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  1. Hi Brigadier....I'm not really 'deceiving' anyone as I'm replying/sorting out arrangements with my creditors & just want to keep it on my old address. I have online full access at any time to all 3 CRA'S & there are no searches (table 1 searches that creditors can see) at any time for car insurance-they are there as table 2 searches but these are not visible to creditors. With insurances the only time it would be shown as 'live' info for creditors to see is if I defaulted-which I never have-& this years car insurance is paid in full.
  2. Thanks guys! Broken-I was stopped by the police 3 yrs back-licence still tied in to a previous address (the one before the 'credit agreement' address)-they weren't bothered at all as I told them this address at the time & said I'd get round to changing it. Brigadier-my insurance is at the correct (present ) adress. The searches for comparison sites are 'table 2' & can't be viewed by creditors. Nor can creditors see my current or past lenders names. Interesting link below-if you read the main comparison sites they don't sell/share data with 3rd parties. I certainly was not aware the council put your name on the electoral roll-it was just a letter we had to fill in (or not!) that arrives September time usually? I'll check it but given that I have to make the decision if I'm on the edited/non-edited (the edited roll is available to all & people can buy your details-the full register is locked & only used by people with the authority to use them-ie new credit applications, etc) roll-can't imagine a council making that choice for me? Also-the Electoral Office needs a signiture from you for their files-can't imagine them making an exceeption to that? http://www.fidgetwith.com/2010/05/04/price-comparison-sites-respond-to-leadx-cold-calling-issue/
  3. Thanks for merging! Scott-hi thanks for that. DVLA for my licence is still on a very old address (!)-still a paper licence-due to expire in 2025! I know technically its an offence not to inform them but a friend is in the police & has said that if all other stuff like insurance, tax etc is in order then they're not too interested. I would have though that under data protection DVLA info, passport & council tax could NOT be accessed by DCA'S?
  4. Yes-realise there is a 2 year limit on post. At the moment, any statements are 'e-statements' online. As i said-certainly not trying to avoide paying/pull a fast one as the token payment thing shouldn't be forever, just want to keep new address 'clean'.
  5. Hi BRIGADIER2JCS , thanks for taking the time to reply! Just to say-ALL credit a/c's, loans, mobile phone, etc are on PREVIOUS address & are forewarded by royal mail (opted out of them 'using my details for marketing purposes lol !). The I & E all have my OLD adress on them too. The only direct debits in the new address in my name are Scottish Power (I've phoned them & they 'said' no data sharing) & contents insurance (again insurance company says it doesn't share info). No linked addresses shown on any of the 3 CRA'S. Bank a/c tied into old address. The token payment will not be long term (subject to my income rising & g/f staying well), just wante to keep it all at old address. In the very unlikely instance of collectors calling my landlord lives next door-so obviously keen to keep things 'clean' if that makes sense-whilst keeping my creditors 'in the loop' at all times.
  6. Hi all, Posting this here & in Debt Collection Section-not sure which one is best? Ok...all my credit is tied into my OLD address. Without boring you I've had to take some time off work unpaid as my other 1/2 was very ill. Perfect credit rating/no missed payments until then. She is now getting better & I am back at work on reduced hours. So far-no missed payments. On the advice of Step Change they've recommended a token payment of £1 to each creditor for the forseeable-with a view to going back to full payments if/when my income increases back to normal. Quite simply-my outgoings vastly exceed my income so obviously its priority debts that get paid 1st (rent etc). So...sent the template & income expenditure letters to all creditors a couple of days ago-signed for by Royal Mail. At my present (new address) I've NO credit agreements-all tied into old address (mail being re-directed here). Not on electoral roll here-only shown on Council Tax Register (DVLA records & Inland Revenue all on old adress)-no phones (mobile on old address), nothing at new address apart from a Utility provider, Scottish Power, (they WERE aware of previous address i think-no link shown on any credit file), who on enquiring said they DO NOT report to credit files or give out info to DCA'S. I'm in different employment to what was shown on my credit applications. I also have a new, x-directory mobile & land-line-again all tied in to old address. New landline is x-directory-& on checking all my credit fiLes (I'm signed up to all 3 online-again all show old address)-NO linked adresses showing. My question is- 1)-can any DCA locate me at current address? I'd like to keep this address 'clean' if you like. In fact if arrangements stuck to-why would they need to look for me? 2)-Which companies share info with the DCA'S? Royal mail re-direction (ticked to opt out of providing info to other companies & utility company says they DON'T give info out) ?. 3)-Can DCA'S search DVLA (if I needed to change) or Inland revenue or Council Tax register? 4)-Passport expiring soon-can this be checked & linked to my new address-under Data Protection can DCA'S look at passport info? Any info would be great. My landlord lives next door & would hate for any collecter etc to come here (!) P.S. Not on any phone list-x-directory-no facebook/twitter etc-scanned the web with my details & I'm not on there. Any thoughts anyone?
