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  1. Hi, Thanks for the reply, have checked my experian file and they have certainly checked me three times on three different dates all marked as 'first mortgage' on my file. Do you think this is enough to get me rejected? What's the best way to get them to look at this, the advisor doesn't want to know and the rest tell me to put in a complaint that may take upto eight weeks to get a reply! I don't think the vendor will be happy to wait that long...
  2. All, Lookin for some advice. Got a mortgage in principle from the Woolwich, and then applied in full for a mortgage (they credit checked my application at this stage). Everything went through ok After returning the application with the supporting documents I required they rejected my application after a week citing the credit score as the reason. After checking my experian credit file it seems like they checked my file a further two times (three times in the space of a month, there are no other changes on the file over that period of time). I have three questions 1) Is it normal to credit check three times 2) Is this what is likely to have got me rejected 3) What can I do about this, I really like the woolwich mortgage (but the advisor I had was absolutltely useless throughout the application, and sounded like she couldn't be bothered) Any advice would be wonderful. Regards Doink
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