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Everything posted by paulito

  1. Hi I entered into an IVA agreement in 2002. I have never paid any amount towards it as genuinely didnt think I had actually entered into the IVA In 2003 I moved to Spain where I lived until 2010 Since returning to the UK I have opened bank accounts, have credit card and my credit file is clean. Or was, until I tried to open a second bank account at my bank. They declined saying there was something on my file. I have gone through my credit file with the 3 agencies. On callcredit file there is an entry at a linked address relating to this active IVA. I have looked on the IVA register and there is no listing for me. Can I get this entry removed from my file? is the IVA still valid? What do I do? Can anyone help please
  2. I have my credit files from Experian (full report), Equifax and Call Credit (both online statutory credit reports). none show anything adverse etc. I tried to open a second bank account today with my existing bank and was told that due to something on my credit report and although they couldnt be precise, indicated that I should look at "previous address and links" My question relates to i) linked addresses. There are 2 entrys to addresses I have lived at but dated 2002 and 2003. Nothing adverse noted. Question - is there a limit as to how long these can stay on my file eg 6 years like most others things. ii) There is an ´Undeclared Address Associate´. There is then the name of my ex wife, again dated 2002 (the year we divorced) and referring to what I think is a loan company. Could this loan/finance - which I know she has defaulted on - be the reason why the bank declined my application. If any one thinks it could be how do I get it off my report This entry is only on the Callcredit file not the other 2 Thank you in advance of any advice
  3. Hi, Does anyone know of any finance company etc that would consider a personal loan without having to give 3 years UK addresses. I moved back to UK last October, after 8 years in Spain. I am working and have clean credit report. I have spoken to 2 now and both insist on 3 years continuous UK addresses Thanks
  4. Thanks Silverfox, great help and reassurance
  5. There were defaults attached to the previous address (ie one of the linked addresses) but nothing else detrimental is showing on my credit file today. All previous defaults were from before 2003 so over 6 years old, so presumably statue barred. So I guess while this is listed as a linked address anybody doing credit search could look at history on this old address?? can it be taken off my credit file or there indefinitely? Thanks again
  6. Hi, Have asked for advice here a few weeks ago and arranged to go on electoral role, get credit references etc. Having now received my credit report there is one entry i would like clarification on please. Under the heading ´linked addresses´ there is an entry from Capital One (whom I had a credit card with) dated 06/04/2003 - I do not have any accounts with Captial One anymore and honestly cant remember if I left an outstanding amount with them when I moved to Spain in 2003. Question - does this linked address have any adverse affect on my credit and secondly, I did have defaults at this address back in 2002-03 therefore can any other company use this against me Thanks for help again - great website
  7. I have recently returned to the UK. Since 2003 I have been living in Spain. I knew I had debt when I left UK and had spoken to a company regarding an IVA, although I left before taking this option. I have 2 questions, Firstly, what is the likeihood of being chased for any debt from 2003 or before and secondly, should I get a credit report or will this just alert anybody who may want to chase me to the fact that I am back in the UK. I am living with my parents. I have changed my driving licence to UK at this address and also opened a savings account at Halifax - on the basis that no one would open a bank account for me without proof of address
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