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Everything posted by fattongue

  1. Hi, I've been browsing and I wouldn't mind a little help just finding the bits of this thread that will help me but first I'd like to say it warms my heart to know so many people have cost MBNA in time and money dealing with all of the complaints and requests for information etc. I would love to know what they've spent on their complaints budget! Anyway, I've received copies of my CCA for 2 MBNA cards I hold. Both of which are currently at rates above 25% I believe there's been some discussion on here about CCA's being dodgy? Where can I find more about that and any outcomes? I also read a bit somewhere about excessive interest being refunded? I've sent in a complaint about the high rates and asking them to provide a detailed explanation of why the rates are so high and I'm waiting for a reply. I phoned them in the past when the rates were even higher and the phone operator was able to take a few %age points off over the phone there and then. It was at that point I realised MBNA must be simply making up the numbers with absolutely no justification. Do card companies have to justify their rates? I've also got an EGG card at 29.9% and they've told me the rates are based on: 1/ Economic conditions - regardless of the low BBR they can offer new customers a lower rate so clearly the economic conditions are not a factor. 2/ Credit profile - on my credit report all my accounts are 'satisfactory' so that's not it.... 3/ Account management - I've never breached the T's & C's so that's not it either.... So I've asked them for a detailed justification. Has anyone done this? If they can't justify the rise will I be able to claim back excess interest since the rise? Although getting that out of them could be like swimming in treacle....
  2. This is where it could get complicated. The agreement was dated june 04 and it states a fixed sum will be returned in 12 months or the person making the loan could take a charge on a property for that amount. This suggests it was/is in default. There was regular communication between my father since june 04 but no legal proceedings have ever been started to recover the debt and strangley they still haven't yet.
  3. My brother and I are administering the estate of my intestate father. We have copies of a signed and witnessed basic guarantor agreement for which my father is noted as acting as guarantor for one of his colleagues. My query is whether or not the responsibilites of a guarantor pass to the esate on death? My investigations so far lead me to believe it is down to the legality of the actual agreement itself and I would therefore be interested to know if 'consideration' is required on a guarantor agreement for it to be legal? Also, any other information relating to what constitutes a binding guarantor agreement. All assistance appreciated. Thank you.
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