  7. Hi. Applied for a mobile phone via tesco Mobile Pohne Shop web-site. Hit the 'apply' button-NOTHING. No e-mail saying/accepted/declined. Tried 4 more times (once the followinng day)-NOTHING. Page just 'stuck' or 'internet explorer error'. I did not click on the 'apply' button multiple times-I just left it. On calling Tesco i was DECLINED. I have a perfect credit file-no late payments-defaults, hardly any of my available credit from cards used. No overdraft etc. Tesco could 'see' the applications though (5 in all) & whilst they couldn't see the results the sales agent said it 'looked' like the 1st one was 'approved' but the others were not. So...looked at both credit files. No searches on Experian .TWENTY on Equifax! On calling T MOBILE they said this was an ongoing issue with Tesco & 1 guy had 120 searches in a day! Apparently due to a system error the Tesco site 'repeats' the application...so on average FOUR searches per application! So...obviously my decline was due to multiple searches. I was advised to write in to the credit application team at T MOBILE which I did (recorded delivery)...they said 'we searched & applied the search within our terms & conditions & applied the searches correctly' (or words to that effect). Tesco can't take searches off as they said it is the phone provider that can take them off only. On calling them I was told that 'the credit team have done some work' & the 'searches would come off in the monthly update in February'. I raised a dispute with Equifax (they are really crap in my opinion) & the result was the same 'searches applied correctly within T Mobiles Terms & conditions'. This has greatly reduced my credit score on equifax to avarage/poor-it was excellent prior to this. I can't reach the exact team at T MOBILE by phone either. Has anyone any idea how to get this fixed straight away? DOn't know what to do & it's really annoying. To add insult to injury t mobile overturned application & approved me...as did Tesco???! needless to say I declined this...(!!!).
  8. Hi....moving the car a few streets away won't make a lot of difference. A lot of bailiffs have those number plate recognition thingys....best in a locked garage/driveway if you can.
  9. Thanks all! HB-yes they're e-mailing me the report BEFORE it is sent. I suppose as I'm in probabtion they can still sack me if they don't like the plan offered (which I don't want to go into on a public forum but it is all really positive)....but then again I've got in writing that a 'concern' was raised about me caring for GF, SO if this DID happen I'd certainly take some action regarding the equalities act..etc...how far I'd get I don't know! Whitecraig-what is NHS spine?
  10. Hello, Well OH called last night. My mobile won't record over 4 minutes (!) & they did not ask me if they could record call (which I assume they have to). The call was very good with a definate 'plan of action'. As I've only talked by phone to OH they can't at this stage access my G.P'S medical records can they? I've nothing to hide but...ahem..I have had a touch of something due to 'friendly' behaviour shall we say (!). I'm also re-contacting my G.P. this week .Thanks all for your help. OH will e-mail me their report before it goes to my employer.
  11. Thanks guys! Alan....unfortunately the 2 times I've been off ill DO go over the companys 'trigger' point. However....as mentioned earlier the 2 times off to care for G/F were mentioned as a 'cause for concern' so the obviously got that wrong. I must say my G.P. has been great about this-very supportive. I still feel they're being a bit 'quick off the mark' calling in OH-after all the G.P had signed me off. Oh well...will keep you all posted. Thanks again! Whitecraig.....I suppose the 'BUT FOR' could be applied to why I'm off ill now. If it wasn't for the extreme stress/pressure of looking after my partner maybe I wouldn't have been off ill now?? Who knows....but if I wasn't off ill now then I wouldn't have been over the 'trigger figure' for absence. We'll see what happens...
  12. Thanks both! Whitecraig....the 'concerns' about my absence included one x 1 day off for sickness, my present 14 day signed off perion AND the 2 periods off looking after my GF.....so they are looking at all the absences. I think the fact that I went straight off ill after a 5 day period looking after my G/F is what they may be concerned about...but i did mention to them before I was signed off that looking after my G/F was making me anxious, not able to sleep & stressed. Sorry...can someone explain what DDA is? Also....I've agreed by e-mail (& on a phone call to manager) that i'll speak to OH. Would I not appear to be 'uncooperative' if I changed this stance? Remember I'm still in probation.
  13. Ok....G.P'S letter stating I'm not fit to attend the meeting faxed through day before meeting. As far as I'm aware the meeting has been put on hold but they have asked if it's OK for a member of their Occupational Health department to call me 'to understand more about what is going on'. I also mentioned briefly in the letter that I did feel a little discriminated against as the time I had to take off work to look after my GF was 'a cause for concern'. I mentioned that I felt discriminated against in my role as a carer. I have agreed to the Occupational Health team calling me. So....looks like the probationary meeting is I hope on hold until I'm back at work! Anyone any idea how to deal with the occ. health people? A bit concerned as they're obviously paid by my employer.
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