are not an employment agency. The reason, they said for offering these places was to enable those ex Advent students, to prepare for the A+ exams. Honestly, if I thought that NITLC was below standard, and the course was rubbish, I would say so. I just feel we were very well treated, and given a top class opportunity to up our game. I think if Advent had run these preliminary exam courses, there would have been a lot more students through to the Microsoft curriculum by now. Malchus, you were right to query my statement, because I did not know what to expect when I went to the training establishment. At the end of the course I felt it was well worth it, and i am now in the process of booking both the A+ Essentials and Technician Exams.
  10. I have just been on the free course offered by NITLC, and I thought it was excellent. They made us very welcome, and the training was second to none. There were only five of us (all ex Advent students), and I tell you what, if I had known about this company, I would never had gone to Advent. They were very professional, generous and the equipment we used waws top class. Thank you all at NITLC for giving us 3 productive days. Iwill be taking my A+ Essentials and Technician exams within the month.
  11. I quite agree. I've just got back from Newark, where the guys and girls at NITLC made five of us (ex Advent students) very welcome indeed. The whole set up was very well organised and professional. We had three productive days there, working from 9.15 until 5.30pm, and until 8.00pm on tuesday. The course trainer was second to none, he had the course material well prepared and delivered it clearly and professionally. He covered eveything we needed to know in A+essentials and the PC Technician modules. This was supported by numerous quick tests, and access to trancenders. The staff also listened to our gripes about Advent and the Finance companies, which we may have gone on about too much. As I say NITLC looked after us very well, supplying lunch, tea and coffee at no cost to any of us. Now these guys didn't have to put themselves out for us to do this, and some of yo might be saying 'well there after some business'. But I tell you what, if i had known of NITLC at the time of Advent, and how good they are at IT training, I wouldn't be sitting here now with defecit of £4500. I'd certainly be a lot further on in my training as a MCSE student. I now have now have sound knowledge and confidence to sit the A+ Essentials and PC Technician Exams in a couple of weeks time. Once Again, Thank You all at NITLC
  12. I'd like to claim the amount back i've already paid already. This is about £3000, I'd like to do this because i feel the course was second rate. The first book i recieved seemed to be a carbon copy of wikipedia, and the second was just a copy of Mike Meyers. I could have bought these much cheaper online. The pre-mock tests i took, there were three of them. Some of the questions had no bearing on what i had read and studied, so each time i came up short of the mark, never able to qualify for the "real mock" exam. It may sound a bit cynical, but maybe Advent didn't want us to progress too soon! I have a reasonable education, so I feel I should be futher on than the A+ Essentials by now! In some ways it draws a line under the last 21 months, and I feel now maybe I can forget this episode and acheive what I set out to do when I signed up for Advent. After reading other threads I believe there's alot to be said for self study, and I am seriously considering this. Thanks David for the advice and letter to have accounts frozen. It's certainly the way forward.
  13. Hi, I thought I'd join you guys, being another student funded by Hitachi Capital. I can confirm that I recieved the same letter as you both. I also rang this evening to find out any more details. The guy at the other end, said I should receive a letter in the post this week. There doesn't semm to be alot of us fighting our corner, at the moment does there?
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