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Everything posted by KBSAD

  1. Hi Desperate Daniella, Thank you for the advise...I will send a check to RBS as u suggested and ask for a new agreement... they have cancelled my card though,I guess I could now ask for a copy of the agreement. Cannot remember of any Default notice sent by them...I will have to check their letters again.. Can u advise what stands for NDS and CCCS??? Many Thanks in advance for all your help!!
  2. Desperate Daniella, The card was issued sometime in 2005-2007...cannot remember exactly now!! The outstanding installments were 260 pounds plus 130 which I could afford to pay and that's why I called them!!!
  3. Hi Desperate Daniella, Thank you for your responce. Sorry it was mistyping the 199...the debt with RBS is 2500 and we had agreed monthly installements, which I failed to pay for two months. I called them to pay the outstanding plus the current months installement and they refused saying they cannot do anything about it now. They passed me to AIC and they offered me the two options mentioned...when they asked me the questions whether Im a property or car owner I said no and that I was renting...they are waiting for my call today to say what I have decided of the two options they gave me!!...Im calling now the National dedt line for advise as well...I really don't know know what shall I do!! I will definately ask for the options they gave me and all correspodence in writting going forward!, but I don't really want to have further trouble with them!! Any other advise????
  4. Hi, Im in a desparate situatuin at the moment. I had a cc with RBS and failed to pay two monyhly installments. They didn't notify me of their intention to pass my dedt to AIC and last week when I called to pay them they told what they did!!...I called AIC and they said couldn't agree to pay by installements when I explained my situation, they just gave me two options: either to pay the full amount in 48hrs or the dedt will be passed to the letigate team to take further action or they could give me until the 10th of the month to pay the the 1900 pounds out of the 2500 pound saying the rest will be written off. At the moment Im unable to obtain the 1900 pounds and Im so scared of them taking court action as I have a mortgaged property and Im afraid of claiming to take this...anyone who could advise me what I can do!!! IT IS URGENT!!
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