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  1. i recieved a bank arrestment notice a few weeks ago, after seeking advice onthis forum i applied to my local court for a time to pay order regarding council tax arrears, i got a letter today stating that it had been rejectet. looking for some advice as to where i go from here im considering bankruptcy as i have a lot of debts but there is a £100 fee involved and giving the fact iam on benefit i cant afford this, what are my options? any help would be appreciated
  2. looking for some advice, my partner recieved a letter from the csa, he has to pay £5 per week at the moment due to him being on benefit which is fine. They are also telling him he has arrears. He has not been working for the past 9 weks but csa are saying that as he didnt tell them he wasnt working there assesment stands and he still owes this money. I find it crazy that he has been recieving £64.30 a week sick pay but csa are saying he owes arrears of £134 a week for the past 9 weks as this is how much he was paying before going off sick. They have even checked there systems and say that they can see he hasnt been working due to him not paying tax or making any national insurance contributions.
  3. sorry for all the qustions, having just looked at the letter its in my partners name but has me down as jointly and severally liable, do i put both our details on the form or just his
  4. no probs, as the letter states ive got 3 days will they most likely have already began proceedings.
  5. just been and printed out the form, cab got back to me earlier, the sherriffs officers got in touch to say they will not accept my offer of payment and they are not willing to negociate. should i send a letter with the form to, is there any other information which may help thanks again
  6. thanks alot for your help, one last question, my local court is a bit away from me (2 bus journeys) and im heavily pregnant, would i be able to post it to my local court and who would i adress it to.
  7. they faxed it to them on friday, went straight to cab as soon as i got it through the post.Im quite surprised the cab didnt know about that form you have advised me to send to the court. Was going to go to my local money advice centre on monday and see if they could even help me fill out the form for the court as i had a look and wouldnt know where to start
  8. the accounts empty, the only time theres money is when my benefit gets paid in. Will the fact that the citizens advice have contacted them and made an offer of payment not make any diffrence, the citizens advice even sent my benefit letter to.
  9. yeah its headed arrestment notice, says i have 3 days to contact them. yes i think i got a charge for payment a while ago, i went to my local citizens advice and they copied my benefit award and offered them £3 a week so im waititng to c if they reply. if they attempt to arrest my account do they just keep going into the account till theres more than £370 in it
  10. im looking for some advice, i recieved a letter today from charles anderson(sheriff officer) on behalf of north lanarkshire council. I owe £380.67 for council tax arrears. the letter is an arrestment notice. it states that they will arrset my wages/bank account. iam not working at the moment and am only recieving maternity allowance, that amount of money never gets paid into my bank account at any one time. also i have read some posts which state that they cannot by law arrset benefits/tax credits.was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the powers. Also phoned and tried to agree a repayment plan but they want £123 a month which i cannot afford
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