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  1. OK holier than thou walkers to school. I'll fight my own battles in future and won't waste my time posting on a site that I thought was set up for helping consumers. How wrong was I.... Seems like nobody can resist piping up with a point of view without actually helping. Thanks to those who refrained from the sarcasm and unhelpful comments.
  2. This was not meant to start a polemic regarding parking near schools or not.I did not give a full account of the situation because it was irrelevant to my request so nobody knows the details.The police did not stop because of where I was parked. They have been told to go there several times a week to police the situation which they believe is unpolicable. I regret mentioning it at all now as this does not help a consumer who believes she has been given an unfair parking ticket. If those of you who have replied lived next to my daughter's school I would happily discuss the matter with you as I believe a solution can be found to keep everyone happy. What I was hoping for was for some help from anyone in the know. As an update, my partner took our daughter to school this morning and saw 4 policemen around the school. When he referred to the police officer parking on a single yellow line the other day this policeman replied that he would have to report it. So clearly it is understood by the police that it is not on. Following his conversation I realise now I need to take it up with the council as the police seem to be helpless but within that are acting unreasonably. What does not seem to be recognised is it has actually become more dangerous since the excessive restrictions have been put in place in spite of the police telling the council that it won't work. But if anyone out there does know of the best route to fight this ticket please let me know.
  3. I wonder if anyone can advise me on this problem. Last week I was given a parking ticket by a policeman who wrote on it ' driving elsewhere other than the road'. Although this may conjure up all sort of images of my driving abilities in actual fact I was parked on a verge where there are no road markings or restrictions at all.( I have photo evidence of this) This situation is due to the fact the local council (Wokingham) have put in extra double yellow lines to restrict parking outside a school. This situation is very emotive and the parents, the residents and the school all have a different perspective on it. Since the excessive restrictions, the only way they are adhered to are when the police arrive which is becoming a very regular thing. Rather than people using common sense and working together it has become quite ridiculous not least because of the money being spent on something that is far more serious. I find this ticket very unfair as I was causing no danger to anyone. The police were apparently hovering around my car for ages and only seemed to put a ticket on it when they saw me coming. If it was an obvious contravention they could have slapped a ticket on it immediately. Do I have any way of refusing to pay this fine of £30? The other fact is that the police themselves were parking on a single yellow line at the time. Are they above the law? The irony is that they only were parking there because of the restrictions placed by the council. It seems to me this is a money making operation and is very antagonistic when parents just want to drop their kids of and collect them from school. If anyone can help with information on this I would be very grateful.
  4. Thanks for the replies. We are going with the 'get the car back at least and fight it in court later scenario' but it turns out this particular company has been on Watchdog and apparently been [causing problems] others too. They have even changed the name of their company- possibly to avoid payment etc. They have also taken engines apart and then left them in the boot of the said car for collection. So it seems they have been playing this game a while and have all the legal loop holes well rehearsed. We will pursue it as the injustice is intolerable but what else can be done to prevent people from using them?
  5. We need some urgent advice. We are disputing the amount a garage is charging for 'looking' at the car and giving us a quote. The quote is double the original ball park figure given. We have offered less but they are not interested and actually said in response to my partner that if he takes them to court they will bankrupt him! Do they have the right to destroy the car which they have threatened us with if we do not pay them by a certain date (tomorrow)? And is it legal for a garage to charge anything at all for an 'exploratory' look at the car? Thanks to anyone who can help with some advice asap.
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