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Everything posted by weather-cold

  1. Hi, I have a car trader policy which i paid for up front, and now my circumstances have changed and i dont need this anymore, i rang my broker to cancel, and they said No! so basically i have 5 months remaining and my policy was roughly £2000, so i believe i should be repaid roughly half the amount minus any admin fees. But they refused to co-operate any advice will be appreciated, thanks in advance.
  2. your looking at £250 + a criminal record, money wasted which you could of used for spelling and grammar lessons.
  3. you were trying to avoid a fare for a long journey it seems...you best pay the fine or they will write a letter to your parents/guardian saying we caught 'billy nomate' on his own on the trains far away from home please tell him to straighten up.
  4. but i know in fcc area in kings cross has barriers, so how did you get pass?
  5. on the fine ...tell them you Dont have any money currently due to your circumstances and they should let you pay it off in small instalments per week/month.
  6. they lawfully mugged you. You should of argued your circumstances such as the machine not accepting cash payments and you had no debit/credit at that time., im sure you could of banged on about that, or is there some other twist which you haven't disclosed here yet? like you jumping over the barrier as im sure all of Kings Cross has barriers to get to the trains?
  7. You need to fight your corner, once you recieve a letter, reply back defending yourself and apologising and offer to settle out of court, as i take it you dont want to find yourself being summoned etc, you may get away with a fine of £50 but in my scenario i had to pay 5x times as much, and i didnt mind as i didnt want to be labelled a criminal, especially as im a trainee lawyer.
  8. PACE powers and cheap bye laws, statutory instruments etc ...you need to know the basics of law before you send this letter to prosectutors who are going to have a good old laugh reading your errors, like i have just had
  9. trial by jury...im sorry but you will get a bunch of volunteers who sit on a bench of 3, who will almost certainly be grumpy as conservatives/labour have announced plans to cut there dinner expenses which is one of there very few perks they have anyway you can kiss goodbye to trial by jury and say hello to trial by 3 volunteers who will be judge and jury
  10. only question i have is why did u leave it so late to get the matter settled as the offence took place in january when the weather was cold...and now its mild its been months.. please dont argue that you paid, as you could get done with id fraud aswell
  11. moderation....some is flexing their limited power!...anyway i will let these men get on with handing people somewhat useful advice. i will be back when there are any developments in my case.
  12. it is clear that SRPO started it!! i like the way which his post was able to stay til yesterday...but within minutes of my reply they both got taken off p.s if any one wants to know what 'SRPO' stands for pm me
  13. Interpol will be alerted and a warrant will be issued you will be extradited back
  14. are you trying to suggest that dublin is a lawless tribal area who dont follow up fare penalties.
  15. im surprised they haven't decided to prosecute you aswell! it is clear case of fare evasion, which was made even worse after your oyster card was presented. your gf should apologise and ask for the matter to be dealt with outside of court. you might think this was not serious, you may of thought that you were being clever by pulling some poxy little [problem]..but rail fraud costs the train franchises 400 million a year...could lead to a criminal conviction...so next time use common sense which even a PHD cannot guarantee as is obvious in this case. (does this info count as community service)
  16. serves you right for trying to put me down...nothing gives you that right... now learn from your mistake...
  17. well its pretty obvious your following the Shepard in the night sky (me)...maybe its because your star struck?
  18. for you information.... i have ALWAYS paid for my train tickets (Almighty God is my Witness) you may remember that i was 'alleged' to have transferred a ticket... an OLD , USED ticket, where the obtainee tried to use a OLD, OUT ticket on a RTN journey...the staff let him through the barriers. and for the above i can potentially get a criminal record.... 1+1 does not equal 3 as is in this case, thats why i am angry and having my rants. you seem to only value your own 'selfish' opinion and are not willing to even consider my arguement...which i find disturbing, i am prepared to have a lengthy debate with you, but you and your sidekicks try put me down, by suggesting that i am a thieve, so i keep going round in all these circles to keep coming back to your allegations, instead of focusing on what happened etc
  19. hindsight its a pretty useless thing imo, you must look at the level of offence before you grab the rope and chair, you never got found with drugs, weapon, you never caused abh, gbh etc, all you down was a silly little train [problem] get over it! as long as you got a clean slate previously there shouldnt be a problem
  20. seriously dont keep kicking yourself...end of the day it was a poxy little train [problem] of course its embarassing to tell anyone you were convicted of this, if your CRB check shows the conviction you can obviously explain yourself and they cant kick you out of the accountant society for a little train [problem], they might put you on some sort of watch list, i personally think that train companies have way to much power because they could end up giving 'chancers' a criminal record for a little [problem]
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